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This is a really general question.
That's sort of the point.
Also, I'd like to point out that it's a lot less theoretical/speculative than a lot of people might try to make out. I don't have a coherent racist "system." That's just not it. I just tend to express, in various situations, a set of attitudes and behaviors that most people would consider racist.But you are saying that this reaction is somewhat justified since it is not based in race per se, but rather based in probabilistic cultural behavior that is correlated to but not caused by race. I can sympathize with this sort of argument.
Yes, and I think it is interesting that we probably all do this to one extent or another.
It's more a matter of:
"I like Chinese food."
"I dislike certain kinds of cheese."
"I prefer the appearance of my face after I've shaved."
"I have a general preference against black people."
This is why I think I feel justified in saying that I don't hold any obviously heretical beliefs in terms of race.
That doesn't show that your preference is rightly ordered. Consider:
"I have a general preference for homosexuality."
I certainly hope not. "Strict racism" is heretical. In all cases, I affirm the following: whatever I may be predisposed to believe, whatever may seem true to me in this or that case, if the Heirarchical Church has pronounced otherwise, then my assent goes to teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.
Example: I have a general dislike of hispanics (not to say that I won't hang out with hispanics on a case by case basis). Am I voting for a politician because he promises to close the borders? No. To my knowledge, the bishops of the Catholic Church tell us that people should be free to migrate, and they tend to be against super conservative views on immigration/border control.
Like I said, it isn't necessarily a matter of conscious voluntary assent. In this case it almost certainly isn't. The culpability would be lessened, true, but your willingness to allow a disordered view of human beings flourish within yourself could be a real problem. :idunno:
I can totally see myself making most of the class grade based on a final oral exam...and the minority students getting a REALLY difficult oral exam.
Simple solution: don't give an oral exam. Any teacher can struggle with things like this, that's why blind grading and the like is encouraged. It won't be perfect, but these aren't insurmountable things you are talking about. I also wouldn't recommend conducting a research study looking into whether Mexican immigrants have a lower IQ. It's just something to be avoided. :idunno:
Also, you are a Christian. That brings with it some serious demands. You don't have to like everyone, but you have to love them in the same way that Christ loves them. :think: