:mock: crucible
Mustard :freak:
:mock: crucible
Alden Graves | Graves Registry: The smirk seen round the nation Posted Sunday, January 27, 2019 3:36 pm By Alden Graves There have been a lot of conflicting reports about exactly what happened between a group of teenage boys from a Catholic prep school in Kentucky conscripted into participating in a March for Life rally and a Native American at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on Jan. 21. I can tell you this as a former student of a prep school without any hesitation whatsoever. I know a privileged smirk when I see one. And the smirk on the face of that kid, grinning as Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder, beat his prayer drum, would have prompted thoughts of a good smack in the face from Mother Teresa. another example of the insane left seeing what they wanted to see In a country that has to deal with mass shootings every couple of days, the whole incident had its tempest in a teapot aspect, although the media's initial misreporting about the circumstances of the confrontation was gleefully seized upon by the Trump administration as another example of fake news. you call it "misrepresenting" - i call it willfull professional negligence - trump calls it fake news The smirking kid in his Make America Great Again hat was immediately enfolded into the welcome embrace of a Republican-based public relations firm. It's called grasping a straws and they evidently have no compunction about dragging a teenager into it. well, nop, it's not called grasping at straws, it's called countering lies with truth Looking like a cross between Joan of Arc and Beaver Cleaver, rather, looking like a shell-shocked 16 year old who has been visciously attacked on social media, with peole (supposedly adults) calling for his death and the death of his friends and family the boy even consented to an interview with the annoyingly sunny Savannah Guthrie during which he sheepishly disavowed any disrespect intended towards Mr. Phillips. NBC in its wisdom refrained from etching a computer-generated halo over his head. I would have thought that a halo might be a requisite these days by a public relations firm trying to make any GOP machinations in the service of a man like Donald Trump palatable. you're a retard God wasn't far from the picture though. Nick Sandmann, an 11th grader at the Covington school, said he was praying in the hopes that God might diffuse any potential for violence. Take a look at that face, folks. Does it look like prayer is incubating behind that grin? if you look at all the video evidence available, it looks like a 16 year old kid who doesn' understand why this weird old dude is in his face banging a drum The last time I saw an expression like that, Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for sporting it. you're a retard Look a little further up at the red hat on the boy's head and you'll be much closer to the truth of what's been impressed upon his young, impressionable mind. an insane retard As it has been pointed out since the incident, it is unfortunate that school officials allowed the students to wear the potentially inflammatory MAGA hats to a political event in Washington. they didn't - the boys vbught the hats and the shirts after the rally ... the bright red promotion of (trump) ... the hat doesn't say trump, retard https://www.benningtonbanner.com/st...gistry-the-smirk-seen-round-the-nation,562842 |
Next there’s a fake news story about a serious presidential crime that doesn’t seem to have happened despite the grins on so many cable TV faces. After that there’s some high school guys from a Catholic school in Covington, Ky., who surrounded an old Native American man in Washington, D.C., intimidating and mocking him and his culture. Except, wait, that’s a phony tale, hooey as far as the mind can reach, and there was a contrary if similarly bogus yarn coming from the same insidiously creative mouth, that of the Native American man, Nathan Phillips. https://www.theindependent.com/opin...cle_43f6dbaa-20f7-11e9-baaf-dfa56d9939c9.html |
'MAGA' hat in Tom Brady's locker still has 'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe upset Daniel Radcliffe, star of the "Harry Potter" series, said he will not being rooting for the New England Patriots when they play in the Super Bowl next weekend and specifically called out quarterback Tom Brady for his support of President Trump. Radcliffe told Variety that he will support Los Angeles Rams and that the "whole world is rooting against the Patriots — sorry." “Take that ‘MAGA’ hat out of your locker,” Radcliffe said. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/...-has-harry-potter-star-daniel-radcliffe-upset |
an excellent, long article, worth the read:
Seeing Red: MAGA Hats Trigger Media, Celebrities, SJWs Into Fits of Hate, Intolerance
I don't have the guts to wear a MAGA hat. Maybe if I was attending a Trump rally, I might, but I live in LIBERAL LAND, so I pretty much stay home on the farm.
Exhibit A: Covington basketball squad
You'll notice that they are throwing those 'ok' signs and striking 't poses' which, while not actually meaning anything, were claimed by some liberals to be symbols of white supremacy.
....shows the Colonels making a common hand signal celebrating a successful three-point shot. The gesture is recognizable enough to basketball fans that some have created compilations of NBA greats such as Steph Curry and LeBron James doing the same. |
The Southern Poverty Law Center found posts on 4chan, an anonymous online community known for its users’ coordinated campaigns of trolling, indicating at least some of the mainstream proliferation of the “white power” interpretation was part of a deliberate effort to bait liberals into overreacting when they saw, say, a popular actor signaling OK on the red carpet. “Leftists have dug so deep down into their lunacy,” one user wrote, proposing others create fake feminist Twitter accounts to spread the hoax. “We must force [them] to dig more, until the rest of society ain’t going anywhere near (them)” https://www.wcpo.com/news/national/...catholic-nathan-phillips-infects-the-internet |
The issue I take here isn't with those signs in and of themselves, but rather that they are right in the middle of a stadium throwing it at everyone.
That tells me basically that they are the instigating type and really just confirms my former suspicions- I don't thin it's merely incidental at all that they just happened to be approached by a band of angry nuts. I don't really see anyone innocent here, and people should be more honest about it.
point #1 (which has been made before)
....shows the Colonels making a common hand signal celebrating a successful three-point shot.
The gesture is recognizable enough to basketball fans that some have created compilations of NBA greats such as Steph Curry and LeBron James doing the same.
point #2 - you've been pranked:
The Southern Poverty Law Center found posts on 4chan, an anonymous online community known for its users’ coordinated campaigns of trolling, indicating at least some of the mainstream proliferation of the “white power” interpretation was part of a deliberate effort to bait liberals into overreacting when they saw, say, a popular actor signaling OK on the red carpet.
“Leftists have dug so deep down into their lunacy,” one user wrote, proposing others create fake feminist Twitter accounts to spread the hoax. “We must force [them] to dig more, until the rest of society ain’t going anywhere near (them)”
do you understand now, how you can come to a wrong conclusion that seems correct to you based on false information?
do you agree that this is not evidence that they are the instigating type?
Surely you know by now that the liberals only see what they want to see.
i have got to check out this 4chan site :chuckle:
... striking 't poses' ...
When asking the young man where this new trend came from he led me to a few nefarious websites on the Dark Web frequented by white nationalists. After embedding myself within these groups for some time i was able to grasp their goals as a group and the origin of the popular new pose that of which up until very recently seemed like a harmless and fun gesture. I was led through various vetting processes when i eventually landed on what looked to be the last place on earth i expected to land, the international KKK headquarters backup Dark Web site who’s banner photograph brandished many white men in white robes and white hoods in front of a burning cross undeniably performing the “T” pose. Whatever it is you do, do NOT allow your children to perform the “T” pose or it might mean their life is now out of your hands and in the hands of a much larger, scarier world of hate. from the comments section: Before you all go wild, I recommend you check out the article because it's made clear that the author's trolling in the comment section... who am I kidding, no-one reads articles on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/TPoseMemes/comments/8ipdcj/t_posing_and_its_racist_origins/ |
... A lesson on "adulting," as the popular catchphrase goes: an adult does not intervene in a tense situation by beating a drum in a teenager's face and calling it "a prayer for unity." An adult calls security or the chaperone and looks for other adults to address the hostility. But Nathan Phillips took advantage of the animosity in the area by pulling an activist stunt which landed him on the media circuit. https://www.theeagle.com/opinion/le...cle_eb6a5cbb-56cd-5f05-84b7-1acedaa5a752.html |
The Left Isn’t Stopping at Merely Censoring the Right’s Free Speech No one is talking about the most disturbing aspect of the confrontational incident involving the Covington Catholic school boys. Those boys were not speaking. No one was trying to silence their voices or shout them down. They were merely standing there wearing MAGA hats. Not content with just silencing conservatives, the left is now actively trying to chase conservatives out of the public sphere and society at large. The Native American man, Nathan Phillips, who confronted the boys with his drum was trying to chase them away from the Lincoln Memorial. The person who edited the video to make it appear that the boys were the ones accosting Phillips wanted to justify what Phillips was doing. The media went along with it and condemned the boys. This type of totalitarian censorship has been creeping into society more and more during the Trump administration. It is totalitarian because the First Amendment protects both the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly. Someone merely shows up in a public place wearing a MAGA hat and they risk being attacked. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders showed up to eat dinner with her family at a restaurant and the owners kicked her out. Perhaps most frightening of all, Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s family didn’t even leave their home and they had masked protesters yelling outside and banging on their door, chanting, “We know where you sleep at night.” The message being sent is even if you avoid the public square, you’re not even safe in your own home. This is a logical extension of the left’s tactics of resorting to silencing their ideological opponents because they can’t beat them in substantive debates. This is how Antifa arose. Those young, angry Millennials don’t have the brainpower to defeat conservative arguments, so they resort to violence. The domestic terrorist group shows up at conservative events and throws projectiles at conservatives and the police officers who are trying to protect them. Even if you don’t say anything, your mere presence as a conservative puts you in danger from these radicals. Fortunately, along with this surge of intimidation tactics by the left is a new offensiveness by conservatives. Instead of sitting back and taking it, conservatives are fighting back aggressively. Before, the left would make false claims that conservatives were racist, sexist, greedy, uncaring, etc. Now, conservatives have learned to turn those criticisms around and place them squarely where they belong — on the left. Instead of trying to defend themselves from amorphous charges that require them to prove a negative, conservatives are changing the focus to the actions of the left. A new generation of young black conservative activists, led by Candace Owens, isn’t trying to defend conservatives from charges of racism. Instead, they are pointing out the racism of the Democrats, from their history as slave owners and segregationists to their elitist attitudes toward blacks today. https://townhall.com/columnists/rac...ely-censoring-the-rights-free-speech-n2540331 |
I do think the cultural meaning of MAGA hats has evolved since 2016, and that many people (though not all) see the hat at least partly as a symbol of white nationalism in the U.S.,” he said in an email. The Rev. Wendell Anthony, pastor of Detroit’s Fellowship Chapel, a trustee on the national NAACP Board of Directors and president of the Detroit Branch of the NAACP, said the MAGA hats send a message that is unquestionably divisive for people of color. “The caps that the young men were wearing, it is their right, of course, to wear them, but when one says make America great again, what are you talking about?” he said. “When are you talking about, making America great again? What period are you referencing? “Because in order to make America great again, one has to go backwards. You have to go back to a time period in which America as viewed through the prism of many people was not so great. Are you talking about a period in which Native Americans were beat down and tribes around this nation were demoralized and basically disrupted and destroyed? “Are you talking about the antebellum period or even before that when black people were enslaved and subservient and had no rights that America was bound to respect? “Are you talking about the period when the Japanese were put into internment camps? Are you talking about the civil rights period in which Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks sat down so we could stand up? What period are you talking about? It’s confusing, and we don’t understand that.” https://www.courier-tribune.com/opinion/20190128/maga-hats-patriotic-or-racist |
A common theme wrt the MAGA hat and the "Make America Great Again" is encapuslated in the following:
I do think the cultural meaning of MAGA hats has evolved since 2016, and that many people (though not all) see the hat at least partly as a symbol of white nationalism in the U.S.,” he said in an email.
The Rev. Wendell Anthony, pastor of Detroit’s Fellowship Chapel, a trustee on the national NAACP Board of Directors and president of the Detroit Branch of the NAACP, said the MAGA hats send a message that is unquestionably divisive for people of color.
“The caps that the young men were wearing, it is their right, of course, to wear them, but when one says make America great again, what are you talking about?” he said. “When are you talking about, making America great again? What period are you referencing?
“Because in order to make America great again, one has to go backwards. You have to go back to a time period in which America as viewed through the prism of many people was not so great. Are you talking about a period in which Native Americans were beat down and tribes around this nation were demoralized and basically disrupted and destroyed?
“Are you talking about the antebellum period or even before that when black people were enslaved and subservient and had no rights that America was bound to respect?
“Are you talking about the period when the Japanese were put into internment camps? Are you talking about the civil rights period in which Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks sat down so we could stand up? What period are you talking about? It’s confusing, and we don’t understand that.”
"When are you talking about, making America great again? What period are you referencing?" :doh:
not a period, a set of values that made America great in the past, values that have been cast aside, values like:
values whose effects were:
intact families
children raised with two parents
inner cities with unremarkable murder rates
a recognition that the following are immoral, and the national will to make them illegal, severely restricted or societally condemned:
murder of children
illegal drug use
do you understand now, how you can come to a wrong conclusion that seems correct to you based on false information?
do you agree that this is not evidence that they are the instigating type?