MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left


Well-known member
Catholic schools, particularly the ones out in middle America, have a pretty rocky history of bigotry. It's not necessarily a reflection of the bishops but rather a failure to discipline them and correct their views- the RCC isn't particularly fond of Trump and it's doubtful that even out in Kentucky they are willing to let students run amok on some Maga gratification which is obviously what they do.
What you're saying in their defense are not rebuttals but excuses- if they were throwing up the bird you'd be saying it's a foul line shot :chuckle:

This is nothing more than a mob mentality. Paint Maga hats wearers with the same brush and throw in the Catholic schools while you're at it. This is bigotry at it's finest.

All blacks....
All Jews.....
All Maga hat wearers
All Catholic schools in "Middle America".....where the Trump voters reside, of course. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Catholic schools, particularly the ones out in middle America, have a pretty rocky history of bigotry.

you should read up on the controversy in canada - the catholic church's participation in the residential school system - the last one closed in 1996

It's not necessarily a reflection of the bishops but rather a failure to discipline them and correct their views- the RCC isn't particularly fond of Trump and it's doubtful that even out in Kentucky they are willing to let students run amok on some Maga gratification which is obviously what they do.

every account i've read indicates that the kids bought the gear after the rally

but even if they hadn't, Pence and wife were marchers and speakers and trump spoke via electronic hookup

in other words, the current government's presence was prominent at the rally - was this true in the past, with the obama administration? (i really don't know)

What you're saying in their defense are not rebuttals but excuses ....

not excuses but explanations

but you seem content to continue being pranked :idunno:

tell me one thing though - which kid in that pic is striking a T-pose?

'cause i don't see it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
idiot high school administrators in Wisconsin suspended two black students for using this "gang sign":

and you want to play the idiot as well and claim that the Covington kids were using it as a "white supremacy sign" :darwinsm:


idiot high school administrators in Wisconsin suspended two black students for using this "gang sign":

and you want to play the idiot as well and claim that the Covington kids were using it as a "white supremacy sign" :darwinsm:

It's the sign of the Blood gang, and you'd struggle to find any school period with any sort of black population absent of a student that tries to associate themselves with such.
In most cases it's just wannabe nonsense, especially in nice areas where it's seen, but it's nonetheless something that school officials don't want as an influence.

This is really just the rosary bead thing coming full circle- where you tried to say it's some sort of religious persecution (colored rosaries are a common form of gang insignia), you are trying to get off on the idea that it's just basketball.

This isn't something that the Boomer generation are aware of or even the one after them, but Millenials on up are very aware of this which is why they don't fall for those excuses. You see anyone wearing a colored rosary and it's obvious that they aren't the obediently religious type chances are they are associating themselves with a gang ESPECIALLY if you are seeing them more often than usual in a given place. Same thing with those hand signals- though in covington's case they are simply trolling on account of the claim that it means 'white power'.



That's just a sign they use for snapshots and graffiti. It's also extremely obvious- the reason why they're using red shoelaces, red hats, and rosaries nowadays is because bandanas are just too indicating to authorities.
What you'll mostly see with Crips and Bloods are simply b's and c's. Also you've pretty much indicated that you don't really know jack about that matter which is why those and so many others want to try and see these things as differently than they are.


curious enough (and bored enough) to look up T-pose (figured it was a typo, but no)

turns out it's a thing

apparently originated as a term for the default posture of an animated character, thus:

so first of all, no, they are obviously not striking T- poses

secondly, it's links to racist subculture? Guess what?

When asking the young man where this new trend came from he led me to a few nefarious websites on the Dark Web frequented by white nationalists.

After embedding myself within these groups for some time i was able to grasp their goals as a group and the origin of the popular new pose that of which up until very recently seemed like a harmless and fun gesture. I was led through various vetting processes when i eventually landed on what looked to be the last place on earth i expected to land, the international KKK headquarters backup Dark Web site who’s banner photograph brandished many white men in white robes and white hoods in front of a burning cross undeniably performing the “T” pose.

Whatever it is you do, do NOT allow your children to perform the “T” pose or it might mean their life is now out of your hands and in the hands of a much larger, scarier world of hate.

from the comments section:
Before you all go wild, I recommend you check out the article because it's made clear that the author's trolling in the comment section... who am I kidding, no-one reads articles on Reddit :).

yep - pranked again :darwinsm:

The T-pose is a Klan pose, what do you think the significance of a burning cross is or how they LITERALLY assemble with their arms stretched out?
It became popular as a gaming/meme/internet thing because it was hilarious to see something like that on fictional characters.
Whether you like it or not, a lot of white kids and young adults get a kick out of relaying obnoxiously racist things regardless of if they are actually racist or not
It blew back in their faces. The first thing informed liberals and blacks are going to assume in seeing people T pose is racism, because that's what it symbolizes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The T-pose is a Klan pose ... they LITERALLY assemble with their arms stretched out...

ok, found pics like that

thing is, you can find pics of ww1 army guys doing calisthenics holding that pose

It became popular as a gaming/meme/internet thing because it was hilarious to see something like that on fictional characters.


Whether you like it or not, a lot of white kids and young adults get a kick out of relaying obnoxiously racist things regardless of if they are actually racist or not

of course - i've worked with lots of kids as an educator and a scout leader

and i was a kid myself once

we have a Navajo indian blanket, beautiful handmade wool blanket with indian designs, bought by my great-grandparents back around the turn of the century - the central design is a "whirling log"

when i was an obnoxious teen i used to like to make sure that part of the design was prominently displayed

the flipside of that is that when i taught in the inner city, i got called "ni66er" six times a day by the black kids - "Mr Doser! Mah ni66er!" :darwinsm:

It blew back in their faces. The first thing informed liberals and blacks are going to assume in seeing people T pose is racism, because that's what it symbolizes.

except in the pic you posted, nobody is holding that pose

are you referring to another pic maybe, in which Covington students can be seen actually holding a T-pose?
Last edited:


ok, found pics like that

thing is, you can find pics of ww1 army guys doing calisthenics holding that pose

>Hits my reputation for the millionth time; says I 'made it up' (whatever 'it' is)
>Has failed to show I've made up anything


except in the pic you posted, nobody is holding that pose

are you referring to another pic maybe, in which Covington students can be seen actually holding a T-pose?

I posted another picture of students T-posing which were from a different school even though they were on the same site, which I discovered and deleted without having edited the post.
Which really just drives the point deeper- it's not even uncommon. You put a bunch of young Trumps supporters in a building every day and they start developing antagonistic behaviors and attitudes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
>Hits my reputation for the millionth time; says I 'made it up' (whatever 'it' is)
>Has failed to show I've made up anything


I posted another picture of students T-posing which were from a different school even though they were on the same site, which I discovered and deleted without having edited the post.
Which really just drives the point deeper- it's not even uncommon. You put a bunch of young Trumps supporters in a building every day and they start developing antagonistic behaviors and attitudes.

so you don't have a pic of them holding a T-pose, but you maintain they did and that you know their intentions for doing so? :dizzy:

(reaches for tranquilizer gun...)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
another insane leftist, impervious to facts:

Enough Finger-Pointing: That Kid in the MAGA Hat Is My Kid! (He’s Yours Too)

Our White youth should expect us to demand better behavior from them.

It’s so easy to point fingers. And we shouldn’t be so quick to do so.

But in this case, despite what many media outlets are trying to tell us a week out from that Lincoln Memorial encounter, we should be pointing.

And yes, also at our own children.

It’s right to publicly repudiate that smirking, sneering White face under a red MAGA cap


, planted inches from

the kid never moved

the indian planted himself inches from

wisdom being manifest by and through Nathan Phillips.


It’s right to denounce the mocking mimicry of Native dance being performed by White bodies surrounding Phillips and Nick Sandmann, and the sarcastic comments you can hear on any of the videos — “dude, what’s going on???”’ repeated not as a real question but as an invitation to more ridiculing laughter, and, yes, even the “tomahawk chop.”

So, yes, point fingers. But let’s also have a real conversation about our children’s mournful display of racist behavior.

Here’s a group of White youth clearly ignorant about the reality that Native peoples are living, breathing, diverse human beings who have inherent dignity. Here is a group of White boys walking around with an emboldened sense of being so untouchable that the thought of showing deference to an elder never seems to cross their minds. (Let us not pretend here. I don’t care who you are or how complex you think the larger context of the day’s events makes things — we all know those kids would have showed at least some deference if the man standing before them had been White.)

a white man, exhibiting the same bizarre behavior?

What’s been held up is a mirror, and what’s being reflected back is the terrifying state of our national present and plenty of good reasons to fear what this may portend. Mirrors can be haunting. The closer you peer into a mirror, the more you get drawn in to the never-ending spiral of images that fold and reflect back upon themselves, repeating over and over and over.

We White adults who bear the daunting responsibility of actually raising White youth in the United States would do well to recognize and acknowledge that those same behaviors that were on display for all the world to see were our own not so long ago.

And the White kid in the video? That’s, my kid, today. Guess what? He’s yours, too.

Those fingers we’re pointing should also be directed toward us.

Don’t miss me. I know there’s a whole ton, and more, of White caregivers who wouldn’t let their kids go anywhere near a so-called “March for Life.” I certainly wouldn’t. And I’m pretty sure a whole cadre of White kids coming up right now may as well get used to the idea they’re never going to be allowed out of the house in a red baseball hat again. Because I don’t care if it’s actually a National Honor Society logo. If there’s any chance my little blond child might be mistaken as endorsing the White nationalist agenda now ravaging this country, even from a distance or for a moment — well, it’s just not happening.

But I’m not talking about these obvious things.

Most of us responsible for raising White kids — not just White parents, but coaches, neighbors, uncles, retail clerks, grandmas, clergy people, teachers — don’t really know what we should be doing differently and, frankly, haven’t made it a priority to learn.

That’s so much scarier than what actually happened on the Mall that day. And the implications are far more devastating.

Let’s go back to the “tomahawk chop,” for one teeny, tiny example.

You’d never know it from the way some journalists are writing about White youth right now, but you know who actually can learn that the tomahawk chop is a racist, anti-Native White ritual?

Young White kids. Like, really young ones.

or you can teach them it isn't, that defining it the way you choose to is retarded

Kids are smart.

Meanwhile, even if yours don’t watch football, they’ve almost certainly been exposed to performances of the tomahawk chop. So, if you haven’t actively created opportunities to talk through with them what the tomahawk chop is and why it’s so racist . . . well, then, guess what? That’s your kid out there on the Mall.

Our children and youth (like us) are exposed to an infinite array of other images, rituals, cartoons, words, story lines that are also deeply anti-Native. These all nurture and sustain deformed public U.S. narratives about Native peoples. The narratives are so powerful and pervasive that lots of young non-Native U.S. children just assume Native peoples are mythical—more like “fairies” (at best) — instead of human beings who exist on this land base; many have active land rights struggles going on as we speak.

If I don’t, early and often (and over again), interrupt these narratives, if I don’t teach my White children to learn to notice the ways Native peoples are spoken of and about, if don’t show them that we who are not Native have to actively seek out different understanding, knowledge, and awareness because of the ways our collective colonial-supremacist histories continue to shape our lives in the present, if I don’t then model how to do that, then the person I should be pointing at is me.

It is time for us to point the finger at ourselves, accept the blame for this racist behavior, and stop making excuses for it.

Have we brainstormed and strategized with our White 15-year-olds about how they will intervene, not if, but when they find themselves in a group of youth who start to engage in racist “play”?

Have we brainstormed and strategized with our 5-year-olds about how they will intervene, not if, but when they’re with a group of kids and one of the White ones makes fun of the skin, hair or name of one of the Black or Latino/a ones?

White kids can be raised to be anti-racist and interrupt racism even if and as they, like we White adults, remain constantly enmeshed in racist systems that seek to benefit us to secure our complicity day after day.

So, if you — like me — have found yourself among the group of White adults pointing at those kids, then you — like me — need to decide just who it is you’re pointing at and what your next move is going to be.

Nothing about the more “complex” set of encounters in anyway excuses or exonerates any of the very obvious (and common) racist group behaviors of the Covington High School youth.

Don’t fall for the whitening of this narrative. If you're not convinced, do the research. Start with other perspectives of this event.

Our White youth deserve us expecting and demanding better of them.

tranquilizer gun, please


Well-known member
>Hits my reputation for the millionth time; says I 'made it up' (whatever 'it' is)
>Has failed to show I've made up anything


I posted another picture of students T-posing which were from a different school even though they were on the same site, which I discovered and deleted without having edited the post.
Which really just drives the point deeper- it's not even uncommon. You put a bunch of young Trumps supporters in a building every day and they start developing antagonistic behaviors and attitudes.


Your reputation is already shot.

Simply leave the liberal land of tards and you may gain some back.

Otherwise, you'll be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome until you give up the ghost.



Your reputation is already shot.

Simply leave the liberal land of tards and you may gain some back.

Otherwise, you'll be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome until you give up the ghost.

It was Musterion who hit my reputation a million times actually, but when the same posters repeat over each other it's hard to keep track.
My rep bar is decent otherwise. And, you want to talk about some 'derangement syndrome' but your all the one's so easily triggered just the same as liberals. I simply unveiled some reality to your extreme leaning. Whole lot of group attacking; not really all that much content- and desperately affirming every measly thing stated along the way :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i had high hopes for this author - he starts off neutral, but veers off into insane leftist bias:
Your Turn: Two trains running at one another

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 2019 was marked by two trains running, at top speed toward each other.

the holiday was Monday, the events recorded on video were from the Friday before

The phrase, borrowed from the August Wilson play “Two Trains Running” from his Pittsburgh Cycle of 10 plays portraying the African American experience


, painfully depicted the powerful forces at work around the Civil Rights movement in the mid-1960s, at the time of the assassination of Malcolm X. Its title is appropriate for describing what happened this month, more than 50 years after Dr. Martin Luther King’s own assassination.

A group of predominantly white Catholic boys from a Catholic High School in Kentucky traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the March for Life — an annual gathering of opponents to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of Jan. 22, 1973, which protected a women’s right to privacy on the enormously personal issue of deciding under what circumstances (for example, rape) and when (or if) to abort a fetus.

ok, good so far - an fairly even-handed (if left-biased) description of the kids and the event

The students made the trip with the full support of their Catholic school, which provided adult chaperones, and did nothing to discourage the teenage boys from wearing Trump Campaign “Make America Great Again” hats, which have become a symbol of intolerance, misogyny, and racial and ethnic hatred


, as Trump’s rhetoric on issues of race, women rights and keeping Mexicans and Muslims out of the USA has become more and more incendiary — reminiscent, in fact of the intense anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant hate speech of the KKK during the last century.

This particular weekend of the MLK holiday 2019, the annual rally to protest Roe v. Wade — where Christian churches bus in thousands of protesters — coincided with the Women’s March , and with the 30th day of the Trump partial shutdown of the U.S. government, over the issue of building a border wall on the Mexican/American border to keep non-whites out of the country.

gotta call BS on this part - nowhere in the proposals to build the wall does it specify non-whites

Taking place simultaneously around the Lincoln Memorial, long a symbol for racial equality, was a rally of Indigenous Peoples, attended by several prominent Native American leaders.

would have been nice to note that the IPM (march, not rally) was in part to protest the wall

As is frequently the case during major demonstrations in the nation’s capitol, fringe groups pop up to spread their vile messages, like the so-called “Black Hebrew Israelites,” purveyors of homophobia, anti-Semitism and racial hatred.

They’ve been showing up in New York’s Times Square for decades where they scream into a portable PA system and insult everyone who walks past them. No one — blacks, Jews, gays or law enforcement personnel — takes them seriously, since they are little more than deranged street theater.

thank you for making this point - what these kids observed on the mall after their March For Life was a veritable cornucopia of deranged street theater - more on this later

The trains traveling in opposite directions ran into each other on Martin Luther King weekend in Washington, D.C., and the image that rocketed around the nation was of a pink-cheeked white boy from the Kentucky Catholic school, wearing a “MAGA” hat, smirking

objection - assumption of boys intention

at a Native American elder

objection - the person opposite the boy was a weirdo with a drum - not yet determined at this point what he was - valid to assume he was just another example of deranged street theater

, Nathan Phillips, and surrounded by his laughing Catholic school classmates, all sporting red and white MAGA hats, taunting

objection - assumes intent

the non-white Native American elder.

I’ve watched at least a dozen different videotapes on the encounter, read countless stories, and have been barraged by the blather put forth by the PR firm (yes, PR firm)

and why not, considering the threat level?

hired by Catholic white boy’s family, that he was a good, tolerant kid, just trying to keep the peace,

which is, unfortunately for the deranged left, borne out by the video evidence

encouraged by his adult chaperones to do so.

That message simply doesn’t square with the fact that he and his all-white friends from their privileged religious school, kept their MAGA hats on throughout the entire encounter,

because that's what everybody else in the videos was doing when nathan phillips walked past, right? The black hebrew israelites, the other adults in the area - as soon as the venerated nathan phillips started drumming and howling, everybody else removed their hats and bowed their heads in deference, right? Oh, wait - this video shows Phillips associate banging on a drum as well (0:31) - and he's wearing a hat :think: And everybody is just watching them, like another piece of crazy street theater

with not one student — nor an adult guiding them — recognizing that to non-whites in this country, MAGA hats have become the symbolic Swastika or Confederate Flag

not all non-whites

just the insane retards

of the 21st century. To whine for sympathy while continuing to wear those symbols of hate, is to throw sand into the eyes of the nation.

Still worse, is the fact that none of these teenage boys — nor their adult chaperones from the Kentucky Catholic school, nor the school administrators — seem to have learned or understood the Apostle Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, 13, where he writes:

“Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous, or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered, or selfish, or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up: it’s faith, hope and patience never fail ... Meanwhile, these three remain: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love.”

thank you so much for outing yourself as a hypocrite :thumb: