Mean TOL members


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

I believe he is trying to take a speck out of your eye.

I tend to think it's smaller with the plank of homosexuality in his eye. As for me, I haven't that speck to remove, so I am able to see clearly.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh


May the True and Righteous Creator God send you His Spirit to lead you into all Truth. I hope you will meditate on His Words He had written down that speak directly to you.

That's your favorite one to use with me?

Sure. I'll will meditate on Leviticus, and the call for the death penalty.

Is that the cruxt of your beliefs? The most important part of the Bible?

Or should I be meditating on some other passage?



You just CANNOT BRING YOURSELF to say it.

It is a YES OR NO question


Poly and Sibbie said YES.

What do you say...???

(28th time asked OF NIN, still no response)


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I tend to think it's smaller with the plank of homosexuality in his eye. As for me, I haven't that speck to remove, so I am able to see clearly.

So, you have reached perfection?


May the True Spirit be with you as well.


No, I want to see her WRITE IT.

She will not because she CANNOT.

She just prances around the question as if she does not know the language.

go figure...


New member
That's funny. You've never talked about these things.
The part of Romans about being given over to one's lust, maybe.

So, christianity, from your point of view, seems to be solely based on sexual behavior.

At least when you talk to me.

I asked you a question, and got no response.
You have achieved perfection?

You don't even have a speck in your eye?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

That's funny. You've never talked about these things.
The part of Romans about being given over to one's lust, maybe.

So, christianity, from your point of view, seems to be solely based on sexual behavior.

At least when you talk to me.

I asked you a question, and got no response.
You have achieved perfection?

You don't even have a speck in your eye?

Those are the verses that speak to you and your sin. Others spoke to me and mine.

smaller, I hope this will answer your question for the millionth time...

No, I'm not perfect, I'm human like everyone else. But yes, I have been forgiven. My righteousness doen't come from me anymore, it comes from Christ. If I stumble, I get back up, I don't look for excuses to stay down. Paul tells us we will see stuggles against the flesh, it's at these times, when those sins I had commited try to reclaim me that I am in most need of exersizing my faith and seeking my strength from God, not trying to find a way to justify following my flesh, or condoning others to follow.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
No, I'm not perfect, I'm human like everyone else. But yes, I have been forgiven.

Then why do you resist when someone tries to help you by pointing out something where you may need improvement?

How can you say, "Beanie, you need to change" when you can't receive any critique yourself from a fellow christian?

A little silly, isn't it?

(Yes, this is a much better approach. I already feel better towards everyone. :) )


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

Then why do you resist when someone tries to help you by pointing out something where you may need improvement?

smallers intention is not improvement of those who spread the Gospel. If it were more Christians here at TOL might heed him.

How can you say, "Beanie, you need to change" when you can't receive any critique yourself from a fellow christian?

smaller has told me before we have different G/gods. I tend to believe him.

Has smaller shown any love to you at all by explaining your works are not acceptable to God?




bravo. At least you have not fallen into the deception that Poly and Sibbie have stumbled in.

Why then are you pounding on beanieboy?

When you are sinless then you can tell him that HE is CONDEMNED by the LAW and YOU are justified by it.

Love COVERS a multitude of SINS.

Telling someone they are a SINNER under the law only serves to AMPLIFY that SIN.

ALL are sinners UNDER THE MICROSCOPE of The Law.

SIN indwelling US ALL is clearly revealed.


You cannot ERADICATE sin indwelling the flesh REGARDLESS OF THE ACTS OF SIN that you see.



Does this CONDONE your SINS, whether SEEN or NOT?



The LAW is NOT OF FAITH, so when you want to APPLY IT to POINT OUT SIN IN ANOTHER you merely CONDEMN yourself in the processs as YOU ALSO have fallen there AND WILL CONTINUE TO FALL THERE.

In addition it is A GREATER SIN to CONDEMN SOMEONE to burn in torture forever for THE SAME THINGS THAT ARE IN YOU.

As such you are MORE THE SLAVE OF SIN. You walk in CONDEMNATION OF OTHERS and HOLD SINS against others even though YOU are not exempt.

This is a FALSE MEASURE and under the LAW God HATES false measures eh?




New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

smallers intention is not improvement of those who spread the Gospel. If it were more Christians here at TOL might heed him.
smaller has told me before we have different G/gods. I tend to believe him.
Has smaller shown any love to you at all by explaining your works are not acceptable to God?

Now you are pointing to smaller.

Can you not see that?
You won't listen to anyone, because you see your self as perfect, or at the very least, that no one could ever point out an imperfection to you.

You may want to think about that and pray about that.


Greetings Nin

Let's examine your position AGAIN.

When you did your ACT of confession DID YOU THEN BECOME sinless?

and let's not post 28 times to get a yes or no OK?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

Now you are pointing to smaller.

Wasn't that what you were refering to? Smaller trying to "edify"? Sort of dishonest of you to claim I am trying to change the subject when replying to your comments.

You won't listen to anyone, because you see your self as perfect, or at the very least, that no one could ever point out an imperfection to you.

I am not compelled to follow the teachings of those who confess a different god. Especially when the preaching goes against the teaching of God himself.

Has smaller ever told you, you don't have to pay the price for your works?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller

Greetings Nin

Let's examine your position AGAIN.

When you did your ACT of confession DID YOU THEN BECOME sinless?

and let's not post 28 times to get a yes or no OK?

Smaller, I will be judged by the Righteousness of Christ. You?

Again, I'll ask, why have you not addressed beanieboy once on this thread about his acts you know God loaths? Is it because you are apathetic and really don't care if he dies at a younger age or gets a disease?


New member
Btw, CoP, for example, has said that he thinks homosexuality is a sin.

But I don't feel hated by him. I feel like he sees me as a person, so I listen to him.

You, Nin, only see me as a homo. Many people want me to be executed, and call me faggot, and make little puke icons, or pictures of people shooting gay people, then call that "love."
I shouldn't feel hatred. I shouldn't feel threatened. I shouldn't feel fear.

Oh, it's not THEM that would kill me, it the "government."

I call that lying. I call that false love.

And can you really love God by behaving this way?


Awww just couldn't do it could you?

here we go again...

You really could improve your communications skills Nin.

DID YOU BECOME SINLESS upon your CONFESSION of being a SINNER or confession of SINNING???



New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
Has smaller ever told you, you don't have to pay the price for your works?

Nin, is that going to change anything?

I got it. You think homosexuality is wrong.

I'm not Christian.

And I think you have screwed up priorities.

Brag all you want about how you are going to be welcomed into God's loving arms because you are forgiven, but I think you are really in love with your own false ego.

You can't even listen to anyone else, or say, "Hmnm, I don't know if I agree with you, but I will think on that."

You point to me. "Why attack me? Beanie's the homo."
Then I ask you to listen.
You point the finger at smaller.

And yet, I'm supposed to listen to you?

Come on. Think about it.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

Btw, CoP, for example, has said that he thinks homosexuality is a sin.

But I don't feel hated by him. I feel like he sees me as a person, so I listen to him.

You, Nin, only see me as a homo. Many people want me to be executed, and call me faggot, and make little puke icons, or pictures of people shooting gay people, then call that "love."
I shouldn't feel hatred. I shouldn't feel threatened. I shouldn't feel fear.

Oh, it's not THEM that would kill me, it the "government."

I call that lying. I call that false love.

And can you really love God by behaving this way?

I know what God has to say to you. If I actually hated you, I would want to see you dead. Of course you can argue my position of recriminalization, but even then, your are arguing God's ideas. And once again I would point out to you homos are murdering each other by the hundreds of thousands, when it was against the law, not even a fraction of that were ever executed by authorities. A law would be far more compasionate to homos than homos are to each other.