MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left


Well-known member
Tonight's local news reported that the school is closed indefinitely, until the police determine that the school is safe for students. There are still death threats and bomb threats coming into the school. The parents have also been doxxed and threatened at home and their employers threatened with death unless the parents are fired.

One would think everyone from the left would be ashamed of what's happened with these high school boys. Set upon, in our Nation's Capitol, by fully grown and over the top ACTIVISTS. The Justice Dept. needs to step up and prosecute those who incite violence with this kind of hate speech and in-your-face assault. Maybe the new Attorney General will man up.


Well-known member

Exhibit A: Covington basketball squad

You'll notice that they are throwing those 'ok' signs and striking 't poses' which, while not actually meaning anything, were claimed by some liberals to be symbols of white supremacy.
The issue I take here isn't with those signs in and of themselves, but rather that they are right in the middle of a stadium throwing it at everyone.

That tells me basically that they are the instigating type and really just confirms my former suspicions- I don't thin it's merely incidental at all that they just happened to be approached by a band of angry nuts. I don't really see anyone innocent here, and people should be more honest about it.

Those "signs" the boys are making? You're kidding, right? Grade school kids make those "signs". They are not instigating anything...they are victory signs like school cheers. My goodness. :nono:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... The parents ... employers threatened with death unless the parents are fired.

oh, i missed that

that is absolutely stark-raving mad

and domestic terrorism to boot

i sure hope the authorities are able to catch them and charge them

ship 'em off to Gitmo for daily waterboardings :banana:

how do you suppose SNL will cover this, especially in light of the fact that one of their staff writers is on record as offering to prostitute herself in exchange for an act of assault against a minor?


any ideas?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One would think everyone from the left would be ashamed of what's happened with these high school boys.

most seem to be - they've gone to ground, scrubbed offensive social media posts, etc

the fringe loonies are out there, but usually are unquotable - they don't seem to be able to express themselves without sounding like versions of the "hebrew israel blackites" or whatever that are at the center of this controversy


Well-known member
most seem to be - they've gone to ground, scrubbed offensive social media posts, etc

the fringe loonies are out there, but usually are unquotable - they don't seem to be able to express themselves without sounding like versions of the "hebrew israel blackites" or whatever that are at the center of this controversy

Hey, check this out. Listen to what Beck says, here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i watched the preview of the today show interview and am outraged! :sibbie: at his whiteness, his politeness, the duplicity in not wearing a MAGA hat, trying to hide the fact that he's a racist, patriarchal beneficiary of white privilege, smug, smirking, misogynistic :sozo2: :sozo: :sozo2: :sozo: :sozo2: :sozo: :sozo2: :sozo: :sozo2: :sozo: :sozo2: :sozo: :sozo2: :sozo:

seriously, he's a polite, respectful kid who seems shell shocked - CNN should be forced to pay for PTSD counseling for the whole town

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hey, check this out. Listen to what Beck says, here.

"The victim hierarchy is so perfectly arranged, it almost seems choreographed" - that was what got my attention when this all broke - all the leftists were writing from the same playbook "native-american elder, Vietnam War Veteran" - every single time

dunno if you remember, but they did the same thing when the Iraq War protests were in full swing - they never referred to the folks in the military as anything other than "our brave men and women in uniform" or "our brave soldiers" - always used "our" and "brave"

except for when discussing abu graihb - they used different words for those soldiers :chuckle:

clearly somebody was choreographing it

i'll stream the beck thing on my handheld while i'm shoveling :wave2:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
btw Glory - didja see the thing about philiips and entourage trying to disrupt the mass at the national cathedral the next day?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i listened to the whole show!

how about that - "the indigenous people's march" was an anti-wall protest (among other things)

and phillips is a liar
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and as expected, he also lied about his military service:

"i'm what they call a recon ranger, that was my role"


turns out he enlisted in the marine corps reserves 8/20/72, was trained as an basic electrician and worked as a refrigerator mechanic

in nebraska

never left the country :think:

transferred to el toro california, went awol multiple times

discharged in 76 at the rank of Private

not PFC


never went to vietnam

and not "honorably discharged"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

... Stanisheva (the director of a documentary about Phillips) goes on to say that “he was then a Marine in Vietnam — and right after that he became an alcoholic for 20 years.”

Countless media outlets and reporters used this false claim about his service in an attempt to shame those who questioned his antics when he confronted the students in Washington, DC.

this is why i'm reluctant to automatically confer respect on someone who claims to be a veteran, same as i'm not impressed that he claims to be a "native american elder" or "keeper of the pipe"

none of those necessarily mean a damn thing to me, especially when his actions of the day are disgraceful and he's caught telling multiple lies about the events

whaddya bet the rabid left totally ignores this?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

... Parents are now considering lawsuits and conservative lawyers have offered to take their cases pro bono. They have an especially strong case since the victims are minors and not public figures. The media’s behavior was outrageous and violated every profession standard, which could lead to huge verdicts. After enforcing standards for content against conservatives and then allowing terroristic threats from the leftists to go without consequence, Twitter could be especially vulnerable. It would be especially gratifying to see some of the unhinged “celebrities” lose their mansions and apply for food stamps....



Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
According to my local news, Covington Catholic opened up at 8 AM this morning. They sent out an e-mail to the parents, saying that if the parents don't feel safe sending their sons to school today any absences for that will be excused absences. Pretty nice of the school, in my opinion. A lot of the schools out here have been closed all week due to heavy snow and below zero temperatures.


Those "signs" the boys are making? You're kidding, right? Grade school kids make those "signs". They are not instigating anything...they are victory signs like school cheers. My goodness. :nono:

Being purposefully ignorant is not a good quality to have. Seems to me like you all just want to dance to your own narrative no matter what is presented to you.
I knew what it was from the start- too bad the Right has decided to passionately lie about the reality of it the same as the Left.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Being purposefully ignorant is not a good quality to have. Seems to me like you all just want to dance to your own narrative no matter what is presented to you.
I knew what it was from the start- too bad the Right has decided to passionately lie about the reality of it the same as the Left.

you weren't kidding? :freak:

'cause it wsa a terrific piece of satire if you were