Letsargue's Thread for Bashing AMR

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New member
I've always had a problem with the phrases "winning souls" or "soul winner".

First, we merely proclaim the Gospel. We don't regenerate anybody, convict them of sin, convert them to Christ.

Second, it implies the absence of certitude that the Elect shall be saved. Like, the Supreme Being has troubling redeeming His chosen people and only manages to do so with our battling on his side.

Christians believe in a Supreme Being who is REALLY supreme. Who created the physical universe by merely speaking it into existence. And, with whom their is no contest wherein souls are "won".

It's intermission time!
Please visit he lobby for letsargue's, the soul assassinator, popcorn.


You cannot proclaim the Gospel if you don't have the Gospel!! -- AND none of you have anything that even appears to be the Gospel!! - You just have words that started in your own bloody hearts!!

You all teach that Jesus paid for your sins, and that's ABSURD!! - YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR OWN SINS, AND THAT IS FOR EVERY SIN YOU EVER COMMITTED; - WITH (( YOUR OWN SOULS ))!! --- Read the Book!!!!!!!

Paul -- 042412


New member
You cannot proclaim the Gospel if you don't have the Gospel!! -- AND none of you have anything that even appears to be the Gospel!! - You just have words that started in your own bloody hearts!!

You all teach that Jesus paid for your sins, and that's ABSURD!! - YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR OWN SINS, AND THAT IS FOR EVERY SIN YOU EVER COMMITTED; - WITH (( YOUR OWN SOULS ))!! --- Read the Book!!!!!!!

Paul -- 042412
Dear Paul,

Which one ?
Matthew 24:13-14
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

In Him,


New member
Dear Paul,

Which one ?
Matthew 24:13-14
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

In Him,

Colossians 1:23 KJV – “If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and (((( WHICH (( WAS )) PREACHED TO (( EVERY )) CREATURE WHICH (( IS )) UNDER HEAVEN )))); whereof I Paul am made a minister”. ---- I think you left that out, or you missed it!! – That was fulfilled two thousand years ago, and Paul said (( IT WAS ))!! – What in the present tense do you not understand? That all was in the present tense in Paul’s time, not your TIMELESS GUESSING!!!

Your 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV -------//--- Paul was speaking to the Christians at Corinth, two thousand years ago, and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OR ANYONE TODAY. – You all just make everything pertain to YOU, when it doesn’t!! – The Church that then was, is not now!! That was the Last Days, or the Latter Days, and they ENDED AD70!! – Jesus said, “There is time no longer” – This is the DAY AFTER THE END, and you all will see the Day ending when you are quickened / wake up from sleep!!

Paul – 042412


New member
Dear Paul,
Colossians 1:23 KJV – “If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and (((( WHICH (( WAS )) PREACHED TO (( EVERY )) CREATURE WHICH (( IS )) UNDER HEAVEN )))); whereof I Paul am made a minister”. ---- I think you left that out, or you missed it!! – That was fulfilled two thousand years ago, and Paul said (( IT WAS ))!! – What in the present tense do you not understand? That all was in the present tense in Paul’s time, not your TIMELESS GUESSING!!!
So what is it that I don't understand in the present tense ?
Your 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV -------//--- Paul was speaking to the Christians at Corinth, two thousand years ago, and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OR ANYONE TODAY. – You all just make everything pertain to YOU, when it doesn’t!! – The Church that then was, is not now!! That was the Last Days, or the Latter Days, and they ENDED AD70!! – Jesus said, “There is time no longer” – This is the DAY AFTER THE END, and you all will see the Day ending when you are quickened / wake up from sleep!!

Paul – 042412
What part of the Bible applies to me ?
How am I quickened / awakened ?

In Him,


New member
You're Paul, which doesn't raise you above any in Christ.



If you only knew who you are, you'd know who I AM!! --- I am the same every day you have ever known!! -- What's the difference between Paul and Paul???? -- GUESSSS!!! - Acts 27:23 KJV - For there stood by me this night (( The Angel of God )), (( WHOSE I AM )) / ( WHOSE ( I AM ) ), OR ( I AM HE ) and whom ( I serve ). -------//-- What did I say there!! can you see the Truth in what (((( IS SAID ))))!! -- NO! - I didn't think so!! --- You all Know nothing that is said!!!

Paul -- 042412


New member
Dear Paul,So what is it that I don't understand in the present tense ?
What part of the Bible applies to me ?
How am I quickened / awakened ?

In Him,

Everything that Jesus said, and everything that Jesus’ Apostles preached was in the Last Days that ended in approximately “AD70”, “ ( THAT PRESENT TENSE )”!! – They were speaking in the present tense always except for prophesying the future, (( which does not EXCEED AD70 )). --- Matthew 24:34 KJV ---&--- Luke 21:22 KJV ---&--- Luke 21:32 KJV ---

Paul – 042412


New member
Dear Paul,
Everything that Jesus said, and everything that Jesus’ Apostles preached was in the Last Days that ended in approximately “AD70”, “ ( THAT PRESENT TENSE )”!! – They were speaking in the present tense always except for prophesying the future, (( which does not EXCEED AD70 )). --- Matthew 24:34 KJV ---&--- Luke 21:22 KJV ---&--- Luke 21:32 KJV ---

Paul – 042412
In what way did Matthew 24:30 and Acts 1:11 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 already occur ?
2 Thessalonians 2:3 4 8 speaks of the man of sin, the son of perdition and the lawless one. Who was that ?

In Him,


New member
Dear Paul,So what is it that I don't understand in the present tense ?
What part of the Bible applies to me ?
How am I quickened / awakened ?

In Him,

Jed, -- I’m sorry, let me answer you more thoroughly.

Today, the only part of the Scriptures that applies to anyone is the JUDGMENT!! – The Books and the other Book, which is the New Testament, is now “OPEN”, which is the last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ!! -- The Time has come for the inheritance, - or the inheritance of Hell!!

You nor anyone today will be quickened until the flesh “departs” or “dies” to / “TO” the Spirit, and the Spirit is then “unveiled”, ((( the flesh is the veil, concealing the Spiritual ))), from the flesh, / OR ( QUICKENED ), or the eyes of the spirit are OPENED / ye are quickened / awakened / resurrected / “RESURRECTED”. – One cannot be Quickened, or Resurrected until he has DIED / the flesh departs the Spirit!!! --- How shall ye BE??

Paul – 042412


New member
Jed, -- I’m sorry, let me answer you more thoroughly.

Today, the only part of the Scriptures that applies to anyone is the JUDGMENT!! – The Books and the other Book, which is the New Testament, is now “OPEN”, which is the last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ!! -- The Time has come for the inheritance, - or the inheritance of Hell!!

You nor anyone today will be quickened until the flesh “departs” or “dies” to / “TO” the Spirit, and the Spirit is then “unveiled”, ((( the flesh is the veil, concealing the Spiritual ))), from the flesh, / OR ( QUICKENED ), or the eyes of the spirit are OPENED / ye are quickened / awakened / resurrected / “RESURRECTED”. – One cannot be Quickened, or Resurrected until he has DIED / the flesh departs the Spirit!!! --- How shall ye BE??

Paul – 042412
Dear Paul,

So I guess that's my question then: How shall I be now, before my flesh departs ? How shall I live now ?

In Him,


New member
Given you don't appear to credit anyone else with being a Saint it's a thin sort of distinction.

That's setting yourself above others.


NOOO!! -- That's an outright LIE!!! - Jesus was, or was He not above or under all of His?? -- You're just proud of yourself, that you can open your foolish mouth against the TRUTH!!!

AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN!! - How many times does Christ have to tell a FOOL, that there "IS NO ONE SAVED TODAY, OR YESTERDAY?? - There is no Gospel to save anyone today. -- There cannot be a single soul saved today BECAUSE ((( GOD SAID SOOO )))!!! --- Romans 3:10-12 KJV - “((( As it is written ))), There is none righteous, no, not one: 11- There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12- They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one”. ------//--- WHAT DOES GOD SAY THERE, THAT A FOOL CANNOT BELIEVE OR HAVE “FAITH IN”!!!!!??? --- THERE IS ((( NONE ))) ( PERIOD )

Paul – 042412

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
NOOO!! -- That's an outright LIE!!! - Jesus was, or was He not above or under all of His?? -- You're just proud of yourself, that you can open your foolish mouth against the TRUTH!!!
You aren't Jesus. You're just proud and angry and narcissistic, apparently.


NOOO!! -- That's an outright LIE!!! - Jesus was, or was He not above or under all of His?? -- You're just proud of yourself, that you can open your foolish mouth against the TRUTH!!!

AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN!! - How many times does Christ have to tell a FOOL, that there "IS NO ONE SAVED TODAY, OR YESTERDAY?? - There is no Gospel to save anyone today. -- There cannot be a single soul saved today BECAUSE ((( GOD SAID SOOO )))!!! --- Romans 3:10-12 KJV - “((( As it is written ))), There is none righteous, no, not one: 11- There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12- They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one”. ------//--- WHAT DOES GOD SAY THERE, THAT A FOOL CANNOT BELIEVE OR HAVE “FAITH IN”!!!!!??? --- THERE IS ((( NONE ))) ( PERIOD )

Paul – 042412
A person isn't saved by seeking God.


New member
Everything that Jesus said, and everything that Jesus’ Apostles preached was in the Last Days that ended in approximately “AD70”, “ ( THAT PRESENT TENSE )”!! – They were speaking in the present tense always except for prophesying the future, (( which does not EXCEED AD70 )). --- Matthew 24:34 KJV ---&--- Luke 21:22 KJV ---&--- Luke 21:32 KJV ---

Paul – 042412

Lets all speak in Puritan language and talk about Full Preterism for a minute.
Maybe we can reach Letsague through that language.
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