Here's a bit from Serpent's link:
If snippets of others writing with lead-ins and links is gossiping, pray tell what is Serpent doing? Exactly.
I rarely debated a point in Observations that was being debated in the thread I linked to. Didn't make sense. It wasn't avoidance as I was actively present in that other thread. The thread was the old Observations Great and Small. I suppose her "Small Observations" is either an attempt at wit or an illustration of why she mostly doesn't try to attempt it.
I've only asked for one person on TOL to be banned, a serial blasphemer (Stu). And I've only ever attempted to have one serial blasphemer banned, Stuu.
More ditties...
So why is Serpent so invested? It's also there on her page:
Actually I almost always use ellipses to indicate information absent and I link to every post I quote, unless the thread has been closed, precluding it.
I answer points. I never dodge one and I never altered the meaning of anything said by failing to post other parts, largely relating to prior points.
You're apparently comfortable with either.
That's sort of who Serpent is and why. The short form, at any rate. :cheers:
Deceiver, gossip: gossips about others in his Small Observations thread
If snippets of others writing with lead-ins and links is gossiping, pray tell what is Serpent doing? Exactly.
I rarely debated a point in Observations that was being debated in the thread I linked to. Didn't make sense. It wasn't avoidance as I was actively present in that other thread. The thread was the old Observations Great and Small. I suppose her "Small Observations" is either an attempt at wit or an illustration of why she mostly doesn't try to attempt it.
I've never been banned and I've never trolled or gotten an infraction for trolling. You?Trolls and reports members to get them banned.
I've only asked for one person on TOL to be banned, a serial blasphemer (Stu). And I've only ever attempted to have one serial blasphemer banned, Stuu.
More ditties...
A public admission I came to after looking into a real answer. Also several years old. I haven't been active on that front for years, just the odd report of blasphemy and profanity."I wonder who does the most reporting?" ~ Chrysostom
"In point of fact: it's me..." ~ Town Heretic link
So why is Serpent so invested? It's also there on her page:
serpentdove banned; reason: unnecessarily disruptive
"Observations Great and... [PM: "Provoking Town" ]
Supra.serpentdove banned; reason: PM box infraction[disagree with moderator, Town Heretic allegesthat I used profanity.]
"Just a System...
Misquotes others and justifies his behavior.
[No use of ellipses when quoting others]
Actually I almost always use ellipses to indicate information absent and I link to every post I quote, unless the thread has been closed, precluding it.
I answer points. I never dodge one and I never altered the meaning of anything said by failing to post other parts, largely relating to prior points.
Right. I remove scripture from people who try to use it as an extension of personal malice. I don't hold with it, as with profanity.“...I know I left off scripture. I know and have explained to you and anyone reading this why that is.” Town Heretic link
“…[A]nd [you] attempted to cobble an unrelated bit of scripture onto it to justify your want to sink teeth.” ~ Town Hereticlink
"I did remove the scripture from your attempt to link it with garbage." ~ Town Heretic link
You're apparently comfortable with either.
A long time ago I'd bold and visibly alter a text to make another point. It was never left unclear when that happened, but eventually I left the practice because some were doing it without making the point obvious and I didn't want the association.[Changes member's text outright]
“…I did that intentionally….[T]here was nothing in that aimed at fooling anyone, only lampooning you. And you appear to be the only one who didn’t understand that.” ~ Town Heretic link
Except those comments were made in a thread soliciting ideas. I wasn't trying to control anyone. lain:
That's sort of who Serpent is and why. The short form, at any rate. :cheers:
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