Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


It seems that the only reason you have given is that you don't like the proposers. But what about the actual hazards of allowing the growing of industrial hemp? You have been entirely quiet on the issue, despite implying that you haven't.

Start a thread on industrial hemp, this thread is about the legalization of recreational marijuana.


New member
What brings you back to this thread doper, did you get frustrated in your attempt to show others that Jesus Christ was the life of a drunken party in your other thread?

Seems like your idea that Jesus made grape juice isn't so popular over there. The other agrument is that the host was just telling stories that have nothing to do with what happened. Both are weak.

Addressed already. Review the thread and link together here all of my posts talking about hemp legislation and maybe, just maybe, you'll figure it out.

BTW, did you polish your vaporizer yesterday like I told you to do?

The only thing you said is that you are against it because Libertarians are for it.

If that's your reason, then. . . :sheep:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What brings you back to this thread doper, did you get frustrated in your attempt to show others that Jesus Christ was the life of a drunken party in your other thread?

Seems like your idea that Jesus made grape juice isn't so popular over there. The other agrument is that the host was just telling stories that have nothing to do with what happened. Both are weak.

Go on pushing your belief that the Son of God/God in the flesh was nothing but a bartender that over served His customers (Did I mention that God gets very angry when He's mocked?).

Addressed already. Review the thread and link together here all of my posts talking about hemp legislation and maybe, just maybe, you'll figure it out.

BTW, did you polish your vaporizer yesterday like I told you to do?

The only thing you said is that you are against it because Libertarians are for it.

If that's your reason, then. . .

Now doper, follow my instructions. Link all of my posts talking about concerns with deregulating hemp farming and put them in one post together so that we can review them together (dopers these days, they just can't concentrate on anything other than getting hiiiiiigh).


YOU raised the issue of hemp! Does this mean you are no longer concerned about industrial hemp production? If so, then this sub-thread is ended. :up:

Please supply the post where I initiated the subject of hemp farming.

While you're here gc: Why do you think over 300,000 dopers in Seattle call their annual dopefest a "hempfest"?


New member
Please supply the post where I initiated the subject of hemp farming.

Shagster raised the issue, which you responded to with your links, making a debate of it (and 'contributing' to with a good 20 - 30 posts, though without saying anything of note. :sigh:)

While you're here gc: Why do you think over 300,000 dopers in Seattle call their annual dopefest a "hempfest"?

Errm, because they want to legalise industrial, medical and recreational uses of Cannabis sativa variants, and Cannabissativafest doesn't roll off the tongue very well?

Why do YOU think they called it Hempfest? Is this really an important question?

What do you think is wrong with the growing of the tall, industrial varieties of hemp? (Apart from the ad hominems you have already given, which are not really useful is a grown up debate.)


Shagster raised the issue,...

Forgive me for not taking interest in hemp made hats, but I'm waiting for my 2nd bestest friend in the whooole wide world to return cuz I have some questions to ask him about his employer's hiring practice (which he evidently had a big say in).

Eran: Does your hotel do pre-employment background checks?


Well-known member
it's the birth of the "two laws that govern the united states",,,,there is the rich,who get to smoke pot and not face penalties or break the law,,,,and the poor who will be tested and break the law,,,,,,the question is which side are you on,,,,the "queens or the peasants,eventually we will have to toss the pot into the Boston harbor",,,,,


Well-known member
that is if you are a rich man and you choose to use recreational pot,you can and not break the law,,,"law A,for the queens rich",,,but if you are poor and on food stamps then you will need to take a drug test,,,"law B for the peasants",,,,

get thee hence out of mine forest,,I am and the king of Nottingham forest,,these are mine deer,this is mine herbs,,peasants ye shall eat the "Umbel pie",,,and i shall eat of the strap of the back,,,,there is me and i will sit at the head of James table and ye shall stand in the corner,,,,,,,,
Last edited:


Well-known member
yaa!,yaa!,,,i am an good servant,,,i am standing here with mine nose stuck tight into the corner,mine hands are held behind mine back,,,i am your witness,,,,,,,


New member
Go on pushing your belief that the Son of God/God in the flesh was nothing but a bartender that over served His customers (Did I mention that God gets very angry when He's mocked?).

He did other things than tend bars. That was just a one night gig.

Now doper, follow my instructions. Link all of my posts talking about concerns with deregulating hemp farming and put them in one post together so that we can review them together (dopers these days, they just can't concentrate on anything other than getting hiiiiiigh).

I'll save time and just sum it up. . .

1. Ron Paul wants to legalize it.
2. There is a pro-marijuana rally called "hempfest"
3. Some old general hates it.
4. You believe importing from China is good
5. In the 1700's slave owners and Indian killers were moral and religious unlike people today.

Did I miss anything?


New member
Forgive me for not taking interest in hemp made hats, but I'm waiting for my 2nd bestest friend in the whooole wide world to return cuz I have some questions to ask him about his employer's hiring practice (which he evidently had a big say in).

Eran: Does your hotel do pre-employment background checks?

I'll answer yours just as soon as you answer mine, which were asked of you first.

aCW - When is the last time you've smoked dope?
aCW - do you use tobacco?
aCW - Where do you work and what is their drug policy?


I'll answer yours just as soon as you answer mine, which were asked of you first.

aCW - When is the last time you've smoked dope?

Answered (look back a few pages).

aCW - do you use tobacco?

No, never have, never will. I was a college basketball player and am still physically active (although I've puffed on a cigar with a beer a few times in my life).

Wait, you certainly aren't trying to compare a mind altering/behavior changing drug like marijuana with tobacco products are you? If so, I don't ever recall hearing these words being spoken by a police officer when he's pulled someone over for a DUI:

"Sir, have you been smoking a cigar?"

aCW - Where do you work and what is their drug policy?

Seattle WA, USA. The drug policy was explained a few posts ago as well Eran. Pay attention.

Your turn:

Does your hotel do a pre employment criminal background check on job applicants that you're considering hiring?


New member
Answered (look back a few pages).

Stating that you have experimented really doesn't but whatever.

No, never have, never will. I was a college basketball player and am still physically active (although I've puffed on a cigar with a beer a few times in my life).

Wait, you certainly aren't trying to compare a mind altering/behavior changing drug like marijuana with tobacco products are you? If so, I don't ever recall hearing these words being spoken by a police officer when he's pulled someone over for a DUI:

"Sir, have you been smoking a cigar?"

Just don't pretend to care about the health of strangers when you're bragging about buying a friend tobacco as a gift.

Does your hotel do a pre employment criminal background check on job applicants that you're considering hiring?

Yes I do

The other unanswered question is in the appropriate thread.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Does your hotel do a pre employment criminal background check on job applicants that you're considering hiring?

Yes I do.

So you would be hesitant to hire someone convicted of a drug crime, but couldn't care less if a perspective employee currently uses drugs, but hasn't been caught and convicted?

How do you think your hotel guests would feel if they knew that drug addicts were entering their room to clean it or maintenance it?

Here's another question for you Eran:

Do you allow your employees to smoke a cigarette in a designated area (usually outside of the hotel) on their break?

If marijuana was legal in Wisconsin (I'm sure that it will be soon, as the dead doper Ben Masl, who died of lung cancer of all things, dedicated his life to bringing misery to his fellow Cheeseheads:, would you allow those same employees to go smoke a joint?


New member
So you would be hesitant to hire someone convicted of a drug crime, but couldn't care less if a perspective employee currently uses drugs, but hasn't been caught and convicted?

I would hire someone with a past drug conviction if I didn't think it would be a current or future problem.

Theft is the past conviction I try to stays clear of but applicants are free to explain their background.

How do you think your hotel guests would feel if they knew that drug addicts were entering their room to clean it or maintenance it?

:doh: Who said anything about addicts?

Here's another question for you Eran:

Do you allow your employees to smoke a cigarette in a designated area (usually outside of the hotel) on their break?
I do.
It's annoying but I allow it.
If marijuana was legal in Wisconsin (I'm sure that it will be soon, as the dead doper Ben Masl, who died of lung cancer of all things, dedicated his life to bringing misery to his fellow Cheeseheads:, would you allow those same employees to go smoke a joint?

No. This is asinine. Alcohol is legal and I likewise wouldn't allow an employee to drink a beer on their break.

Would you allow an employee to drink on the job?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you would be hesitant to hire someone convicted of a drug crime, but couldn't care less if a perspective employee currently uses drugs, but hasn't been caught and convicted?

I would hire someone with a past drug conviction if I didn't think it would be a current or future problem.

Yet you wouldn't do a drug test on this convicted drug user to see if he or she is currently using drugs, which as shown throughout the thread could cause "current or future problems".

Theft is the past conviction I try to stays clear of but applicants are free to explain their background.

I'll guarantee you that the vast majority (if not all) of those that did jail time for drug use committed other criminal acts as well (theft, burglary, assault and battery, etc.).

How do you think your hotel guests would feel if they knew that drug addicts were entering their room to clean it or maintenance it?

Who said anything about addicts?

How do you know that they're not drug addicts Eran, you didn't do a pre employment drug test.

Here's another question for you Eran:

Do you allow your employees to smoke a cigarette in a designated area (usually outside of the hotel) on their break?

I do.
It's annoying but I allow it.

If marijuana was legal in Wisconsin (I'm sure that it will be soon, as the dead doper Ben Masl, who died of lung cancer of all things, dedicated his life to bringing misery to his fellow Cheeseheads:, would you allow those same employees to go smoke a joint?

No. This is asinine. Alcohol is legal and I likewise wouldn't allow an employee to drink a beer on their break.

But Eran, you've talked about the evils of cigarette smoking, yet you would allow your employees to smoke outside of your hotel while on their break.

My point is that marijuana is a mind altering/behavior changing drug, cigarettes aren't.