Children get their hands on drugs now. Making it illegal did not stop that problem. Your argument does not hold water.
Can children overdose on water? Shall we make that illegal?
And here we have the drug pusher comparing marijuana to water.
Let me know when ER's have an influx of children overdosing on water.
Doctors see rise in toddler marijuana overdoses
Posted: Jun 24, 2013 9:34 PM PDT
Doctors at the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of young children overdosing on marijuana.
In the most extreme cases, doctors say toddlers have been admitted to the emergency room comatose.
"I remember one case where a child ended up getting a lumbar puncture, a CAT scan. And about a day into it, a half a day into it, ended up getting a drug screen, which is something we don't normally do on a one-year-old," said Dr. Frank LoVecchio, who is the co-medical director at the poison center.
In 2012, the center saw 10 cases where young children showed signs of marijuana exposure. In the first six months of this year, it's already seen 10 cases.
"Almost all of the cases that I'm aware of are from the child eating some form of marijuana," said LoVecchio.
They're eating it because one of the most popular ways to consume marijuana today is in brownies, cookies and candy. Marijuana users call them "medibles."
Warning to Parents: Marijuana Abuse ER Visits
Marijuana abuse sends more young people to emergency rooms than any other drug
Based on a review of 2010 statistics from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, it was discovered that marijuana abuse is sending increasing numbers of young people to ERs.
Symptoms Sending People to the ER
Mental symptoms: Panic attacks, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia. Some marijuana users also suffer from depersonalization, which means the person loses his grasp of who he is and what his reality is.
Physical symptoms: Doctors have identified a pattern of illness after heavy marijuana abuse that they are calling "cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome." (Hyperemesis means severe and excessive vomiting.) This syndrome includes severe nausea and violent vomiting that do not respond to normal treatments. These symptoms are accompanied by excruciating stomach pain.