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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
The Democratic Party and the Media have been hijacked (a few years back) by Left-Wing Liberal, socialists. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the working class. When I was growing up my family were Democrats. The Democratic Party was known as the party of the working class and the poor. The Republican Party was the party of the rich or so we were told. I was a "late bloomer" when it came to Politics. The first time I ever voted was in 1980 for Ronald Reagan. I've voted Republican ever since. I would never vote for a Democrat Candidate, they don't/can't represent my ideals, morals, and Spiritual beliefs. The Democratic Party is now under the control of Left-Wing Liberal Socialists. The Democratic Party is no longer the Party it was during the "Great Generation." It has morphed into something sinister, and repugnant.


Hall of Fame
The Democratic Party thus far has only acted as "Obstructionists." We must have our entire Government, both Democrats and Republicans working for the betterment of our country. The DEMS are so irate over their loss that they're acting like petulant children. This is outrageous and unacceptable.

Oddly enough, I never supported either party UNTIL the Dems finally began to obstruct this wretched man. When they are trying to protect America by obstructing this evil clown, I will always support them. Insofar as being unacceptable, Thus far, Trump hasn't done anything outside of tearing the country down.


Well-known member
I expect that ... and am fine with it. BTW, I always tape "Morning Joe" ... and in reference to the title of the OP ... Mika is fine. She brushed his childish, personal ego stroking comments off. What she *is* worried about is the safety and welfare of the country under such an unstable, inept "leader".

Rusha brushes off the filth, vitriol, and personal "sexual" insults" Mika has levelled against the president of the United States. Speaking of his "small hands" and his being like a pile of "poop" isn't being "childish"? :rotfl:


Well-known member
Really, what was his reason or Hitler, for Stalin. Please let us know.

On a more somber tone - and I say this as a Christian - we really need to encourage more rational and careful thinking in the church. I fully understand why critics of "religious thinking" (e.g. Sam Harris) have a field day with the modern Western church - much shoddy thinking.


Well-known member
Rusha brushes off the filth, vitriol, and personal "sexual" insults" Mika has levelled against the president of the United States. Speaking of his "small hands" and his being like a pile of "poop" isn't being "childish"? :rotfl:
Again, this is simply not the point! Defenders of Mr. Trump repeatedly evade the key issue here. No one - as far as I can tell - is denying that Mika et al have engaged in low-brow rhetoric.

But we are not talking about them, we are talking about the reaction of the President of the USA and whether it is befitting of the office. That people are going to malign the President - any President - is a given.

What is more worrisome is the stomach-churning thought that some perceived slight from a foreign power might push Mr. Trump's child-like "o yeah and so are you!" button and trigger an international incident.


Well-known member
Again, this is simply not the point! Defenders of Mr. Trump repeatedly evade the key issue here. No one - as far as I can tell - is denying that Mika et al have engaged in low-brow rhetoric.

But we are not talking about them, we are talking about the reaction of the President of the USA and whether it is befitting of the office. That people are going to malign the President - any President - is a given.

What is more worrisome is the stomach-churning thought that some perceived slight from a foreign power might push Mr. Trump's child-like "o yeah and so are you!" button and trigger an international incident.

There was no "perceived slight" that brought out this return fire. If some foreign power goes over the line, they, too, will reap what they sow. Mattis and Tillerson will take on the foreign powers, while Trump swats off the uglyness being thrown at him.

I much prefer someone who is not a pretender, like Obama was. We voted for him because he is a real person, and not a fake.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There was no "perceived slight" that brought out this return fire. If some foreign power goes over the line, they, too, will reap what they sow. Mattis and Tillerson will take on the foreign powers, while Trump swats off the uglyness being thrown at him.

I much prefer someone who is not a pretender, like Obama was. We voted for him because he is a real person, and not a fake.

Excellent post Glorydaz.


Well-known member
If some foreign power goes over the line, they, too, will reap what they sow.
Mattis and Tillerson will take on the foreign powers,...
Let's be sure we understand each other. Are you saying that mere name-calling provocation (e.g. Kim-Jong-Un calls Trump an "orange devil") justifies American retaliation in either direct military form, or actions that otherwise ratchet up international tension.

We need our leaders to be calm, responsible, and concerned for the stability of the world, not testosterone-poisoned juveniles on a hair trigger to respond to any slight - even a real one - with force.


Well-known member
I much prefer someone who is not a pretender, like Obama was. We voted for him because he is a real person, and not a fake.
This sounds nice but if you actually think about it, it makes no sense. And that, precisely is the risk of the simple-minded thinking that seems to pervade our modern culture.

Everyone likes a "genuine" person, all other things being equal.

But all other things are not equal! Yes, I agree - Mr. Trump is less of a "pretender" than Mr. Obama. Agreed, conceded, admitted.

But surely - and here I literally want to slam my face into the keyboard - surely you realize that if the "genuine" Mr. Trump is otherwise dangerously unqualified for the job, he is much more of a problem than a thoroughly competent Mr. Obama who, granted, is more of a typical politician in that he is certainly not as transparent as we would want.

Honestly, the thinking here.......


New member
Let's be sure we understand each other. Are you saying that mere name-calling provocation (e.g. Kim-Jong-Un calls Trump an "orange devil") justifies American retaliation in either direct military form, or actions that otherwise ratchet up international tension.

We need our leaders to be calm, responsible, and concerned for the stability of the world, not testosterone-poisoned juveniles on a hair trigger to respond to any slight - even a real one - with force.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

The Barbarian

I much prefer someone who is not a pretender, like Obama was. We voted for him because he is a real person, and not a fake.

Trump went off on that deranged rant because he got called out for putting faked TIME covers showing his face on the walls of his golf clubs.

You can't get more fake than that.


Well-known member
Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
Everyone who uses this statement thinks that the position they happen to hold is "right". And so, naturally enough, they see God as endorsing their position.

This is what is so decidedly pernicious about "religious thinking" - it gives people license to believe that God somehow endorses everything they happen to hold to be true. And, apparently, it does not even occur to them that they, in fact, could be at risk for divine judgment.


Hall of Fame
Trump went off on that deranged rant because he got called out for putting faked TIME covers showing his face on the walls of his golf clubs.

You can't get more fake than that.

Bingo. THAT is what set him off ... once again, he embarrassed himself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Besides Glorydaz and one or two others, this Thread seems to be attracting Non-Christians and Left-wing DEMS. Hopefully, it will also bring in some logical/reasonable opinions, as well? I find the "Left-wing DEMS" less apt to bring forth well-rounded conversations. Why? Because they rely on name calling and emotions rather than intellectual give and take.


Well-known member
Besides Glorydaz and one or two others, this Thread seems to be attracting Non-Christians and Left-wing DEMS. Hopefully, it will also bring in some logical/reasonable opinions, as well?
Your posts, frankly, are a clinic in faulty reasoning. Your glaring error is that you lay before us the simple-minded equation:

Left, Democrat = Mistaken

First of all, you are not debating fairly by using useless labels - why not actually deal with what we are saying rather than trying to pigeon-hole us into a category. Second, you shamelessly simply declare that those who do not share your view are unreasonable, or perhaps non-Christian.

I find the "Left-wing DEMS" less apt to bring forth well-rounded conversations. Why? Because they rely on name calling and emotions rather than intellectual give and take.
This is really rather funny and laden with irony. Whether you realize it or not, you repeatedly use labels - the hallmark of a weak debater. Even if it can be reasonably said that some of us are "left-wingers", you have yet to provide a smidgen of evidence of what is actually incorrect about what we believe.

If you want "intellectual" discussion, then by all means bring your best.
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