ECT MADist thought for the day

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What would it be like to live with someone who had to stay away from you while you were menstruating, had to be careful to observe all dietary laws, sabbath laws, sacrificial laws etc?

You would be forced to live under these laws for your husband's sake. If you messed up, you could make him unclean. Therefore your conscience would be bound for the sake of your husband, not your own. But if you loved your husband, you would share the respectability. This is bondage.

No, it isnt, God tells women to honor their husbands. Why do you think its a chore or bondage?


New member
If a husband must stay away from his wife because she is making him unclean, then she is the one unclean.

I can't agree with you. The man is unclean due to his inconsiderateness to the difficulty of that time of the month for most women.

What a joy it must have been for the women of the Old Testament to go off by themselves and chat and laugh... to relax and have others take up the slack for them.

This is bondage.

No, this is freedom. Perhaps bondage for men, but they do often need to be restrained*, which btw, is the reason for so many regulations being for what is required of the men.

*And in this aspect, perhaps also blood lust was restrained.

How in the world you can fight this is beyond me.

I'd say the reason for your fight is only because you are ignorant regarding this. Not a bad thing... ignorance can be cured, unlike idiocy and stupidity.

Remember: anything that makes God look anything less than loving in any scripture shows a misunderstanding of that particular verse, for God is love.

patrick jane

The original point in the OP still shows how crazy mad really is.

Could a believing gentile woman in the BOC who is not under the law, potentially cause a Jewish husband to be unclean while she is menstruating?

Paul says, For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife (1 Corinthians 7:14).

So, a husband who isn't even saved is sanctified by the believing wife, in that the marriage arrangement cannot cause offense to God, but the believing Jew cannot be sanctified by the believing wife?

LOL what craziness.

once again, nitpicking customs and traditions of the OLD WORLD, within the Bible. you refuse to get past minor details, irrelevant details. many have become stuck, bogged down, by a few words. what craziness is exactly right, but i wouldn't laugh that hard. what a fool you are to look at one scripture, about husbands and wives. that's all you got ? 1 Corinthians chapter 7 ? c'mon, you can do better than that


New member
I can't agree with you. The man is unclean due to his inconsiderateness to the difficulty of that time of the month for most women.

What a joy it must have been for the women of the Old Testament to go off by themselves and chat and laugh... to relax and have others take up the slack for them.


No, this is freedom. Perhaps bondage for men, but they do often need to be restrained*, which btw, is the reason for so many regulations being for what is required of the men.

*And in this aspect, perhaps also blood lust was restrained.

I'd say the reason for your fight is only because you are ignorant regarding this. Not a bad thing... ignorance can be cured, unlike idiocy and stupidity.

Remember: anything that makes God look anything less than loving in any scripture shows a misunderstanding of that particular verse, for God is love.

I think you've probably misunderstood the point.
I'm talking about the strggle of a husband and wife dwelling together where the woman was under grace through faith in Christ, and the husband was bound to the Mosaic law. Such an arrangement could not be possible, but if it was, she couldn't experience freedom from the law for the sake of her husband.

Regardless of what you said, if a woman is unclean to her husband, she is under legal restriction. This was a constant reminder of the significance of carnal imperfection, which is supposed to be removed through faith in Christ.
You seem to be suggesting that being under the law was not bondage at all.


New member
once again, nitpicking customs and traditions of the OLD WORLD, within the Bible. you refuse to get past minor details, irrelevant details. many have become stuck, bogged down, by a few words. what craziness is exactly right, but i wouldn't laugh that hard. what a fool you are to look at one scripture, about husbands and wives. that's all you got ? 1 Corinthians chapter 7 ? c'mon, you can do better than that

Minor details? LOL


New member
If a believer who happened to be a kingdom slave had a wife who was part of the BOC, would the wife be unclean to the husband while she was menstruating?
The law states that under normal conditions the woman would be unclean for seven days, and who ever touches her would be unclean until evening. If the woman was unclean to her husband it would put her under the law. If she wasn't unclean to her husband it would negate the law.

What say you?

Though obviously a hypothetical: were such a scenario the case, the principle of grace that Paul is talking about in the following; would apply.

1 Corinthians 10:27 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. 10:28 But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof:

I love these kinds of 'what ifs.'

Their usefulness is missed when they are viewed as mere speculation for the sake of speculation.

But when viewed for what challenge to thinking on a thing they might provide, it is then that they are often useful.

Because they force one to reflect on things one might not reflect on otherwise, and as a result; can bring not only greater clarity on things, as to important operating principles; but a faster realization not only with more depth; but from within a much wider spectrum.


Well-known member
Danoh, not a criticism but why you got to go bump the stupid by entertaining idiotic questions like that? You have to know that Andy's juvenile mind is quite firmly made up.

Lazy afternoon

If a believer who happened to be a kingdom slave had a wife who was part of the BOC, would the wife be unclean to the husband while she was menstruating?
The law states that under normal conditions the woman would be unclean for seven days, and who ever touches her would be unclean until evening. If the woman was unclean to her husband it would put her under the law. If she wasn't unclean to her husband it would negate the law.

What say you?

Madists think the Jews will return to the law during the millennium.



Well-known member
If a believer who happened to be a kingdom slave had a wife who was part of the BOC, would the wife be unclean to the husband while she was menstruating?
The law states that under normal conditions the woman would be unclean for seven days, and who ever touches her would be unclean until evening. If the woman was unclean to her husband it would put her under the law. If she wasn't unclean to her husband it would negate the law.

What say you?

Hi and I have not read where Paul writes on this subject , BUT under the LAW , YES !!

Do you have a verse , other than under the LAW ?



New member
Danoh, not a criticism but why you got to go bump the stupid by entertaining idiotic questions like that? You have to know that Andy's juvenile mind is quite firmly made up.

Some years ago; while reading one heck of a full of holes argument by Ironside against O'Hair's assertion that the Apostle Paul preached one and the same Mystery both in Acts and Post-Acts; I found I was still able to learn something from Ironside despite both his false assertions and failure to prove that O'Hair was a Bullingerite.

It struck me way back then how much O'Hair had actually grown even clearer on things as a result of Ironside's opposition.

In this, I have to agree with Jordan's quip that "opposition is good fur ya; it can get ya tuh thinkin on some things ya might not have profited from otherwise" :chuckle:

In this, I have no problem with where the opportunity to reflect on a thing and actually benefit from it might come from; whether intended by the other guy, or not.

Besides; you must know by now I do not play favorites - who ever poses some thought; question, or whatever, I believe I might profit from; I'm there.

Try it some time; you'll see things where it sometimes only appears there was nothing to see.

Again; despite whatever the other guy's actual intent may, or may not have been :)


Well-known member
Some years ago; while reading one heck of a full of holes argument by Ironside against O'Hair's assertion that the Apostle Paul preached one and the same Mystery both in Acts and Post-Acts; I found I was still able to learn something from Ironside despite both his false assertions and failure to prove that O'Hair was a Bullingerite.

It struck me way back then how much O'Hair had actually grown even clearer on things as a result of Ironside's opposition.

In this, I have to agree with Jordan's quip that "opposition is good fur ya; it can get ya tuh thinkin on some things ya might not have profited from otherwise" :chuckle:

In this, I have no problem with where the opportunity to reflect on a thing and actually benefit from it might come from; whether intended by the other guy, or not.

Besides; you must know by now I do not play favorites - who ever poses some thought; question, or whatever, I believe I might profit from; I'm there.

Try it some time; you'll see things where it sometimes only appears there was nothing to see.

Again; despite whatever the other guy's actual intent may, or may not have been :)

As you like. For myself, when someone is a known quantity (as Andy is), I'll abide as I'm admonished in 1 Tim 6:4, 2 Tim 2:23, Titus 3:9...


New member
Though obviously a hypothetical: were such a scenario the case, the principle of grace that Paul is talking about in the following; would apply.

1 Corinthians 10:27 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. 10:28 But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof:

I love these kinds of 'what ifs.'

Their usefulness is missed when they are viewed as mere speculation for the sake of speculation.

But when viewed for what challenge to thinking on a thing they might provide, it is then that they are often useful.

Because they force one to reflect on things one might not reflect on otherwise, and as a result; can bring not only greater clarity on things, as to important operating principles; but a faster realization not only with more depth; but from within a much wider spectrum.

Well............that response could have come from a democrat. Sounded good, but avoided the question.
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