Justification of Eternal Punishment


New member
you could save so much time if you just put that in your signature line and shut up and quit pestering everybody here

It's what the Bible says. If you feel pestered by what the Bible says, you don't need to participate. You could go to hell and find out whether people are alive or dead there.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
then the rest of us could just say "OK Timmy, we get it - the wicked will be destroyed
those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life"

now run along and find somebody else to pester


New member
then the rest of us could just say "OK Timmy, we get it - the wicked will be destroyed
those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life"

now run along and find somebody else to pester

Okay, that would be good.

But of course there are a lot of people who believe that the wicked will never be destroyed, and everyone gets eternal life, some in heaven and some in hell. So I will stick around so that I can answer any questions anyone might have.

But I'm glad that you came to agree with the truth that the wicked will be destroyed instead of being tortured alive forever in the fire hole. Welcome aboard.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So I will stick around so that I can answer any questions anyone might have.

i have a question :wave:

when's the last time you saw a mental health professional?

But I'm glad that you came to agree with the truth that the wicked will be destroyed instead of being tortured alive forever in the fire hole. Welcome aboard.

"OK Timmy, we get it - the wicked will be destroyed
those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life"

now run along and find somebody else to pester


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets try again .........

Lets try again .........

i'll take that as a yes

so you believe that living people's souls are not immortal

and you believe that the wicked, when they die, are punished by painless euthanasia

Hi ok doser :)

Don't forget my considerations here shared previously.

A 'conditional immortality' view generally holds that human souls are not inherently 'immortal', as 'immortality' is essentially a quality of being that only belongs to Deity, so no soul in and of itself is 'immortal' in this sense. (important to identify terms and meanings here shared within our context-perspective). It just so happens that the righteous (those that choose and qualify for 'eternal life') are granted immortality (they take on the divine nature, the incorruptible essence of God himself,...sharing in that very divine life). Therefore,....the term 'eternal life', describes the 'quality' of life, and not necessarily the 'duration' of life. The righteous PUT ON immortality,...this obviously means they did NOT have it before given it. See?

Now as to how souls DIE (in the ultimate/final sense)....I refer to it as a 'disintegration' of being,....the life-potential of that individual soul is expunged/ENDED, absorbed back into the elements, each substance going back to its original source. Some aspects of souls may continue on within other souls or in the OverSoul of Creation,...but that individual soul and its personality-potential are ENDED. This is one way to look at it.

Death in this sense is FINAL....that in itself could be seen as an eternal punishment (being the end result and consequence of iniquity fully reaped). That could be said to be an 'eternal' sentence,...meaning the death is final/absolute/ultimate.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hi ok doser :)

Don't forget my considerations here shared previously.

A 'conditional immortality' view generally holds that human souls are not inherently 'immortal', as 'immortality' is essentially a quality of being that only belongs to Deity, so no soul in and of itself is 'immortal' in this sense. (important to identify terms and meanings here shared within our context-perspective). It just so happens that the righteous (those that choose and qualify) are granted immortality (they take on the divine nature, the incorruptible essence of God himself,...sharing in that very divine life). Therefore,....the term 'eternal life', describes the 'quality' of life, and not necessarily the 'duration' of life. The righteous PUT ON immortality,...this obviously means they did NOT have it before given it. See?

Now as to how souls DIE (in the ultimate/final sense)....I refer to it as a 'disintegration' of being,....the life-potential of that individual soul is expunged/ENDED, absorbed back into the elements, each substance going back to its original source. Some aspects of souls may continue on within other souls or in the OverSoul of Creation,...but that individual soul and its personality-potential are ENDED. This is one way to look at it.

Death in this sense is FINAL....that in itself could be seen as an eternal punishment (being the end result and consequence of iniquity fully reaped) is 'eternal',...meaning the death is final/absolute/ultimate.

i did see them and considered them - I'll probably wait to respond to them until i'm on a real machine instead of this ipad



Eclectic Theosophist



Just a few reminders all, a lot has to do with how we define terms, and how passages render those terms and meanings,...and some study in the original languages and in all their use-forms is essential here. But then we must weigh such before our own conscience, logic, reason and sensitivity from the Spirit of God in these matters,....holding to what is most kin to God's nature and will, and how his government of things (universal laws) operate. This is key. justice and mercy are ever balanced and fulfilled, but with LOVE as the dominant factor as the motive for existence and all creation.

Its hard to think of a soul just being terminated, or ERASED from existence,....but if 'God' is all powerful and able...then the disintegration of souls is possible,...some entities may qualify for being 'wiped out' so to speak. If the end result of the whole and final embrace of iniquity is DEATH,...then perhaps it is a voiding out. Action/choice/consequence. Thus the action is wholly fair, because the qualifications have been met, while all provisions have been afforded for repentance, but such were rejected (apparently there my be a 'point of no return').

Also as shared earlier with supporting articles,...'aion'/'aionion', etc. refers to an 'age',...an indefinite period of time, of limited duration...because ages come and go. Therefore 'punishment' related to 'aionious' is for a given time, a duration which can have an end (death would be an eternal END), as another 'age' or period of existence comes into being, and so 'ages' continue on....as long as such provisions are afforded,...and so 'eternal life' is for a given period as long as its granted, and eternal punishment as well.

No matter,...all DOING God's will and living according to his eternal laws and principles will be reaping the benefits of being true to that kingdom, and so will stay as its citizens,....until a new epoch or age arises, and souls will continue on the path of eternal progress, ever ascending and fulfilling their purpose of life, in this world and all worlds to come.


New member
i have a question :wave:

when's the last time you saw a mental health professional?
I had a general physical last year. I'm sure my doctor would have mentioned something, if that were something I needed. Or were you asking for yourself? I don't know where you live, so I can't really suggest a psychiatrist for you. It's probably just as well, you shouldn't try to get mental health advice from someone on the internet.

"OK Timmy, we get it - the wicked will be destroyed
those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life"

now run along and find somebody else to pester

It's too bad that you feel "pestered" by what the Bible says. But nobody is forcing you to participate. By the way, my name is "Tim". I don't really go by the name "Timmy". It is a bit too juvenile for someone of my age.

So anyway, you can go to hell now, and tell us if the people there are alive or dead.
Yes, why don't you go to hell?


Well-known member
you could save so much time if you just put that in your signature line and shut up and quit pestering everybody here
It's like the Catholics saying 'Hail Mary's... he has to repeat it over and over to make himself believe it.


New member
It's like the Catholics saying 'Hail Mary's... he has to repeat it over and over to make himself believe it.

Yes, it's true that I believe what the Bible says and repeat it often. It's too bad that you don't believe what the Bible says. Perhaps if I keep on repeating what the Bible says to you, perhaps someday it might sink in.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

Doser is pestered by these verses from the Bible, what do you think? Are these verses true or false? Is Jesus Christ correct to say that we should fear the one who is able to destroy both body and soul? Or do you think Jesus Christ was completely wrong?