Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


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Hall of Fame
It was implied when he said, "that's how dopers treat ladies." I pointed him to where a Christian did worse.

No, nothing else was "implied" his statement can be completely taken at face value as there was nothing to misunderstand about what he said.

He didnt say only dopers treat women like that, you read that into what he said. Like you read into what i say all the time or anyone you wish to disagree with.

You add to what people say, then run with it even when its evident to a 5 year old child what they said and what they meant - which rarely seems to match what you invent.


New member
Pitfalls Abound as Legal Pot Sales Begin

Colorado and Washington state are launching the world's first legal recreational marijuana markets in 2014. Though pot has been sold for three decades at coffee shops in the Netherlands, the two states are the first to regulate and allow a full industry.

Being first to allow growing it, processing it and selling it doesn't come without risks. The states face plenty, from a potential crackdown over a drug that's still illegal under federal law to threats to public health.

A look at some of the pitfalls the two states will want to avoid as Big Weed tries to go mainstream:
Here's the OP.......... speaking of hypocrasy, individual states are just fine.
YOUTH USE: The U.S. Department of Justice has told the states it won't interfere with state marijuana laws as long as they keep the drug away from those without permission to use it. Top of that list: children. Neither state will allow people under 21 to buy pot.

HEALTH: Some doctors warn that increased marijuana use will result in more emergency-room visits. There's not enough data to show if that is happening, though some hospitals have reported spikes in child admissions for pot overdoses. With no Food and Drug Administration oversight, the two states are producing their own product-safety standards to make sure pot is as potent as labeled and doesn't contain harmful molds or other contaminants.

SMUGGLING: The states have also been told they must keep legal pot out of other states and off federal property. That's no small task in Western states with huge swaths of federal property, such as parks and ski areas. The states will allow visitors to buy pot, but also warn them about where they can and can't take it.

CRIME: Legalization opponents say residency requirements won't prevent criminal cartels from setting up straw-man growing operations. The states also have tracking systems to make sure what is grown ends up sold legally. Colorado, however, also allows people to grow pot at home, making it impossible to keep track of where it is coming from and where it's going.

DRIVING: The states set up marijuana analogies to drunk-driving laws, setting driver blood limits for pot's psychoactive chemical, THC. The laws are new, and it's too soon to say whether legal pot has made highways more dangerous in Colorado and Washington. Both states report seeing more positive driving-high tests, but it's not clear whether that's because of increased driver use or increased testing.

TAXES: Nobody knows how and at what level to tax pot. Too low, and the states won't be able to afford intense regulatory supervision of the industry. Too high, and pot users may stay in the black market.

DEMAND: Guessing marijuana demand is a tricky proposition. Colorado growers warn that early demand could lead to sky-high prices and shortages, with state production caps still uncertain. In Washington, regulators are taking a new look at supply needs after a recently released study produced a demand estimate that far outstripped earlier guesses.

BANKING: Marijuana legalization hasn't taken away one black-market aspect for the drug in Colorado and Washington: Cash runs the business. Financial services as simple as checking accounts and credit cards are off-limits because of federal guidance to financial institutions. Colorado officials say they're optimistic the U.S. Treasury Department will loosen those rules next year, but it's unclear what that would look like.

And here I thought that you Libertarians were for LESS government.

Speaking of hypocracy............. these states are economically viable. And prosperous.


New member
No, nothing else was "implied" his statement can be completely taken at face value as there was nothing to misunderstand about what he said.

He didnt say only dopers treat women like that, you read that into what he said. Like you read into what i say all the time or anyone you wish to disagree with.

You add to what people say, then run with it even when its evident to a 5 year old child what they said and what they meant - which rarely seems to match what you invent.

He implied that people who use pot talk to women bad. In fact, he flat out said it. I don't talk to women bad. So he's obviously wrong.

I showed him, by his method, that the same could be said of Christians then if we want to generalize one statement by one person.

My point was made. You're making yourself look foolish. Move along to a topic you understand please.


Nasty fella!

They're dopers Grossie, that's what they do.

In case many of you haven't noticed, dope is these people's "god". While we need to have pity on these lost souls, we have to also realize what kind of threat they are to society (not only ruining their lives, but the lives of others).

Drug pushers always have had a special place in a righteous society:



New member
They're dopers Grossie, that's what they do.

In case many of you haven't noticed, dope is these people's "god". While we need to have pity on these lost souls, we have to also realize what kind of threat they are to society (not only ruining their lives, but the lives of others).

Drug pushers always have had a special place in a righteous society:


You are a man out of time. Somebody writing this in the early seventies might have been taken seriously by scared elderly folks.


You are a man out of time. Somebody writing this in the early seventies might have been taken seriously by scared elderly folks.

It's been well established throughout various threads that morals change over time for relativists like you and TOL's head doper, but Truth doesn't.

Continuing to live a lie only separates you further from the Truth.


New member
It's been well established throughout various threads that morals change over time for relativists like you and TOL's head doper, but Truth doesn't.

Continuing to live a lie only separates you further from the Truth.


And regurgitating magic words at me isn't going to convince me of anything.


New member
It's been well established throughout various threads that morals change over time for relativists like you and TOL's head doper, but Truth doesn't.

Continuing to live a lie only separates you further from the Truth.

Truth is relative. I tell the truth when I say, "Denver is only 60 miles away." But that would not be the truth to you who live in Seattle.



And regurgitating magic words at me isn't going to convince me of anything.

What will, a life of misery? Wait, you already have that.

I see that the doper is up and about (early even, it's only 10AM Denver time), ready to take on another bowl of dope to get his day started off right.


New member
What will, a life of misery? Wait, you already have that.

Pretending to know things you don't really know... where have I seen this before? Oh right. It's the definition of faith.

I see that the doper is up and about (early even, it's only 10AM Denver time), ready to take on another bowl of dope to get his day started off right.

Love a good wake 'n bake.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What will, a life of misery? Wait, you already have that.

Pretending to know things you don't really know... where have I seen this before? Oh right. It's the definition of faith.

I see and deal with junkies every day. For some, their "god" is the needle that injects heroin into their body, for others their "god" is crack or marijuana. Some like you and TOL's head doper maybe aren't as obvious, but you all have something in common:

You're trying to hide the inner demons that are driving you insane.