the reason ben shapiro wears a beanie is to provoke a response
Jews tend to get off the hook on what they say or do by simply revealing they are Jews. That's why 30 million people in this country claim to be one even though there's only like 5 million.
It's a 'get out of scrutiny' card.
Probably served him well in his lawyer days.
The MAGA Teens Aren’t Innocent Victims The incident at the Lincoln Memorial was more complicated than it initially seemed, but new footage doesn’t exonerate the kids in the red caps. By Ruth Graham Jan 21, 20196:28 PM The viral video that seemed to show a white teenager in a MAGA hat harassing a Native American elder near the Lincoln Memorial turns out to have captured a more complicated conflict. The clip, which drew widespread condemnation over the holiday weekend, appeared to depict a then-unidentified teenager silently leering (you broke character - you're supposed to use "smirking") in the face of a Native American man who was beating a traditional drum. inches from the boys face for five minutes The teenager was surrounded by dozens of rowdy peers from the all-male Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky, who were in town to attend the anti-abortion March for Life; the man was participating in the annual Indigenous People’s March the same day. In a post I wrote on Saturday, I described the boy’s serene, smug facial expression as “both punchable and untouchable.” (because you're a disgusting psychopathic insane leftist who should be institutionalized) In the days that followed, new accounts and new angles on the confrontation began to emerge. Nathan Phillips, the Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran (or Stolen Valor fraud - stayed tuned on that one seen in the clip, gave interviews in which he said he approached the teenagers—not the other way around (as he originally had lied) —in order to defuse tension between them and some noisy and vulgar street preachers nearby. Longer videos emerged that showed the street preachers—who belong to a fringe religious group called the Black Hebrew Israelites that the Southern Poverty Law Center once described as “[o]bsessed with hatred for whites and Jews”—shouting insults at both the boys and the Native group. Meanwhile, no footage has emerged that shows the teens shouting “Build the wall,” as Phillips and other witnesses have said they did. (because Philips lied about that too) And on Sunday, the teenager, Nick Sandmann, released a statement in which he identified himself and attempted to “correct misinformation and outright lies.” Sandmann said the students were shouting school-spirit chants to drown out the street preachers, and that Phillips seemed to single him out for confrontation. He describes himself as having “diffused the situation by remaining calm.” (which is borne out by watching the videos of the event) What a mess. (yes, that's what often happens when you believe a liar) The encounter was indisputably more complicated than it first appeared, (not to those who realized at the beginning that a single three minute clip taken out of context should be viewed as nothing more than clickbait) and the new accounts certainly chip away at the straightforward narrative of a MAGA teen going out of his way to taunt a Native demonstrator. (honestly, what kind of a retard would believe that narrative anyway, based on a three minute video with no context?) The discrepancies between initial perceptions of what happened and the facts on the ground have kicked off a predictable cycle of hand-wringing over participation in a too-hasty internet pile-on. “If the Covington Catholic incident was a test, it’s one I failed,” Ohio writer Julie Irwin Zimmerman wrote in the Atlantic, vowing to “sit out” the next outrage cycle. “As I watched the longer videos, I began to see the smirking kid in a different light.” I still don’t—or at least not completely. (of course not - that's because you're certifiably insane and should be institutionalized) Most accounts, including mine, made no claim that Sandmann first approached Phillips. (Phillips' did. He lied. And the msm accounts that fed the fire repeated that lie without investigating) And it’s worth noting that Sandmann’s actions were seen as aggressive by almost everyone who saw that initial video, (well, no - mostly only the retards who live on social media. And the msm) including those most inclined to be sympathetic to him. The boy’s school and its Catholic diocese quickly issued an apology. (not for his perceived "aggressiveness", they didn't) The March for Life posted a statement (now deleted) from its president saying that the “reprehensible behavior” in the video does not represent the march. Many other March for Life attendees and supporters reacted in horror and shame. This is because of what everyone saw so clearly in the initial clip, and what hasn’t changed with the additional information: (is it "aggressiveness"? I hope not, because that would be really retarded) Sandmann’s smirk, (was it his "aggressive" smirk?) and his failure to get out of Phillips’s face. (oh, you just went full retard I described Sandmann’s expression on Saturday as “The face that sneers, ‘What? I’m just standing here,’ if you flinch or cry or lash out.” (because you're a disgusting psychopath who doesn't give a crap about ruining a child's life with her careless words) Or, as Sandmann put it in his statement, “I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves.” (and for that you want to crucify him. Well, that and the hat. And the pro-life bit. And the fact that he's white and male. that's all you need to know to assume he's smug. And that's reason enough to hate him) More context: There were dozens of Covington boys on the scene, (right, they were supposed to be there. There was a bus stop there. They were waiting for the bus. When their bus came, they left. And poor poor Phillips had nobody to attempt to provoke anymore meaning they vastly outnumbered both groups of antagonists. (then it was pretty damn stupid of the antagonists to attempt to antagonize them, eh?) (A letter sent to parents about the school’s March for Life plans this year said 213 boys attended a few years ago.) (the video didn't show the boys from a few years ago) Many of the teenagers in this background were clearly snickering at the chanting; (that's possible but i don't see it and you've already identified yourself as a psychopath, so probably not.) some can be seen doing the “tomahawk chop,” a controversial gesture that originated in sports fandom (rather than Native culture) and is considered offensive by some. (again, possible, i haven't seen it and you're a psychopath, so no) There’s no mistaking the core dynamics of the encounter: Sandmann smugly grins in Phillips’s face and declines to step backward, and he’s backed by dozens of boisterous teens who are jeering and mocking the much smaller group of Native marchers. (or, Sandmann and the other kids are happily enjoying the wait for the bus by goofing around and engaging in school cheers when this really weird ugly toothless old freak with a drum pushes his way into the middle of the group, walks right up to a stationary Sandmann who is backed up against the steps, stands inches away from him and bangs a drum literally in his face for five minutes while howling and moaning like a sick dog) None of this might have mattered—and the clip certainly would not have gone viral—if Sandmann and many of his peers were not wearing red Make America Great Again hats. (right, because as we've realized this weekend, those extreme leftists who are insane become dangerously insane at the sight of red MAGA hats) Racked reported in 2017 that the hats had become popular souvenirs among white teenage boys visiting Washington, in part because they invite “instant attention, instant discomfort, easy transgression.” (i don't know who Racked is, but they sound retarded. And insane) Boston Globe columnist Renée Graham wrote last summer about seeing more than a dozen white teenage boys in MAGA hats at the National Museum of African American History & Culture. “Clearly, this was meant as a provocation,” she wrote. (ok, another insane retard :idunno: Probably not a good idea to quote a lot of insane retards in your piece) I’m inclined to believe that Sandmann, too, is smart enough to understand that the MAGA hat is not a symbol of peace and reconciliation, (no, its a sign of pride in america) especially when the bill of that hat is inches from the nose of a Native American. (Sandmann didn't put it there) The new facts about this small encounter this weekend in Washington are important, and worth clarifying. (right, and they are: 1. Phillips is a liar who was trying to provoke a reaction and 2. the left is populated with insane retards) But they don’t change the larger story, the one that caused so many people to react so viscerally to the narrative’s first, and simpler draft. We shouldn’t make the same mistake the president does when he confuses climate and weather. The weather is the encounter between Sandmann and Phillips, (in which the retarded left accepted the word of a liar based on an three minute video) and it’s the media’s responsibility to describe it accurately (once we’ve decided to describe it at all). (i don't think anybody expects truth from the media after this weekend :idunno: ) The climate includes a president whose name is used as a taunt by school bullies and racist harassers, who wields the rhetoric of domestic violence to cause pain and then blame those who are suffering, who delights in teasing and threatening his enemies, and who just last week made a joke about a government massacre of Native Americans. It would be a mistake to let our preexisting views persuade us to see something in this particular video that isn’t there. (not just a mistake, a retarded mistake :thumb: ) But it would also be misguided to let the complexities of the scene at the Lincoln Memorial dissuade us from telling the truth about who Trump is and exactly what he stands for. (because that's the only way you can pretend that, for 48 hours you were content to believe a lie and attempt to destroy the lives of children you didn't know, but had come to hate, to wish pain and death on. Because you're an insane psychopathic retard) |
MEGA Hat Victim Native American Nathan Phillips earned 3 Medals of Honor, 6 Silver Stars, 11 Bronze Stars, 9 Purple Hearts was on 4 secret missions in to Laos & had 136 confirmed kills after 5 tours in Vietnam He is a American hero and has fought prejudice all his life starting in the 8th grade when he found the American Indian Freedom Front. He has 6 black belts in different martial arts, has raised $8,000,00 for orphan Native Americans and won a $185 Billion lawsuit against the GOV on behalf of Agent Orange victims. He also has President Obama's personal cell phone number. |
Our Degenerate Media The behavior of our national media over the past two and a half years has been contemptible. We know now that, in conjunction with the Democratic Party, they colluded to bring down the Republican candidate for president and to ensure a Clinton victory, despite her many years of criminal behavior. When that candidate won, they conspired to see him impeached. The Obama-weaponized FBI, DOJ, and CIA broke nearly every law on the books in their effort to destroy Donald Trump. They have failed every step of the way but have not given up. They continue to demean themselves. This past weekend was a two-fer. The fake BuzzFeed story that should have been dismissed out of hand was gleefully embraced by every pundit on every news outlet. They could not contain their joy at yet another "bombshell" that would lead to impeachment. Only Fox held back for confirmation. When Mueller's office released a statement that "the BuzzFeed story was inaccurate," they were devastated. Next came the wholesale sliming of a group of Catholic schoolboys who did nothing but gather to wait for their bus after marching in the pro-life rally. As they were verbally but viciously attacked by a group of black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacy cult, with a string of profane, disgusting taunts in hopes of a response, an American Indian activist with a dodgy past got in their faces while banging his drum. The short video clip that was released at first brought about an unending stream of execrable responses and tweets by people who should know better. And the verbal attacks were not limited to the usual suspects on the left. Plenty of NeverTrumps weighed in as well, thoroughly humiliating themselves. The truth of the incident was quite the opposite of what they had chosen to see and make of it. The young teens did absolutely nothing but remain calm. They were quite likely frightened by the aggressive black Israelites and the American Indian Nathan, Phillips, banging his drum in their faces. The boys are to be commended for their poise and refusal to engage with adults triggered by their MAGA hats. As described by Jim Daws on AT, this was a perfect example of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. The radicals among the American left have been driven to insanity by Trump's victory in 2016 and since then by his many successes. They have continued to ignore the revealed facts of the Clinton-financed fake "dossier" and the participation of those at the top of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA in trying to illegally frame the president for crimes he did not commit. Democrats in denial like Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, and the rest of them who dream of unending investigations into all things Trump continue to make utter fools of themselves. So deluded are they by their Trump-hatred that they are unable to give up their hope of driving him from office. Read more: Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook |
Nathan Phillips rejects Jeff Ruby's offer to 'break bread' with CovCath students Nathan Phillips has turned down Cincinnati restaurateur Jeff Ruby's invitation to "break bread and make amends" with Covington Catholic High School students. On Monday, Ruby offered to fly Phillips first class to have dinner with the CovCath students at one of his high-end restaurants. Over the weekend, short clips of an incident between students at the Park Hills all-boy high school and Phillips at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington D.C. went viral. Many social media users interpreted and Phillips maintains that the students were harassing him. "It's not the right time," Phillips told The Enquirer on Monday night. "I might consider it at some point. There'd have to be certain assurances in place, give and take, and understanding." According to Phillips, "it's not yet the time" because of the statement released by CovCath student Nick Sandmann. In the viral video clips, Sandmann, a junior, is seen standing face to face with Phillips. As Phillips calmly beats a drum (inches from Sandmann's face) and chants a prayer (moaning and yelping like a sick dog, about a foot away from sandman's face for five minutes) Sandmann stands smiling. (calmly) "He (Sandmann) needs to put out a different statement," said Phillips, who has said he is a Vietnam Veteran. (we'll see - the stolen valor guys are pretty convinced he's lying about that too) "I'm disappointed with his statement. He didn't accept any responsibility. That lack of responsibility, I don't accept it." (see, this is where an interviewer should break in and tell the silly old fool he's a silly old fool :nono: ) Phillips said that Sandmann's response has changed his mind on how he views the incident and what he hopes the outcome will be. "At first I wanted the teachers and chaperones to be reprimanded, some fired, for letting this happen," Phillips said. "For the students, I was against any expulsions, but now I have to revisit that." (good luck with that :chuckle: ) According to Phillips, the national attention he has received hasn't had much sway on him. The incident hasn't really either, he said, but Sandmann's statement has. "This is our youth," he said. "These (CovCath) students may be from a different culture, a different race, but I'm American and they are American. This is our youth, American youth. Is this the future we got?" (looks pretty good to me :thumb: ) Phillips said he's ready to "work toward a better America," that was one reason he was participating in the Indigenous Peoples March. "I'm just working for a better future for all of our children," he said. "But, I can't work with liars and thieves." (well, maybe as a mentor, eh? :chuckle: ) Phillips said he was in prayer when he approached the CovCath students. His goal was to defuse a "volatile" situation between the students and four members of the Black Hebrew Israelites. "He (Sandmann) stole my narrative," Phillips said. "From the time I hit that first beat of the drum until I hit the last beat, I was in prayer. Now all of a sudden, he's the prayer guy and the passive one." (well, yeah :duh: - the video clearly shows him standing there, passively, while you banged your silly little drum inches from his face for five minutes) Phillips is referring to Sandmann's statement: "I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand." Phillips also took issue that Sandmann refers to him and fellow marchers as "Native American protesters." "I take great offense to that term, 'protester.' We were not protesting anything," Phillips said. "In fact, we were the only group with a permit to be there and we were marching for solidarity and for being indigenous people. We were there in prayer. We wanted to make a better America." (wiki sez you're a liar (no surprise there) and calls your gay little get together a "demonstration") Phillips said, on the other, the CovCath students were coming from a protest. The students had participated in the Right to Life March. "What he came to town for was protesting," Phillips said. "Anyone who knows about Roe versus Wade knows it isn't a pretty picture. He (Sandmann) had just come from that protest. To me, he came worked up in a frenzy already." (they were high school kids as "worked up in a frenzy" as you'd expect when doing school cheers) Phillips said the argument between the students and the Black Hebrew Israelites went on for hours before he "was called by God" to step in. (which is, unsurprisingly, another lie) "(The students) had an opportunity to not hate and to put out an olive branch and say, let's sit down and pray together," he said. "Instead, they responded to hate with hate. And (Sandmann) transferred that hate to me." (another lie - easily refuted by viewing the video) Phillips said, describing the interaction between the CovCath students and the Black Hebrew Israelites, "it was like a tornado." (...because it spun round and round in a circle? 'Cause otherwise, no. Another lie) "I live in the plains and I've watched a tornado come down," he said. "It's very destructive. What I saw in front of me that day was destruction from a terrible storm tearing apart the fabric of my America and threatening the future of all our children. I saw racism and bigotry." (from the "hebrew israelites"? Certainly. From the CovCath kids? nope, another lie) |
... For many in this country, MAGA hats amount to an explicit message of racial intolerance and bigotry, and the chaperones should have known the boys’ appearance had the potential to inflame and frighten others ... ... the image of young men protesting against women’s reproductive rights, coupled with their MAGA mobbing of an elderly Native American man ... |