MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Washington Post article attacks Trump 'MAGA' hat, says it represents ‘acid hatred’

Now the Washington Post hates President Trump’s "Make America Great Again" hats.

The Post’s fashion desk, which has idolized the fashion trends of former first lady Michelle Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi but slammed the president and his wife’s threads, has condemned the red "MAGA" hat as a sign of hatred.

“The MAGA hat speaks to America’s greatness with lies of omission and contortion. To wear a MAGA hat is to wrap oneself in a Confederate flag. The look may be more modern and the fit more precise, but it’s just as woeful and ugly,” wrote critic Robin Givhan in Saturday's Style section.

“The hat has become a symbol of us vs. them, of exclusion and suspicion, of garrulous narcissism, of white male privilege, of violence and hate. For minorities and the disenfranchised, it can spark a kind of gut-level disgust that brings ancestral ghosts to the fore. Here, in 2019, their painful past is present,” she added.

What sparked her rage is unclear, but she mentioned last week’s media sensation over a high schooler wearing the hat smiling and staring at a native American who was banging a drum in their faces. The story has become a symbol for how the Left and the Right can look at the same image and see different worlds.

Showing her view, Givhan wrote: "The hat figured prominently in the viral video of young Nick Sandmann’s eye-to-eye encounter with the more senior Native American drummer Nathan Phillips at the Lincoln Memorial. Sandmann stood his ground. He had every right to remain there, the high schooler said during an interview on “Today.” Sandmann did not seem to consider whether it was actually the right thing to do."

"How drastically his appearance changed from the fateful moment on the Mall to his appearance on national television," she continued. "The world met Sandmann when he was wearing a red MAGA hat and a quilted parka. His mouth was turned up in a thin, wide smile that occasionally expanded into a toothy one. When he appeared on television to defend himself against accusations of racism and disrespect, he wore a heather gray zip-front pullover and a button-down shirt. His short brown hair was shiny. His large eyes rarely blinked. His voice was flat. The MAGA hat was gone."

She concluded: “The hat is a provocation. Is its corrosiveness too much for high school students to understand? No. They have studied American history. They can sort through complex issues related to the Second Amendment, climate change and abortion to not only have an opinion but also organize to change the opinion of others. They are digital natives who understand the power of images. Armed with so much knowledge, it is, perhaps, a more jolting loss, a graver reality, when youth is wrecked by the acid hatred symbolized by a hat.”

"How drastically his appearance changed from the fateful moment on the Mall to his appearance on national television..."

from an outdoor event, at which he had been outdoors all day, to an indoor studio?

yes, what a surprise that he didn't wear the exact same clothes in the video

if you're insane

if all these people truly believe what they're writing, shouldn't they be calling for a ban on the hats?

shouldn't they be lobbying to prevent them from being sold by vendors on the Mall?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

If I could commission a political cartoon, it would look like this:

There would be a black limousine. President Trump would be the passenger. The 2020 presidency would be written across the side of the limousine. The limousine would be entering the White House gates. The driver whisking Trump toward his second term would be blindfolded and smiling. The driver would be wearing a hat that said “National Media” across the top.

Whether they know it or not, the majority of those outlets with the greatest influence will unwittingly deliver a second term to Trump largely because of their unrestrained zeal to do exactly the opposite.

This is not a pro-Trump or an anti-Trump piece. In full disclosure, I don’t hand-wring over who the next president will be. This has nothing to do with pumping or dumping Trump.

Those who oppose Trump have numerous, understandable reasons to do so.

Those who support Trump can certainly point to the better-than-expected jobs market and his willingness to tackle trade deals in which other countries had been dunking on the United States for years.

There is a segment of the population, however, that remain swing voters. They may not be crazy about Trump but they also see that the coverage is off the rails.



Well-known member
It wasn't aggression, and frankly it's annoying that I even have to sit here and argue something that is so plain. Everybody is acting stupid about it and it's gotten old- time to face reality here.
Those kids weren't just innocent bystanders, the Right wing have just up until now managed to make every person with a Maga hat look like sinless, angelic martyrs and are trying SO DESPERATELY to maintain that here.

There's a 'meme' site that I go on every once in a blue moon, and I really didn't expect to see the same behavior here about the subject. How about you prove mw wrong with actual evidence? Not a few minute video of a half hour long incident, but ACTUAL evidence?
Basically you're all just being full of yourselves. Telling me to 'shut my mouth' on account of a stupid incident that is neither personal or even worth having been broadcasted- grow up. I'm not about to get attacked on here over this, you can either be an adult or stop responding to me.

I'm just not even going to continue this conversation- I'm just counting the days until Trump is out of the office so this insanity will stop.

The story caught fire by random, same as anything else.

How's that wall going anyway? Not such an emergency when you have a bunch of random kids with Maga hats to defend huh?
Funny how minds just shift at every whim.

How do you think any story comes about? I can guarantee you there was something far worse maybe even in the same area that never hit any news. It all just depends on who's around.
So no, it's not stupid. You all are being ridiculously stupid though, so maybe not sling that word around and cast insult to injury :idunno:
As I implied already, I'm not doing the 5-on-1 bully debate where you cast your negative rep and tell me to shut up and whatnot- I'll just report this thread, seriously. You all need to get out of my face.

Drunk on your political extremes.

The shameful behavior is in you taking the other side and demanding some burden of proof on me, and then trying to get off on a technicality that you didn't literally make the claim.
Deductive reasoning wins here.

The incident itself was stupid. Whatever the fallout was is after the fact.

You need to get over yourself- you've already hit my reputation thing twice today and are trying to drill into me as much as you can with slander. Consider your post reported, I'm not going to be called names simply because I don't agree with you all's echo chamber nonsense.

The Maga kids and the wannabe communists started bickering with each other, and Phillips came in with his magic Native drum to calm it down.

Not that I'm going to discuss this any further, just revealing a bit how you all are trying to draw some alternate reality based on your hatred and doxxing of some old guy.

This is why I reported you for provoking, Crucifer. And I reported you AFTER you reported Musty. You were provoking....YOU provoked him by ignoring the importance of a bunch of high school boys being attacked by professional activists. You were provoking us all, in fact. So don't play innocent with me.


This is why I reported you for provoking, Crucifer. And I reported you AFTER you reported Musty. You were provoking....YOU provoked him by ignoring the importance of a bunch of high school boys being attacked by professional activists. You were provoking us all, in fact. So don't play innocent with me.

Everything I stated in those posts were warranted by what I responded to- they were aggressive posts.
I'm willing to be as cool as anyone presents their case.


Well-known member
Everything I stated in those posts were warranted by what I responded to- they were aggressive posts.
I'm willing to be as cool as anyone presents their case.

We were talking among agreement....but YOU insisted the boys were wrong. And, we argued with you. I guess it's fine if you call people stupid and bad talk our President, but we aren't allowed to respond. That's the problem with you liberals.

In other words....if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. :baby:


We were talking among agreement....but YOU insisted the boys were wrong. And, we argued with you. I guess it's fine if you call people stupid and bad talk our President, but we aren't allowed to respond. That's the problem with you liberals.

In other words....if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. :baby:

I provided a source on another thread that showed Phillips as being a fraud who served as a fridge mechanic in the Marine reserves- I stated outright that he should lose his accolades for even being in the military in that he claimed he fought in Vietnam.

You all tried to paint me as some bad guy trying to put the blame on the kids- the truth is that both parties were being hostile to each other.
Nobody was a saint in that incident- but I see how triggered you all are in facing simple truths.


Well-known member
This is why I reported you for provoking, Crucifer. And I reported you AFTER you reported Musty. You were provoking....YOU provoked him by ignoring the importance of a bunch of high school boys being attacked by professional activists. You were provoking us all, in fact. So don't play innocent with me.

Ain't he sumthin?


Funny, i thought that I did that.


You have a strange imagination


Well-known member
The reason why people wear Maga hats is to provoke a response.
I find it a bit odd that this is something you can't just admit being that you can see it in everyone's face wearing one.

That tells me basically that they are the instigating type and really just confirms my former suspicions- I don't thin it's merely incidental at all that they just happened to be approached by a band of angry nuts. I don't really see anyone innocent here, and people should be more honest about it.

There was no hostility from him.

It was a situation that was a lot longer than just a few minutes- all the videos shows is the highlight moment of him doing his magical drum chant thing.

It wasn't aggression, and frankly it's annoying that I even have to sit here and argue something that is so plain. Everybody is acting stupid about it and it's gotten old- time to face reality here.
Those kids weren't just innocent bystanders, the Right wing have just up until now managed to make every person with a Maga hat look like sinless, angelic martyrs and are trying SO DESPERATELY to maintain that here.

The Maga kids and the wannabe communists started bickering with each other, and Phillips came in with his magic Native drum to calm it down.

Not that I'm going to discuss this any further, just revealing a bit how you all are trying to draw some alternate reality based on your hatred and doxxing of some old guy.

I provided a source on another thread that showed Phillips as being a fraud who served as a fridge mechanic in the Marine reserves- I stated outright that he should lose his accolades for even being in the military in that he claimed he fought in Vietnam.

You all tried to paint me as some bad guy trying to put the blame on the kids- the truth is that both parties were being hostile to each other.
Nobody was a saint in that incident- but I see how triggered you all are in facing simple truths.

Of course we can all see how fair you were. :chuckle:

That you only blame the drum beater for saying he was in Viet Nam is like blaming Kavenaugh for getting drunk as a teenager. Phillips is an ACTIVIST....famed for being an ACTIVIST. He was actively getting in a kid's face because he is an ACTIVIST. That he is a liar to boot isn't what we're talking about with these kids.

There was no hostility from the kids...especially the kid who had a drum beating in his face.


I think I linked to it first but it doesn't matter. You can have the credit, it means alot to you.

It means enough to me to simply reveal that I'm not some liberal idiot blindly trying to defend the Left.
Maybe you did post something before I did, maybe not.
The fact is that I've simply been real about this matter- you all have decided to play pretend about it like those kids were just sheep being slaughtered by a pack of wolves.


Well-known member
The fact is that I've simply been real about this matter- you all have decided to play pretend about it like those kids were just sheep being slaughtered by a pack of wolves.

I don't care enough to even ask what that is supposed to mean. You are deeply confused on many points but that's not my problem. Go be real somewhere else.


Well-known member
It means enough to me to simply reveal that I'm not some liberal idiot blindly trying to defend the Left.
Maybe you did post something before I did, maybe not.
The fact is that I've simply been real about this matter- you all have decided to play pretend about it like those kids were just sheep being slaughtered by a pack of wolves.

Sheep are slaughtered by wolves. But you claim wearing a MAGA hat makes one a wolf.