Millions of Muslims fleeing to Christians nations


Well-known member
As I said earlier, we Brits have absorbed them all in our tiny Island, but Arabs are different....dammit they very nearly got sharia law on the legislature....until it was pointed out that it meant female genital mutilation, hands being cut off and floggings in the street.

They demand the council build mosques for them....and that's where all the radicalisation takes place.

They flee these things in their own country but want to establish it all here.

We're leaning that way, but I think when all these women's libbers realize what sharia law means they'll pitch a bigger fit than anyone has seen yet.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Why was Hungary refusing to let the refugees board trains out of their country? Lack of documentation for immigration to the EU seemed to be the public position of Hungary. But then why let these people languish in squalor?


But after this wave will be another and another

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
When the BBC covered a "sample" story, they got an attractive young Syrian woman who did not dress in sharia-approved clothes. You thought, well, of course, as long as there is room in the host country's quotas. The idea of the segment was that this what they are like. Really? Yet in the background were more of the real situation. The multiple wives with their children; the angry younger men.

All those European countries need to demand training in pluralism, and I don't know how they would do it or if they know enough about it to matter. They are hardly Christian countries, but if they don't enforce pluralism right from the start, they will disintegrate into unmanageable trouble. They need to tell Muslims that they are coming from a religion that does not know or honor pluralism, and that they will have to change. If they do that, there's a chance.

Islam is not a "religion" as we know it to them; it is the only view of life.

I see nothing but heartache


New member
You mean like I said earlier in the thread to someone else?

I'd say it to him again. If you agreed with what he said, I'd say it to you. Here's your chance to distance yourself from him.

White lives also matter. I also care about my Christian black brothers. I also said "there is truly only one race, the human race." If anyone wants to distance themselves for what I said, then have a good trip.
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New member
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Whoops... wrong country. :eek: :chuckle:

Things have changed in the past two hundred years.


New member
Interesting. According to the table, there were 7 Americans killed in 2014 by Islamic fanatics. 8 in 2013.

How many Muslims did you say were in the US?

Do you have parallel statistics for crimes by white supremacists?

Hate crimes are on the rise in America. The birth rate is down for white people, and the birth rate is up for non-whites. Education scores have dropped.

Many white supremacists hate Jews and Catholics as much as they hate people of color.

Brockton, Massachusetts, January 21, 2009: Keith Luke, an unaffiliated white supremacist, kills two Cape Verdean immigrants.

Two members of the Aryan Terror Brigade white supremacist group were sentenced to prison today for their roles in the New Year’s Eve 2011 assault hate crime.

Oak Creek, Wisconsin, August 5, 2012: White supremacist Wade Michael Page allegedly opens fire in a Sikh temple, killing six and wounding four.

Gilbert, Arizona, May 3, 2012: White supremacist and anti-immigration extremist J.T. Ready shoots and kills four people.

Aug 07, 2013. Two White supremacists sentenced for hate crime. Crime not stated.


Well-known member
A group of 'persecuted' and 'suffering refugees' arrive on the Greek Island of Lesbos. This picture just about sums it up for me. Do they really look like refugees to anyone else?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
11 guys

no girls

island of lesbos


there's gotta be a joke in there that won't get me banned


New member
Many believed that we did. And it is rather odd to accuse those fleeing from ISIS of being ISIS-types themselves.

You don't think that Isis will miss the opportunity to infiltrate other country's through this refugee crisis?


Well-known member
You don't think that Isis will miss the opportunity to infiltrate other country's through this refugee crisis?

They might. On the other hand, they don't need to.

I understand the reluctance to accept refugees, especially ones from a different culture, and a culture that has generated huge amounts of violence in recent years. One can be reluctant without labeling millions of people as terrorists.


New member
That they will, with my country being right at the top of their European hit list.

Islam is a religion of conquest, convert or die. That is their history and it has not changed.
The will infiltrate through economic means as well as military means. They take advantage of the West's asinine "Let's all be nice shall we?" stance until it is too late and we shall no longer exist.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They might. On the other hand, they don't need to.

I understand the reluctance to accept refugees, especially ones from a different culture, and a culture that has generated huge amounts of violence in recent years. One can be reluctant without labeling millions of people as terrorists.

the question is, will they assimilate, or will they seek to remain separate and promote their mooslim "values"?


New member
They might. On the other hand, they don't need to.

I understand the reluctance to accept refugees, especially ones from a different culture, and a culture that has generated huge amounts of violence in recent years. One can be reluctant without labeling millions of people as terrorists.

I label them as potential terrorists. We never know who will turn against us and slaughter us in our streets, homes, schools, marketplaces and hospitals.
America has not been reluctant to accept refugees. We are a nation of refugees.
But, Chair, resources are finite. The ability to assimilate large masses of people is finite. We may very well destroy ourselves in the process.