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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
If Hillary would have won (Thank God that didn't happen) I guarantee we wouldn't have had rioting and madness in our streets and Freeways. Conservatives don't act that way. Only "Left-Wing Liberal Democrats" react in this manner. They've proved themselves to be like petulant children, and extremely poor sports when they lose. How anybody in their right mind could possibly vote for them in 2020 is unfathomable. They'll only get the "Usual Suspects" to vote for them in the next election.


Hall of Fame
If Hillary would have won (Thank God that didn't happen) I guarantee we wouldn't have had rioting and madness in our streets and Freeways. Conservatives don't act that way.

Uh huh ... that would explain all of the violence at his rallies ... as well as Greg Gianforte.


New member
Trump went off on that deranged rant because he got called out for putting faked TIME covers showing his face on the walls of his golf clubs.

You can't get more fake than that.
Faked magazine covers on your personal property is harmless. Faked news stories are extensively damaging.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Antifa is to blame for the majority of disgraceful behavior we see in our streets today. They're, for all intent and purpose a horde of Thugs and degenerates. They desire to not only bring down Trump but, the whole Country along with him. They desire a "Communist/Socialist" state instead of what we've had for the last 240 years.


Hall of Fame
Are you referring to all of the "Antifa" violence, foul language and vitriol?

I am referring to ALL the violence, including the suggestions of violence as well as advocating the criminal activity of hacking his opponents emails. There is reason why David Duke and the likes so vehemently support Putin's chosen president.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really don't have a great desire to debate "Leftists," mainly because, they don't fight fair. They're repetitious, brainwashed, cannot learn or appreciate others opinions, and are perpetually angry. They're also unwilling to take responsibility for the damage their Party is causing after Hillary's loss. Not one single Democrat leader has tried to speak out against the Antifa Thugs on the streets of our Cities.


Here's how it stands: The Antifa Warriors, the Media, Hollywood, and the Democratic Leadership versus, America as it ought to be and can be.


Don't flatter yourself - Trump's public approval polls are at record lows and not even Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to support him over these tweets!

These tweets reflect another effort to divert attention away from the fact that this President has not been able to enact one piece of major legislation in his first 160 days - despite all his campaign promises to the contrary!

Just be thankful that Barrack Obama isn't conducting a campaign to question Trump's birth certificate!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The DEMS exaggerate everything and anything Trump says and does because they want him out of office. DEMS have no Sense of Humor so they chop the " Magazine covers" that the Trump people put up around Trumps own property.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Don't be surprised if I don't interact with the DEMS. It's just that I've got my fill of their "Pablum." Everything with them is, negative towards Trump. If Trump sneezes, they accuse him of "Sneezing for the Kremlin." Get what I'm saying? Hollywood, the Media, Democrats in general, DEM leadership, and Antifa all say the same things about Trump. I haven't heard anything new for many months.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I would prefer to ONLY here from Trump supporters and fellow Christians at this point. So, if you're a "Left-Wing" zealot or an Athiest/Agnostic, just pretend this thread doesn't exist and move along. Even if you post something, I may ignore it anyway.


I would prefer to ONLY here from Trump supporters and fellow Christians at this point. So, if you're a "Left-Wing" zealot or an Athiest/Agnostic, just pretend this thread doesn't exist and move along. Even if you post something, I may ignore it anyway.
Why doesn't "Grosnick Marowbe" just set up his own website if he can't tolerate any opposition?

patrick jane

I really don't have a great desire to debate "Leftists," mainly because, they don't fight fair. They're repetitious, brainwashed, cannot learn or appreciate others opinions, and are perpetually angry. They're also unwilling to take responsibility for the damage their Party is causing after Hillary's loss. Not one single Democrat leader has tried to speak out against the Antifa Thugs on the streets of our Cities.
So true, I have been battling leftists here for months and they can't be reasoned with. Their hatred of Trump oozes from their pores and the ARE brainwashed. I'm glad this is a thread for Trump supporters.
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