Letsargue's Thread for Bashing AMR

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Bottom line, you simply refuse to attend a local church and submit yourself to its authorities because you are on a different spiritual plane than the rest of us poor fools.

I think he is on a different time plane. I believe he talks about future events not yet happen isn't happing in the present. Example, Judgement day hasn't happened yet or "saved" hasn't happened yet and happens at the time of death. Can anyone list time related events that Argueman believe hasn't happening yet but he experiences them? He may somewhat saying that if he isn't experiencing those events then no one else can.

Can anyone list what he can do that we can't do?


New member
... THERE ARE NO TRUE CHURCHES TODAY, - “NONE” – You won’t listen to anything I tried to tell you!!. – I’ve told you, and “told you” that today the corruption in your choice of government, and supported by all Churches, willingly or unknowingly, has brought the Judgment of God, and NOW THERE IS NOTHING ANY OF YOU STIFF-NECKED PEOPLE CAN DO ABOUT IT!!

I may have to agree the "One must attend a local church" and "be obedient to the authorities of that local church" is going a little too far. Perhaps the Bible does say that. I have mixed reviews about that.

Does anyone agree with that? Perhaps Protestants find something in Catholicism to be true like the things one must do inside a certain denomination.
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New member
... The Gospel was taken out from you, and it’s not possible for any of you to come near unto it. It was taken OUT about two years ago because of the absolute and TOTAL denial of anything that I brought to you!!! --- ...

Tell us what happened 2 years ago that made the Gospel taken away from us. Was the Gospel taken away from you 2 years ago?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You are so smart, give me something I CAN respond to.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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The Gospel was taken out from you, and it’s not possible for any of you to come near unto it. It was taken OUT about two years ago because of the absolute and TOTAL denial of anything that I brought to you!!!
So you were the messenger of God that brought about this removal of the Gospel about two years ago?



New member
I think he is on a different time plane. I believe he talks about future events not yet happen isn't happing in the present. Example, Judgement day hasn't happened yet or "saved" hasn't happened yet and happens at the time of death. Can anyone list time related events that Argueman believe hasn't happening yet but he experiences them? He may somewhat saying that if he isn't experiencing those events then no one else can.

Can anyone list what he can do that we can't do?

I told all of you smart so called christians “BACK IN” -- May 11, 2007, that you were “GOING TO LOSE YOUR COUNTRY, AND THERE WAS NOTHING ANY OF YOU COULD DO ABOUT IT”!!! --- Live that any way you choose. - You are still losing your country, and there is still nothing any of you so called christians can do about it!! – You can call me anything that enters your foolish hearts, and spit it out again!!

Paul – 042312


New member
I may have to agree the "One must attend a local church" and "be obedient to the authorities of that local church" is going a little to far. Perhaps the Bible does say that. I have mixed reviews about that.

Does anyone agree with that? Perhaps Protestants find something in Catholicism to be true like the things one must do inside a certain denomination.

There is no such thing as a "LITTLE TOO FAR"!! -- Either you are right with the Truth, or YOU ARE "NOT"!! - There is no untruth in Him at all!!

Paul -- 042312


New member
So you were the messenger of God that brought about this removal of the Gospel about two years ago?


You know full well that I diid not say that!!! -- What can I say that you guys won't change, and try throwing garbage back at me!!!! All of you can stay where you are, and that is not where you think!!

Paul -- 042312


New member
Tell us what happened 2 years ago that made the Gospel taken away from us. Was the Gospel taken away from you 2 years ago?

I came here in July 2005, and every one of you did nothing but denounce everything I said. At that time I was trying to bring the Gospel back to anyone who could understand the deeper things of God. -- BUT NO!! --- I told you all several times that I was no longer here to try to save you, BUT TO JUDGE YOU. – Therefore, you now stand judged as a nation and world!! You can only wait for your eyes to be opened at your own personal judgment, at you own quickening!!! – I said that you all will stand before me and look me straight in the face, Face to Face, and then deny me!! – YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST SAID, AS USUAL!! – This coming July will be (( SEVEN YEARS ))!!

Paul – 042312


Eclectic Theosophist
out with the bash........

out with the bash........


Where 'God' is the only Presence and Power, there is no need to bash anything or anyone. God is One. God is All. - some may have a different concept or image of 'God', or their own flavor of theology, but that is inevitable given this frame of conditional existence and the variegations of the human ego.

I recommend a program of 'unbashing' to maintain a state of equinimity. I would gather a zen-like state (approaching sanity) is preferable than most of the intellectual con-fusions typical to some schools of theology with its focus on 'orthodoxy' and the like. Sanity and clarity of mind comes highly recommended, but one is also free to 'obsess' over his own concepts or speculations of 'God',....no one will take away your mind-candy :baby:

Also CAPS and so many exclamation points doesnt necessarily prove or convey your point of view any better, neither gives it more credence. Perhaps another approach may serve your ultimatum ;)




New member
I came here in July 2005, and every one of you did nothing but denounce everything I said. At that time I was trying to bring the Gospel back to anyone who could understand the deeper things of God. -- BUT NO!! --- I told you all several times that I was no longer here to try to save you, BUT TO JUDGE YOU. – Therefore, you now stand judged as a nation and world!! You can only wait for your eyes to be opened at your own personal judgment, at you own quickening!!! – I said that you all will stand before me and look me straight in the face, Face to Face, and then deny me!! – YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST SAID, AS USUAL!! – This coming July will be (( SEVEN YEARS ))!!

Paul – 042312

This conversation is limping along. Let's start with two years ago and you can work your way from that. Did you flick a switch and what did that switch turn on or off?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I came here in July 2005, and every one of you did nothing but denounce everything I said. At that time I was trying to bring the Gospel back to anyone who could understand the deeper things of God. -- BUT NO!! --- I told you all several times that I was no longer here to try to save you, BUT TO JUDGE YOU.
You appear to confuse yourself with Jesus. You do realize that you aren't Jesus, don't you?

– Therefore, you now stand judged as a nation and world!! You can only wait for your eyes to be opened at your own personal judgment, at you own quickening!!! – I said that you all will stand before me and look me straight in the face, Face to Face, and then deny me!! – YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST SAID, AS USUAL!! – This coming July will be (( SEVEN YEARS ))!!

Paul – 042312
Supra. You won't judge anyone, could never save anyone. Who do you believe you are?


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I may have to agree the "One must attend a local church" and "be obedient to the authorities of that local church" is going a little to far. Perhaps the Bible does say that. I have mixed reviews about that.

Does anyone agree with that? Perhaps Protestants find something in Catholicism to be true like the things one must do inside a certain denomination.
Any good study bible with an appendix on the word "authority" ought to steer you in the right direction. Just "me, Jesus, and my Bible" is an attitude contrary to God's order. Children are under authority of their parents, and God's children are under authority of the church "parents". Read Paul's parting words with the Ephesian elders, how oversight it needed due to wolves lurking about that would not spare the sheep in the church in Acts 20:13-31.

Duly appointed church officers possess the keys. See the WCF 30.1 and 30.2 and proof texts associated therewith. I refer you also to the Heidelberg Catechism Question 85.

Sadly, Protestantism today is more about egalitarianism than about unity. Denominationalism run amuck, that obscures the unity of Christ. Even in the early church at Corinth, Paul had to spend six chapters in 1 Corinthians on the matter of disunity.

For more: here



New member
Any good study bible with an appendix on the word "authority" ought to steer you in the right direction. Just "me, Jesus, and my Bible" is an attitude contrary to God's order. Children are under authority of their parents, and God's children are under authority of the church "parents". Read Paul's parting words with the Ephesian elders, how oversight it needed due to wolves lurking about that would not spare the sheep in the church in Acts 20:13-31.

Duly appointed church officers possess the keys. See the WCF 30.1 and 30.2 and proof texts associated therewith. I refer you also to the Heidelberg Catechism Question 85.

Sadly, Protestantism today is more about egalitarianism than about unity. Denominationalism run amuck, that obscures the unity of Christ. Even in the early church at Corinth, Paul had to spend six chapters in 1 Corinthians on the matter of disunity.
AMR mentioned:

For more: here


Jesus did say I'm among the three so "me, Jesus, and my Bible" sounds like two. James White, in his book about sola scriptura, did express that we're not that alone. The Bible alone is enough to tell us what salvation is and does and how the Elects get there. White went on to share that theres more involved. The Catholics are connecting people to their church as well as the Protestants. Both denominations are using more the two, "meism, Jesusism, and my Bibleism". AMR might be right on this subject.

AMR mentioned:
The Heidelberg Catechism

Question 85 How is the kingdom of heaven shut and opened by christian discipline?

How is the kingdom of heaven shut and opened by christian discipline?

Thus: when according to the command of Christ, those, who under the name of christians, maintain doctrines, or practices inconsistent therewith, and will not, after having been often brotherly admonished, renounce their errors and wicked course of life, are complained of to the church, or to those, who are thereunto appointed by the church; and if they despise their admonition, are by them forbidden the use of the sacraments; whereby they are excluded from the christian church, and by God himself from the kingdom of Christ; and when they promise and show real amendment, are again received as members of Christ and his church. [242]

AMR might mean nothing less than excommunication. The unrepentant, stubborn, sinful, church member is to be removed from the membership list and is no longer a member of Christ's body. When the church takes this necessary but painful step it recognizes that "God himself excludes him from the kingdom of Christ."

So in this topic we questioned why Letsargue are having trouble with all denominations. True Churches may have excommunicated him and forced him to be "Me Myself and Irene" a multiple personality dude that forgets to take his pills. Perhaps God himself really does exclude Letsargue from the kingdom of Christ

AMR brings up a word, Egalitarianism:
Egalitarianism, within Christianity, is a movement based on the theological view that not only are all people equal before God in their personhood, but there are no gender-based limitations of what functions or roles each can fulfill in the home, the church, and the society.

I've noticed that there is a fresh new denomination called the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians, (ECO). They are a new split and separated from PCUSA. One of the the nine values listed at ECO are :

Egalitarian Ministry: We believe in unleashing the ministry gifts of women, men, and every ethnic group.

This explains why this "new reformed body " can't turn to PCA but I'm not sure why they can't turn to EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church).

Going off the subject a little, AMR, would you list where in The Westminster Confession of Faith, it talks about the subject of Egalitarianism?



New member
. . .Supra. You won't judge anyone, could never save anyone. Who do you believe you are? ...
I've always had a problem with the phrases "winning souls" or "soul winner".

First, we merely proclaim the Gospel. We don't regenerate anybody, convict them of sin, convert them to Christ.

Second, it implies the absence of certitude that the Elect shall be saved. Like, the Supreme Being has troubling redeeming His chosen people and only manages to do so with our battling on his side.

Christians believe in a Supreme Being who is REALLY supreme. Who created the physical universe by merely speaking it into existence. And, with whom their is no contest wherein souls are "won".

It's intermission time!
Please visit he lobby for letsargue's, the soul assassinator, popcorn.



New member
You appear to confuse yourself with Jesus. You do realize that you aren't Jesus, don't you?

Supra. You won't judge anyone, could never save anyone. Who do you believe you are?



Paul -- 042412
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