Mean TOL members


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What I asked was, you did accept Jesus, but refuse to repent.

That's seems even more strange, does it not?
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Why have I not repented?

It's like asking why I don't stop smoking, when told to by an alcoholic, wife beating, radio blaring at 3am, foul mouthed, heroin addictied neighbor who tells me that THEY have their life in order, and I should too.

You just back away and say, "whatever you say."

I don't demand that you repent. I simply ask why you don't, when asked by fellow christians.

But, it's you choice. Free will. Your karma.
What you dish out comes back at you.

But are you happy living like this?


There is a difference beanieboy.

Paul observed it this way:

1 Timothy 5:24
Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.

And of course if someone professes, as Poly, to be SINLESS, the truth is not in her anyway.




New member
On some level, we are, um, alike.

I don't think that homosexuality is a sin.
Sure, there are STDs, but then I would have to say that heterosexuality is a sin, because you can contract STDs that way, too.
But I don't see it as harming myself or others.

And although she is told repeatedly that her behavior is sinful, she justifies it, tries to prove that she is being Christlike, refuses to repent, etc. She says that even though it harms people, it helps people.

I just can't imagine living that way.

I remember the Star Trek movie where the punker is on the bus, and has his punk music blaring. Some one asks him to turn it down, and he says, &*&(*& you, and turns it up.

And Spock knocks the guy out with his Vulcan grip, and everyone cheers.

Why would you want to be the guy everyone cheers about when you get knocked out?


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Originally posted by beanieboy

And although she is told repeatedly that her behavior is sinful, she justifies it, tries to prove that she is being Christlike, refuses to repent, etc. She says that even though it harms people, it helps people.
Why do you judge me? Judge not!


New member
Originally posted by Poly

Why do you judge me? Judge not!

That's PATHETIC... P_A_T_H_E_T_I_C_!!!

After over 900 posts, judging everyone in sight you resort to this as a defense??!! I wasn't going to post on this thread again (haven't since more than 400 posts ago) but that is the most hypocritical pathetic response I have ever seen.

Sure beanie is stringing you along. He is not repentant, you are right. He is right. You are both pathethic. Why he would take your abuse for 900+ posts... I have no idea. And why you would bother continuing in your embarrassing harang and then resort to this dumb response is just as puzzling. You both need a life!


On some level, we are, um, alike.

I don't think that homosexuality is a sin.

I am sorry but I cannot say that, anymore than I can excuse my own sin.

What I can acknowledge is that ALL MEN are bound WITH "disobedience" BY GOD. As such God has purposes with these things that you and I cannot change. As such I do not understand yours, nor do I desire to be bound by yours or partake in yours, neither vice versa.

Each of us will bear his own burden before the Lord. I seek to be released from SIN INDWELLING regardless of the "acts of." But to do that is TO LEAVE THIS PLACE. This is not my call either.
Sure, there are STDs, but then I would have to say that heterosexuality is a sin, because you can contract STDs that way, too.

The ONLY perfect place to stand is UPON HIS LOVE to ALL. My point in these entire conversations is that NONE of us are IMMUNE from SIN indwelling regardless of the acts of it.

Nevertheless we have a HIGHER CALL. I, of myself, CANNOT eliminate or eradicate sin even in MYSELF for God has made me in this way, just as He has made you. Some of us will pay various prices IN THE FLESH for these things. Look at Poly for example and SEE how far her consciousness has been SEARED against LOVE for others and misplaced focus and hatred on others because of the very things that she also has.

I happen to think that God was very clever in His construction of us ALL in that He bound us with our ENEMIES and then commanded us to LOVE anyway. This is truly a difficult situation BUT it is certainly worthy of LOVE eh? As such I cannot OVERlook or CONDONE sin in you or in ME, but again, what does this have to do with LOVE???

And although she is told repeatedly that her behavior is sinful, she justifies it, tries to prove that she is being Christlike, refuses to repent, etc.

Nearly every christian "club" is like Poly or these other false condemners in some way. That is why I reject their form of NON love. They are false gods sitting in Poly's temple, pretending they are God. Paul spoke of these here:

2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

How many "gods" have you seen dishing out ETERNAL THINGS here beanieboy? I have seen MANY and they are ALL false.

I also find it rather IRONIC that the very things they seek so hard to AVOID, they have been CAPTURED BY. The roaring LION is seated in their own temples PRETENDING to BE LOVE.

Love is MUCH STRONGER than your sin my friend. WE will be free of these intrusions upon us soon enough. This is the view of FAITH.
I just can't imagine living that way.

Nor can I, but I did at one time. At some time that I do not recall God simply showed me that to LIVE I must LOVE. I cannot LOVE and withdraw myself from other sinners like myself.
I remember the Star Trek movie where the punker is on the bus, and has his punk music blaring. Some one asks him to turn it down, and he says, &*&(*& you, and turns it up.

And Spock knocks the guy out with his Vulcan grip, and everyone cheers.

Why would you want to be the guy everyone cheers about when you get knocked out?

They are right to a point in their struggle against SIN. This is where they play the TRUMP card over you, but this card is played with A LIE at the same time. As such their personal testimony is SOILED as well.

The TRIUMPH over SIN is LOVE and LOVE covers a multitude of SINs.

I could wax on, but you get the point eh?




New member
Originally posted by Poly

Why do you judge me? Judge not!

My post says, "although she is told that her behavior is sinful by other christians" (fact) "she refuses to apologize or repent (fact).

Nothing judgemental in that at all. Stating fact.

Judging you would be saying that you will never change, that you are evil, that God hates you, etc.

In my opinion, which may or may not be true, you seems angry and unhappy. Buddhism teaches us that things aren't always as the seem, and to be open that how you see things may or may not be right. I will certainly pray for you. If I'm wrong, then you will simply be blessed.

But you can't tell people to judge, then get mad when they do.
It's hypocracy.


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Originally posted by Chileice

That's PATHETIC... P_A_T_H_E_T_I_C_!!!
After over 900 posts, judging everyone in sight you resort to this as a defense??!! I wasn't going to post on this thread again (haven't since more than 400 posts ago) but that is the most hypocritical pathetic response I have ever seen.

Sure beanie is stringing you along. He is not repentant, you are right. He is right. You are both pathethic. Why he would take your abuse for 900+ posts... I have no idea. And why you would bother continuing in your embarrassing harang and then resort to this dumb response is just as puzzling. You both need a life!
Uh, lighten up Chileice. It's called dripping sarcasm. Beanieboy says not to judge or be harsh yet he judges and is harsh. You say not to judge or be harsh but you submit a post that judges and is harsh. See how easy it is to expose hypocrisy? You're doing the very thing your preaching against. Why is it ok for you and nobody else? :nono:


New member
Originally posted by Chileice

That's PATHETIC... P_A_T_H_E_T_I_C_!!!

After over 900 posts, judging everyone in sight you resort to this as a defense??!! I wasn't going to post on this thread again (haven't since more than 400 posts ago) but that is the most hypocritical pathetic response I have ever seen.

Sure beanie is stringing you along. He is not repentant, you are right. He is right. You are both pathethic. Why he would take your abuse for 900+ posts... I have no idea. And why you would bother continuing in your embarrassing harang and then resort to this dumb response is just as puzzling. You both need a life!

Wow. That's pretty cold.
I'm not stringing anyone along.
Why is it that christians get mad when you won't convert to their religion?
Are you now the Savior, or Poly?
My commitment with God, or lack of it, is none of your business.
If you are angry about it, I would question yourself why.


New member
Originally posted by Poly

Uh, lighten up Chileice. It's called dripping sarcasm. Beanieboy says not to judge or be harsh yet he judges and is harsh. You say not to judge or be harsh but you submit a post that judges and is harsh. See how easy it is to expose hypocrisy? You're doing the very thing your preaching against. Why is it ok for you and nobody else? :nono:

So, you are ok with people judging you?
You seem to get mad everytime people do it.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

My post says, "although she is told that her behavior is sinful by other christians" (fact) "she refuses to apologize or repent (fact).

Nothing judgemental in that at all. Stating fact.
You think I should repent. It is impossible to come to that conclusion unless you judge.

But you can't tell people to judge, then get mad when they do.
It's hypocracy.
I have no problem at all with people judging. It's the people who say you shouldn't judge and then do so themselves that I have a problem with. That's hypocrisy.


New member
But I don't see it as harming myself or others.

And you see clearly? - Your argument is that Poly etc. (a number of fundamentlaists) are just as in as much sin as you are - and they do not repent - so why should you?

I am not saying or telling you how to live your life - it is not the Christian calling - Christians are called to live a life that will attract other people to the Precepts of the Lord - and to appreciate the Judea Christian heritage - by living Godly lives - not by sticking our noses into your business - so I hopefully am understood as not sticking my nose into what you do - except to suggest that your line of reasoning is a little in error - since Poly and crew are hypocrites - insulting and have insanity more than Godliness - this means you do not need to stand before their God - that their God is simply a figment of their imagination - which you are mostly right here - but to use their life to grade your own - this is where the error is - not that you are wrong in deciding that they are simply nuts - and their method is nuts - it is simply not a valid excuse to examine your life in light of what they say and think all is OK cause there nuts anyways.

There is a Light, and there is Truth… and there is struggle, temptation and consequences. There is Life, and there is Life more abundantly – it is your responsibility to seek the truth – not my responsibility to seek it for you and serve you with a silver spoon - but I do try to share in a reasonable manner.

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New member
I have no problem at all with people judging. It's the people who say you shouldn't judge and then do so themselves that I have a problem with. That's hypocrisy.

We are called to judge Christians - not non-Christians - we can warn non-Christians or at least Christians can - but your doctrines are so far in such gross error concerning the literal interpretation of hell - you simply are an obsession and a stumbling block - keeping people from God - judging them when you are told to warn them, and in doing what you do - you simply show no Godliness whatsever.



Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller

are you kidding? I would never deny the "closed canon."...;)

and I DO love the emphasis eh?

It was that "literal interpretation of hell" thing that confused me :eek:


New member
Originally posted by !!!!First


And you see clearly? - Your argument is that Poly etc. (a number of fundamentlaists) are just as in as much sin as you are - and they do not repent - so why should you?

You are right in saying that I look at Poly, and don't think, "Wow, now there is a belief system I want to follow." I have met many Buddhists, and they are calm, they are happy, they are self aware, and self reflecting. Those who haven't reached those points are usually new, chanting for cars, etc., and are told by their teachers that their focus is off base. They are rebuked.

Do I see clearly?

When you imagine a man and a woman, you think about them walking hand in hand on the beach, lying lovingly in a hammock, both drinking a milkshake from the same glass, etc.

When people talk about homosexuals, they think of men having sex.

When people talk of heterosexuality, the usually focus on the hetero part of it, and ignore the rest.
When people talk about homosexuality, they usually focus on the sexuality aspect, and ignore the rest.

The reality is, there is sexuality in heterosexuality, and there is hand holding and renting movies and conversations over coffee in homosexual relationships.
I ackknowledge both, because that is the reality.

I would question if I truly understood homosexuality clearly if I refused to admit the existence of committed gay couples, monogamous boyfriends, etc. It exists. I know from experience.
And no, it doesn't harm myself or anyone.

I think that my former heterosexual roommate, who used to tell women he loved them so they would sleep with him, and then never call them again, was damaging another, even though it was heterosexuality. I think my heterosexual friend who contracted clymidea had damaged himself and was damaged by his girlfriend, because she was active with another, and he didn't protect himself - and yet, it was heterosexual.

But committed, respectful relationships between adults are usually very edifying.