Describes many existing industries if people take things to an excess. I fail to see your point.
My point is that by promoting legalization of marijuana, you're pushing a harmful narcotic onto society.
Describes many existing industries if people take things to an excess. I fail to see your point.
My point is that by promoting legalization of marijuana, you're pushing a harmful narcotic onto society.
If it becomes legal are you going to smoke it? I'm not, do you lack self control or something?
* I'd say reduce imprisoning users, but get much more harsh on drug dealers.
Legalized pot would be a huge blow to the drug cartels that also deal in the really bad stuff like cocaine and heroin. They would lose a significant chunk of their business, and revenue, to the legal dispensaries where one would be able to get a product of known quality, purity and potency and not have to deal at all with shady, criminal elements.
Obama smoked pot, bush smoked pot, Clinton smoked pot. Grow up.
Pot is no longer taboo unless you're in your 80's or late 70's.
Not talking to you. But for the republicans who are going to continue to lose. Pot is no longer taboo unless you're in your 80's or late 70's.
Legalizing weed would at least save money fighting the lazy stoners who keep getting busted and imprisoned over it. I don't feel the same way about coke or heroin or meth but weed - you gotta be kidding. This is one area where republicans like Reagan were fools.
And now a few words from a supposed "Christian" who wants to push the harmful recreational drug marijuana onto society:
BTW: Where is this LESS government that you Christian Libertarians are always ranting about? Watch the video, everywhere there is a police presence.
My sons a south central undercover narc cop.
.... i believe that God wants us to retain a sound mind instead of allowing something else to control it.