Lesbian Methodist Minister


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aharvey

Born to breed? Hmm. As an alternative to being born straight, I'm doubtful that your new version makes any biological sense.
What I mean is that we are biologically made up to procreate. Right?

Typically, and excluding the wonders of modern technology, people make babies because of things they do with people that they find sexually attractive. They do those things because they feel good, not because they want to make a baby. Infertile people have no less of a sex drive than fertile people, as far as I know. Their motivations for wanting to have sex is no different from those of fertile people, as far as I know. No, the way genetics actually works, it makes far more sense that it is the desire to have sex that is in our genes, not the desire to make babies.
I didn't say anything about the desire to make babies, you twit. And the desire to have sex is biological, I agree. But sexual preference is not.

In the absence of any genetic basis for heterosexuality? How would this be possible?
Because we are made to procreate. Man and woman. Man and man, and woman and woman can not breed.

I didn't mean to imply that all external forces lead to homosexuality!
I know. I was just making it clear that I did not believe they all did.

So, for example, when a man sees a hot woman at a bar, his most basic thoughts are not "Wow, I'd love to sleep with her," they are "Wow, I'd love for her to carry my baby"? And when someone is grossed out at the thought of two men having sex, it's due to the realization that such actions could never lead to a child?

Let's try again. Some heterosexuals are exposed to some external forces that cause them to become attracted to members of the same sex. What do they do? They either:

3.1: follow through with homosexual behavior, or they don't. Instead, they:

3.2.a: have relationships with members of the opposite sex, repulsive as that might now be to them (why repulsive? Because they are now attracted to same-sex)
3.2.b: do not have relationships at all, or
3.2.c: find some sort of "cure," restoring their genetic programming to the forefront.
Different things can happen. But I surmise that those who are completely homosexual would not have relations with someone of the opposite gender. Some of them may never have sex, if they percieve their desires as wrong, but never know how to deal with them. This would explain a lot about the RCC priesthood.

Then there are those who seek God, and find healing, and are changed, made new creations, in Christ.

And, as well, there are those who act on their sexual desires for the same sex.

Hope I clarified things a bit. I think you will have a very difficult task demonstrating that sexuality has no genetic basis, but breeding does, and that's why most people, with no genetic disposition one way or the other, end up being functionally homosexual. Do you REALLY think that could explain the instinctive, visceral revulsion most people experience when they visualize two men going at it?
I did not say sexuality has no genetic basis. I said that sexual preference has none.


New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

What I mean is that we are biologically made up to procreate. Right?

That's a nonsense phrase, I'm afraid. Species whose individuals do not reproduce (same as procreate?) become extinct. As true of asexual algae and bacteria as it is of humans. It is meaningless to refer to a genetic basis for reproduction. What has a genetic basis are those traits that facilitate the process of reproduction. Such as gender-specific cues (e.g., that say "I'm a female!"), and the ability to recognize those cues, and the desire to act upon them. Hey, wait a minute! Aren't those the exact same things that define heterosexuality? I'm sorry, this brings us right back to the idea that sexual orientation has a genetic basis!

Originally posted by lighthouse

I didn't say anything about the desire to make babies, you twit.

Silly me. I thought that that's what you meant by procreate! Perhaps you could tell me what you mean by procreate?

Originally posted by lighthouse

And the desire to have sex is biological, I agree. But sexual preference is not.

The only reason I can see your adopting this view is because you don't like where the alternative is inevitably heading. But I'm sorry, I just don't buy that you, lighthouse, are genetically programmed to want to have sex, but your genes have had no input with respect to who you want to have sex with! How did you figure it out?

Originally posted by lighthouse

Because we are made to procreate. Man and woman. Man and man, and woman and woman can not breed.

See above. This is a biologically naive to bankrupt way to think about this. Species that don't reproduce go extinct, so all living things are, in a trivial sense, "made to procreate," (again, assuming that by "procreate" you mean "reproduce"). It is therefore meaningless to refer to a genetic basis for reproduction. What has a genetic basis are those traits that facilitate the process of reproduction. Such as gender-specific cues, and the ability to recognize those cues, and the desire to act upon them. Hey, wait a minute! Aren't those the exact same things that define heterosexuality? I'm sorry, this brings us right back to the idea that sexual orientation has a genetic basis!

Originally posted by lighthouse


Then why the instinctive gross-out reaction?

Originally posted by lighthouse

Different things can happen. But I surmise that those who are completely homosexual would not have relations with someone of the opposite gender. Some of them may never have sex, if they percieve their desires as wrong, but never know how to deal with them. This would explain a lot about the RCC priesthood.

What do you mean by "completely homosexual"? How can this have a biological and yet nongenetic reality?

Originally posted by lighthouse

Then there are those who seek God, and find healing, and are changed, made new creations, in Christ.

And, as well, there are those who act on their sexual desires for the same sex.

Yes, you've just listed the choices I gave earlier. So we're in agreement here?
Originally posted by lighthouse

I did not say sexuality has no genetic basis. I said that sexual preference has none.
As you read through my quote, it should be clear that I was referring to "sexual preference." If not, then let me make it clear. Your idea that sexual preference has no genetic basis makes no sense biologically.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aharvey

That's a nonsense phrase, I'm afraid. Species whose individuals do not reproduce (same as procreate?) become extinct. As true of asexual algae and bacteria as it is of humans. It is meaningless to refer to a genetic basis for reproduction. What has a genetic basis are those traits that facilitate the process of reproduction. Such as gender-specific cues (e.g., that say "I'm a female!"), and the ability to recognize those cues, and the desire to act upon them. Hey, wait a minute! Aren't those the exact same things that define heterosexuality? I'm sorry, this brings us right back to the idea that sexual orientation has a genetic basis!
Are we designed with the propensity to reproduce? That is genetic, dumbass. Sexual orientation has no genetic basis. There is no suh thing as a gay gene, or a straight gene. End of story.

Silly me. I thought that that's what you meant by procreate! Perhaps you could tell me what you mean by procreate?
Reproduce. I never said anything about desire.:rolleyes:

The only reason I can see your adopting this view is because you don't like where the alternative is inevitably heading. But I'm sorry, I just don't buy that you, lighthouse, are genetically programmed to want to have sex, but your genes have had no input with respect to who you want to have sex with! How did you figure it out?
It came to me.

See above. This is a biologically naive to bankrupt way to think about this. Species that don't reproduce go extinct, so all living things are, in a trivial sense, "made to procreate," (again, assuming that by "procreate" you mean "reproduce"). It is therefore meaningless to refer to a genetic basis for reproduction. What has a genetic basis are those traits that facilitate the process of reproduction. Such as gender-specific cues, and the ability to recognize those cues, and the desire to act upon them. Hey, wait a minute! Aren't those the exact same things that define heterosexuality? I'm sorry, this brings us right back to the idea that sexual orientation has a genetic basis!
Everything is designed to reproduce. It's in their genes. Bottom line.

Then why the instinctive gross-out reaction?
Because it's disgusting.

What do you mean by "completely homosexual"? How can this have a biological and yet nongenetic reality?
It's not bilogical. Are you stupid? Do you blame that on genes?

Yes, you've just listed the choices I gave earlier. So we're in agreement here?
I don't know that you agree with me, but yes I agree with the choices you gave. However, I would not call freedom from sin a "cure." I have been freed from sin, and so can anyone else.

As you read through my quote, it should be clear that I was referring to "sexual preference." If not, then let me make it clear. Your idea that sexual preference has no genetic basis makes no sense biologically.
How does it not? Sexual preference is not genetic, or biological. Get it now?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zakath

... oh, thanks for explaining. :rolleyes:
It had nothing to do specifically with you. Someone called you a psycho babbler, and I made a joke. It was not a commentary on Zakath. Okay?


New member
decision about homosexual minister

decision about homosexual minister

I think these kind of articles are no-brainers. If you Love Me, you'll keep my commandents. We all know what happened to
the Sodomites in Lot's time. I believe two angels sent by God
to get Lot and his family out of that city before it was destroyed
by fire.

Just be glad that God does'nt rain down fire and brimstone to eleviate the Sodomites today as He did in Lot's day.melika:thumb:


New member
Well, okay, lighthouse, if you're not even going to make an effort to understand, then there's little point in continuing this. I am curious, though, why you assume your understanding of biology and genetics is far superior (hence the "twit," "dumbass," "stupid" insults) to that of a professional biologist. I'm not being arrogant here. I don't know what it is that you do for a living, if anything, but what would you think if someone from a completely different profession from yours made statements concerning your line of work that you knew to be far off base, and that person completely ignored your professional perspective, simply resorting to calling you "twit," "dumbass," "stupid," etc.?


New member
Originally posted by On Fire

They don't "willingly" act gay. They have been affected by their environment - molded, trained, brainwashed - as we all have.

Ask the smoker why he smokes. Ask the fat man why he eats McDonalds every day. Ask the serial killer why he kills. Ask your neighbor why he ma$turbate$ with p0rn while his lonely wife wonders what's wrong with her.

..... knowing my neighbors (man-woman-married) they probably both ma$turbate with porn.


New member
Re: decision about homosexual minister

Re: decision about homosexual minister

Originally posted by Melika

I think these kind of articles are no-brainers. If you Love Me, you'll keep my commandents. We all know what happened to
the Sodomites in Lot's time. I believe two angels sent by God
to get Lot and his family out of that city before it was destroyed
by fire.

Just be glad that God does'nt rain down fire and brimstone to eleviate the Sodomites today as He did in Lot's day.melika:thumb:

.. dear melika... you say god alleviated (??), elevated (??) those nasty sodomites..?

... yes, dear sweet fatherly lot - who threw his virgin daughters out the door to be gang raped....


Resident Atheist
Re: decision about homosexual minister

Re: decision about homosexual minister

Originally posted by Melika
... We all know what happened to the Sodomites in Lot's time. I believe two angels sent by God to get Lot and his family out of that city before it was destroyed by fire...
Lot? You mean the coward who offered his daughters to the mob for group sex? You mean the drunk who later had sex with his own daughters?

Your deity certainly has an interesting set of values... :rolleyes:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by lighthouse

It had nothing to do specifically with you. Someone called you a psycho babbler, and I made a joke. It was not a commentary on Zakath. Okay?
If you say so... it wouldn't be any worse than what you've already called me in the past... :rolleyes:


New member
Originally posted by On Fire

They don't "willingly" act gay. They have been affected by their environment - molded, trained, brainwashed - as we all have.
.....hmmm, doing a little thinking aloud here. i use to work in an institution for the mentally retarded. their chronological ages ranged from approx 14-50 years .. the "residents", as they were called, i worked with had mental ages from approx 2-8 years. just because they were mentally retarded did not mean they did not have sex drives (being as sex is a drive as is eating). these residents were housed in co-ed cottages. there was much sex...... sex with self, male-female sex, and the occasional male-male sex...... in other words, some of the residents preferred sex with males even though they had access to females. being that, in most cases, these residents had been institutionalized most of their lives and we so-called educators had enough trouble trying to mold, train, and brainwash them to do basic skills i am wondering what environmental influences swayed their sexual preferences...... food for thought.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

On Fire, garbiel, surely we can find a better way to express our points.

... sorry... i must say i was aghast at on fire's choice of words but figured since he wasn't "called on the carpet" then perhaps those words were okay to use.


New member
Re: Re: decision about homosexual minister

Re: Re: decision about homosexual minister

Originally posted by Zakath

Lot? You mean the coward who offered his daughters to the mob for group sex? You mean the drunk who later had sex with his own daughters?

Your deity certainly has an interesting set of values... :rolleyes:



Merely Christian
Originally posted by gabriel

... sorry... i must say i was aghast at on fire's choice of words but figured since he wasn't "called on the carpet" then perhaps those words were okay to use.

T'so k. I thought I had the problem addressed... But anyway, no, it's not acceptable. I have faith you can make your points in a better manner. Same for you OnFire.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

T'so k. I thought I had the problem addressed... But anyway, no, it's not acceptable. I have faith you can make your points in a better manner. Same for you OnFire.
So when did you become a moderator? :think: