we went down this path before and i proved you wrong
why push the lie again?
Come again? How did you prove that nonviolent protest in Europe during the Second World War did not work?
Take the path of nonviolence and you won't get diverted going down rabbit trails.
Again, how is it that it is false that in 1989, there were thirteen nations that underwent nonviolent revolutions. All of them successful except one, China.
That year, 1.7 billion people were engaged in national nonviolent revolutions. That is a third of humanity.
If you throw in all of the other nonviolent revolutions in all the other nations in the twentieth century, you get the astonishing figure of 3.34 billion people involved in nonviolent revolutions.
That is two thirds of the human race. No one can ever again say that nonviolence doesn't work. It has been working like crazy.
But I cannot blame you or anyone else for believing nonviolence does not work. The history of nonviolence (except for the civil rights movement) is virtually ignored these days.
As the world gets more and more networks of nonviolence and as more and more children learn negotiation and nonviolent communication skills, the world will keep changing.