Lyin' NASA

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
She apparently believes that the earth is flat and that we've never been in space. :plain: It's in her Flat Earth thread linked in the first post here.

If you believe that then NASA has to be an incredible and sustained attempt to fool impressive effort utilizing thousands of people over decades with none of them blowing the whistle.

None of them.

Decade after decade.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
She apparently believes that the earth is flat and that we've never been in space. :plain: It's in her Flat Earth thread linked in the first post here.

If you believe that then NASA has to be an incredible and sustained attempt to fool impressive effort utilizing thousands of people over decades with none of them blowing the whistle.

None of them.

Decade after decade.


Absolutely absurd...:nono:


Absolutely absurd...

Good luck with that (Lk 21:26).


The day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness (1 Th 5:2–5).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: strawman
How was my noting your apparent belief in a flat earth and don't appear to believe that we've been to the moon/in space bodily a straw man? Everyone was trying to figure out the connection between the thread title and your activity.

I followed the link you posted in the less than clear OP. Are you saying you don't believe in a flat earth or that we've never been to space?

You have to present a clear position before you can accuse people trying to figure out what it is of trying to move the goal posts.


How was my noting your apparent belief...
An argument on YouTube now.

Everyone was trying to figure out the connection between the thread title and your activity.
No really--you can believe NASA. :juggle:

I followed the link you posted in the less than clear OP.
NASA lies. What's unclear?

Are you saying you don't believe in a flat earth or that we've never been to space?
I've flown around the world ten thousand times. I think it's round.

You have to present a clear position...
Get godly eyes and ears on and get back to me.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No really--you can believe NASA.
About what? Or, unless given a objective reason to doubt them on a point presented and backed with objective data, why wouldn't I or anyone? I don't go around assuming everyone or every institution is in the business of lying (absent marketing efforts).

NASA lies. What's unclear?
A great deal. About what?

I've flown around the world ten thousand times. I think it's round.
So why the flat earth link?

Your OP consisted of "Lyin' NASA" followed by two links without any commentary to pull any of it together.

So the rest is speculation. If you don't tell us what you mean all we can do is pull it together for you. So are you saying the explosion in Florida is somehow a NASA lie? Because you don't make any connection to follow. Then you note Flat Earthers. How is that related to NASA unless you believe them and believe the old radiation belt business?

The problem isn't with my eyes or in our stars, but with your failure to connect the dots you place in your post.


Well-known member
None of the conspiracy theorists realize that if they were really on to something the magnitude it always has, they'd be dead.


[You can believe NASA] About what?
About nothing. If you're not following the Black Star report this is Greek to you.
...nless given a objective reason to doubt them on a point presented and backed with objective data, why wouldn't I or anyone?
You believe they tell the truth. I believe they lie.
I don't go around assuming everyone or every institution is in the business of lying (absent marketing efforts).
You're ignorant. That is not an insult that means you are uninformed about arguments for and against the Black Star.
[NASA lies. What's unclear?] A great deal. About what?
There's a whole thread about it. A link has been provided for your convenience. :plain:
[I think the earth is round]. So why the flat earth link?
It's a hot topic on YouTube.
Your OP consisted of "Lyin' NASA" followed by two links without any commentary to pull any of it together.
You would have to have read the thread. In that thread is a link to another thread.
So are you saying the explosion in Florida is somehow a NASA lie?
Israel and Zuckerface had packages on it--and yes, NASA lies.
...[Y]ou don't make any connection to follow.
That's what the Google is for.
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