
john w

New member
Hall of Fame
sure it before and after the know the actual context and you will see that it is actually about the evidence of that election...reception of that grace deliverance and redemption...

The fruits are because we were given grace...and saved...

imagine that...we do things because we are already saved not to earn it or merit or think to deserve it but merely because it is simply asked of us by Him because we are now His wearing His yoke cuz we want to ya dig?

So we do His work for Him His way...which turns out to be for our continued those that endure...and not turn back to their former ways like dogs to vomit...

Fuh fuh have no problem at all watching you and yours destroy each other and yourselves with your horrible use of the sword...that is a mess...and yes I guess I do have a problem with it...

it's when you turn on the unarmed true believers I merely wish you to be clear as to why your hate burns so dear...

Those saved are by One who needs no defense and they worship Him who wants no soldiers...He rejects yours and asks not to take lives but save others actually lose one's own in Him and for Him...sorry you feel your God needs both to be defended and with soldiers...understandable though...

No, it's not. The context is not spiritual/soul salvation, rummy. Grow a brain, Scarecrow. Morons on TOL...Deliverance...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul preached another gospel? Contrary?

And when the gospel includes your entrance through the pearly is voided? No longer the gospel?


Slower:you "argued," like Mar:

John the Baptist was already preaching the good news before the disciples for hiding what you insist is the gospel proper it actually hadn't occurred yet so it's not really hiding it is it? One could even say He was killed because He and His preached and lived the good news gospel...the BDR merely being the "I told you so"

Neither John the B., or the 12, your "the disciples," ever preached 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, prior to its happening. You cannot show they were. It was hid from the 12.

You just winged it.

Read Luke 9:6 KJV, carefully, dummy.

"And the gospel is the gospel that Jesus Christ preached to the Jews and the gentiles and he then sent out his apostles to do the same!"-mar

No, morons, he sent the 12 to preach the gospel of the kingdom, including Judas, which is not the gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, that had as its foundation, the death, burial, resurrection, which was hid from the 12,which you were shown, over 10 times, while they were preaching the good news of the kingdom.


New member
No, it's not. The context is not spiritual/soul salvation, rummy. Grow a brain, Scarecrow. Morons on TOL...Deliverance...

The context comes from being justified...not in becoming justified...

Saved this is what the saved behave...and what they do...

You would have the theif continue his thieving saved in the idea he was justified...

Lazy afternoon

The Ephesians NEVER had ANY ceremonial laws to keep. So how could they NO LONGER have to keep them?

You are as illogical as they come.

Christians, both from Jewish and gentile backgrounds were being persuaded to continue the separation which existed previously, so Paul was telling them the truth to make them strong and stand against returning to division.

Even a simpleton can understand that but MADists teach the division will be reinstated in the coming Kingdom of God.

What a miserable lot of the lost.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I do obey everything that Jesus commands.

What do you think can be left out?

If I do not steal can I commit adultery?

Sell all you have. Show yourself to a Levitical priest.

Watch her deceptive "He does not tell me that..." scam ploy.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why do you need a link when I said it again here.
I obey everything that Jesus tells us we have to do.

1. So, you admit that not all/everything that the Lord Jesus Christ commanded, is directed to everyone, w/o exception? Yes, or no?

This fraud will not answer that-her daddy the devil has a gag order on her.

2.Of course, this scammer tells us what it is this "Jesus" tell us to do. When we make the same assertion, this demon cries, "You are not obeying Jesus!!!!!!!"


New member
Slower:you "argued," like Mar:

Neither John the B., or the 12, your "the disciples," ever preached 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, prior to its happening. You cannot show they were. It was hid from the 12.

You just winged it.

Read Luke 9:6 KJV, carefully, dummy.

"And the gospel is the gospel that Jesus Christ preached to the Jews and the gentiles and he then sent out his apostles to do the same!"-mar

No, morons, he sent the 12 to preach the gospel of the kingdom, including Judas, which is not the gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, that had as its foundation, the death, burial, resurrection, which was hid from the 12,which you were shown, over 10 times, while they were preaching the good news of the kingdom.

The gospel is not yet complete...

Anyone can begin a story but you would interrupt immediately and say "but that is not the story because you didn't tell them what comes later"...

Again, once justified we gratefully wish to continue the story of sanctification...

You however merely continue as you were before you were justified...but justification has evidence...

Is why the One that provides it was drawn to you to start with...He knew you would change...

As the theif was not merely justified by faith but...declared his belief, repuked another's unbelief, accepted his guilt of crim and his punishment, and asked not expected grace...

But you would have him continue his thieving...justified...

God's Truth

New member
1. So, you admit that not all/everything that the Lord Jesus Christ commanded, is directed to everyone, w/o exception? Yes, or no?

This fraud will not answer that-her daddy the devil has a gag order on her.

2.Of course, this scammer tells us what it is this "Jesus" tell us to do. When we make the same assertion, this demon cries, "You are not obeying Jesus!!!!!!!"

You are so ignorant that you claim we do NOT have to obey ANYTHING Jesus says.


New member

One and the same...the saved are not to be striving with each other...duh

Salvation from this world is salvation in this't believe your hatred for the law as if we can't LIVE BY IT...

Designed and given to us by Our creator by which to live and well you know on earth as it is in heaven...

Work in fear and trembling not to insult or annoy fellow members or come into strife...

You are exactly NOT WHAT YOU


Literal lunatic
Christians, both from Jewish and gentile backgrounds were being persuaded to continue the separation which existed previously, so Paul was telling them the truth to make them strong and stand against returning to division.


There were synagogues in and around Ephesus, so there were proselytes which makes his statement a bit disingenuous.


not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
synonyms: insincere · dishonest · untruthful · false · deceitful · duplicitous · lying · [more]