MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
National Review :thumb:

The Covington Affair
By The Editors

January 22, 2019 10:42 AM

‘A fuller and more complicated picture emerged.” Just so.

For an overheated few minutes, the world (meaning the world of people engaged in producing and consuming nanosecond-by-nanosecond commentary on the Internet) was rapt with revulsion at the sight of a group of smirking high-school boys — Catholic-school students, some in red “Make America Great Again” caps — menacing an older Native American man beating a drum as part of a protest in Washington, where the students were visiting as part of the annual March for Life. The condemnations were vitriolic, including here at National Review.

A word on the Nick Frankovich Corner post. As longtime readers know, the Corner is our group blog that encourages real-time, unfiltered reactions by our individual writers (it was basically Twitter before the advent of Twitter). There is always a peril in that. Occasionally, we’ll get something hastily and spectacularly wrong. Nick was operating off the best version of events he had on Saturday night, and writing as a faithful Catholic and pro-lifer who has the highest expectations of his compatriots, not as a social-justice activist. As soon as better evidence emerged, we deleted the post.

In this business, all we can do is own up to mistakes when they happen. We apologize to our readers and especially to the Covington students, who didn’t need us piling on.

What happened to them, unfortunately, is very familiar: The boys were vilified and threatened, while the partisans of what is cynically and inaccurately described as social justice began the work of hunting down the boys’ parents’ employers in the hopes of ruining those families economically. The tone of the commentary was—well, here’s how one writer for Vulture put it: “I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents.” The students were, in this estimate, only “white slugs.”

Because the culture wars are approached as a zero-sum game, many of the most committed progressives are now desperately trying to formulate a reason to continue slandering them and attempting to chase their parents into unemployment and penury. That speaks to the sorry state of our democracy: Why bother trying to persuade or convince your fellow citizens when you can simply make them into pariahs? The Times, in articulating the “fuller picture,” went so far as to suggest that to invoke the name of Donald Trump — or to simply wear a hat bearing his famous slogan — constitutes a “racially charged taunt.” These are not, for the most part, ideas offered in good faith: They are stratagems deployed to delegitimize certain political points of view. If supporters of the president are to be condemned as engaging in racial provocation for simply saying his name, then the conversation has nowhere to go.

All of this speaks to a larger and more serious deficiency: in citizenship. Good citizens with proper respect for themselves, their neighbors, and their country do not seek to destroy the lives of a couple of teenagers in the pursuit of a transient and petty political advantage.

Errors can be forgiven, and the occasional tendency to get carried away with rhetorical excess can be received with charity — especially by those of us who suffer from the same temptation from time to time. But political psychosis and deceit are something else. They can be forgiven only contingently — and never forgotten.



Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
antifa's supposed to be at the protest march tomorrow that has been moved from the school to the diocese headquarters

the forecast for tomorrow is good, other groups are joining the protest even as the narrative collapses - i'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out (or fizzles) :banana:

either way, expect it to be heavily covered by a mainstream media with egg on its face :chuckle:

I wish them luck in their protest. :chuckle: The school is closed today due to threats of violence against the students. BTW, the school is about fifty miles or so south of me.


I wish them luck in their protest. :chuckle: The school is closed today due to threats of violence against the students. BTW, the school is about fifty miles or so south of me.

If the young lads from a Catholic School were wearing hats that said "Make America Morally Great Again", then I would have sympathy for them, as that would have separated them from a very immoral man and his immoral policies that go against Judeo-Christian doctrine.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If the young lads from a Catholic School were wearing hats that said "Make America Morally Great Again", then I would have sympathy for them, as that would have separated them from a very immoral man and his immoral policies that go against Judeo-Christian doctrine.
That doesn't really matter. They go to the school their parents chose for them to go to. Most of them wore MAGA hats. So what? I don't like Trump but he is our President. Make America Great Again was a catchy phrase that rang true for a lot of people.

I've watched most of the short clips and the one hour and a half video of the incident. These boys did nothing wrong. They are being castigated by the left and some of the right for just waiting for their bus, like they were supposed to. Even my local news realized that after many viewers complained about the original broadcast of this story. The head newscaster apologized on air and said that this whole story needs to be told. Then, they reported about threats to the school, the boys (especially Sandmann), and to the boys' families. That's ridiculous.


That doesn't really matter. They go to the school their parents chose for them to go to. Most of them wore MAGA hats. So what? I don't like Trump but he is our President. Make America Great Again was a catchy phrase that rang true for a lot of people.

I've watched most of the short clips and the one hour and a half video of the incident. These boys did nothing wrong. They are being castigated by the left and some of the right for just waiting for their bus, like they were supposed to. Even my local news realized that after many viewers complained about the original broadcast of this story. The head newscaster apologized on air and said that this whole story needs to be told. Then, they reported about threats to the school, the boys (especially Sandmann), and to the boys' families. That's ridiculous.

As representatives of a Christian school, these boys should be presenting a Christian message, not wearing a hat that represents an unrepentant secular humanist.

I can't get excited when the progressive left takes on the Libertarian left. The hat that these students wore represents the Libertarian left, which Donald Trump currently is the leader of.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I wish them luck in their protest. :chuckle: The school is closed today due to threats of violence against the students. BTW, the school is about fifty miles or so south of me.

i forgot you were south of indy :thumb:

the news this morning said the weather was bad down there and other schools were closed too

i went back for a nap, waiting for it to warm up outside here - it was -16 overnight, around 0 when i was posting this morning and its worked its way up to a balmy 11 degrees now :banana:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As representatives of a Christian school, these boys should be presenting a Christian message, not wearing a hat that represents an unrepentant secular humanist.

I can't get excited when the progressive left takes on the Libertarian left. The hat that these students wore represents the Libertarian left, which Donald Trump currently is the leader of.

you're as bad as the idiot retard liberals who think it represents racism, misogyny and bigotry

a hat :doh:

for the kids, and for those who wear it, i suspect it means pride in country, pride in self and a desire to do ...hmmmm......well, something :idunno:


oh yeah - make america great again :duh:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Salon is now qualifying their description of Phillips' military service thusly: "Phillips, a Vietnam veteran who served in the military for four years in the 1970s" markedly different from the "Vietnam Veteran" that has been used up to today

huffpo's trying to smear Covington with photos of kids in "blackface" that obviously isn't (alongside kids in whiteface and striped face and blue face and.... :doh:


is reporting that wapo is backpedaling on its "Vietnam Vet" claims

no word from the stolen valor guys and FOIA request

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

you might want to study this:


you're as bad as the idiot retard liberals who think it represents racism, misogyny and bigotry...

While I didn't say that the hat that Donald Trump made famous represents racism, misogyny and bigotry, I suppose we could review what Trump has said and done and the people and groups that support him and see if those things align with the above three things.

a hat :doh:

for the kids, and for those who wear it, i suspect it means pride in country, pride in self and a desire to do ...hmmmm......well, something :idunno:


oh yeah - make america great again :duh:

Hopefully the kids will wise up and realize that the hat that they wore doesn't represent Christians. BTW, I commented in another forum that it's ironic that many of the people that the wall is attempting to keep out are more moral than the people of the country that they're attempting to enter.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Vietnam Veteran status of Native American at center of viral encounter in D.C. in question

Native American activist Nathan Phillips faces questions about reports that he’s a veteran of the Vietnam war.

According to multiple news accounts, the activist is 64 years old, which means he would have been 18 years old in 1973, the last year any U.S. combat units were stationed in Vietnam. Mr. Phillips also claims to be a Marine veteran, although the last Marine combat units left Vietnam in 1971.

A careful reading of Mr. Phillips‘ own descriptions does not make clear if he ever set foot in Vietnam. Instead, he has used much more careful language claiming he is a “Vietnam times veteran,” an ambiguous phrasing that led many media accounts to conclude he was a combat veteran.

the picture in the article still describes him as "elderly" which seems a poor description of a 64 year old if you're looking for accuracy

if, however, you're looking for virtue signalling, it's on a par with "Vietnam Vet" and "Native American Elder"

i guess they forgot "venerated" and "revered" :idunno:

Nick Sandmann, who was in Washington, D.C. over the weekend as part of the March for Life, is the student caught on video wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and facing Mr. Phillips. The encounter was virally framed as Nick “confronting” Mr. Phillips, although video from multiple sources and angles shows it was Mr. Phillips who initiated the contact and bewildered Nick.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Nathan Phillips, ‘Vietnam War veteran,’ never fought in the Vietnam War

The Washington Post has issued a major correction to its story detailing the heavily reported back-and-forth between Native American leftist activist Nathan Phillips and the Catholic school teenagers he approached in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.

Countless legacy media outlets and media personalities have described Phillips as a “Vietnam War veteran” or a variation of the phrase to describe a veteran who fought in the Vietnam War. We now know Phillips served in the military but not on a foreign battlefield.

They all turned out to be incorrect. In a massive correction Tuesday, the Washington Post reports that Phillips served in the Marines but “was never deployed in Vietnam.” Before correction, the Washington Post story claimed he had “fought in the Vietnam War.”

Some outlets appear to be engaged in full damage-control mode, while others that reported the fake news about Phillips have failed to correct their stories.

The New York Times incorrectly describes him as a “Native American veteran of the Vietnam War.”

CNN has run misleading chyrons, and its on-air broadcasts have described Phillips as a Vietnam War veteran.

BuzzFeed, Slate, the BBC, HuffPost, and many others described him as a “Vietnam War veteran.”

USA Today went with “Vietnam veteran.”

Vogue falsely claimed that Phillips “served as an infantryman in the Vietnam War.”

And that small list of course doesn’t include the mountains of politicians, celebrities, media figures, and leftist “journalists” who anointed Phillips with war veteran status.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this was what first caught my eye when the story broke - the constant, repetitive description of the poor harassed "native american elder / vietnam veteran", such an obvious and blatant attempt at virtue signalling

those phrases were as ubiquitous as "smirking" and "MAGA hat"

"smirking" has disappeared from the reporting, as far as i can tell only the diehard psychopaths (like huffpo) are still referring to "MAGA hats" as a smear tactic

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Media Attention Whores Whine "We Want More!"

Watch Live: Native American Activists Hold ‘Peace Vigil’ Outside Covington Diocese

(there's a video i can't link to)

UPDATE: In a statement on the event’s Facebook page, the organizers say that the demonstration will be held outside the Diocese of Covington instead of the school:

We understand the concerns about showing up outside the school itself and have decided to switch locations to the Diocese of Covington. We have advocated non-violence and accountability for administration, teachers and chaperones this entire time. Not once have we, as an organization, threatened anyone.

(that's mighty white of you :thumb: )

On the Facebook page for the event, titled, “Peace vigil to call for an end to racism,” the group, American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky, writes in part:

We have seen the entire hour and forty six minute video and stand by Nathan Phillips. While this longer video gives better context to the situation, it still does not absolve those boys of their behavior. Nathan Phillips is a respected elder. He stepped in to what he saw was a tense situation between the Black Hebrew Israelites, who were yelling harmful things at Natives and the school group, and the school group who were becoming increasingly worked up. He stepped in because he wanted to diffuse the situation with a song, with a blessing. The video clearly shows him stepping in between the two groups, but he does not force his way into the school group nor does he put himself in anyone’s face

(sorry tonto, that's a lie)

, as people have claimed. In the video you can see the boys approaching and surrounding him after he stops moving and that one boy steps up to face him, not the other way around.

(another lie)

Their behavior at this point is still a problem, even if they did not create the initial situation. They are seen mocking, laughing at, and disrespecting Nathan Phillips.

(tough noogies - grow a pair)

There are other videos from DC that same day showing these boys yelling “MAGA” and “build the wall” at random passer-bys near the Lincoln Memorial. There is a video of a student telling Native people that “land gets stolen, it’s how the world works.” These behaviors are still unacceptable.

(not to me they're not - i think they're hilarious! :banana: )

byw - why aren't these hapless morons protesting against the real racists in this story, the "hebrew israelites"? :think:

:idea: I know!

because nobody in the media would give a crap

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And WaPo doubles down on the stupid! :darwinsm:

Everyone is still wrong about the Covington kids ...

... It’s also true that the schoolboys, whether someone else was mean to them beforehand or not, were giggling as they let loose with offensive war whoops and tomahawk chops while a Native American man beat his drum before them....

It’s true that one of them ripped his shirt off in a signal of self-assured dominance. And it’s true that a smirk is a smirk....

Anyone who wears a Make America Great Again hat knows what it stands for, and who it stands against.



ya gotta love 'em, doncha? :darwinsm:

"a signal of self-assured dominance" :darwinsm:

you'd think a staff editor for wapo would have the initiative to research "haka" instead of foolishly making false assumptions

looks like wapo didn't learn a damn thing from this whole fiasco :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
in other news, Sandmann's been interviewed by Today, scheduled to air tomorrow

what a novel idea - a news agency interested in hearing both sides of the story :noway:

wapo - are you taking notes?

and there's talk of a white house visit for the whole group