Justice Dept. mandates 'implicit bias' training for agents, lawyers


[Justice Dept. mandates 'implicit bias' training for agents, lawyers by Julia Edwards Washington] "The U.S. Justice Department announced on Monday that more than 33,000 federal agents and prosecutors will receive training aimed at preventing unconscious bias from influencing their law enforcement decisions.

The training will bring Justice Department employees in line with many local police departments across the country that have implemented bias prevention plans following a spate of shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers..." Full text: Justice Dept. mandates 'implicit bias' training for agents, lawyers Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10 more
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Nah, police and court officials are all perfect, ain't that right [MENTION=7640]Town Heretic[/MENTION]


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Perfectly corrupt
Better you were silent, but feel free to remove all doubt.

Nah, police and court officials are all perfect, ain't that right @Town Heretic

Unlike you and the frequently banned one, lawyers don't eschew continuing education...or education in general. Sounds like a good idea. It's easy to become jaded when you're in the trenches over time. Prosecutors are human, just like judges.

Good for them. :thumb:


What fascinates me is how retarded society has become- in a world of common sense, we'd be talking about how a major part of black culture involves criminal and separatist glorification. These things do not happen among normal black folk, it happens with those who look like thugs- influenced by said glorification.

You can't demand trust.

But that's racist, right :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
:think: All out of crackers already? :)

Why? :plain:

Back to posting a link to that "cowardly" business.

Seriously, just hand some people that rope and watch what they can't help doing. :thumb:

you win again!

dude - you're just awesome! :first:

now be a good boy and go away

Feral Phoenician

New member

We (humans) all hold a degree of bias. Doesn't matter what culture, race/ethnicity, nationality, profession, etc.

I work in the Mental/Behavioral Health field, and I see bias near daily. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) sees a fair deal of unfair bias (such as that Borderlines "lie a lot", when really, no, lying/misrepresentation is not a symptom of the diagnosis. While Borderlines do go through periods of devaluation, overt lying is not prone to it's sufferers).

To give a personal example, I turned down an opportunity to be a clinician at ASH (Arizona State Hospital) working with the RSO (Registered Sex Offender) population. My yearly income would have gone up exponentially, but there is no way I could have objectively worked with RSO's. I hold a very strong bias against them.

There is no shame in admitting we hold biases. To be ashamed of such is to be ashamed of being human.

As to the training itself, sounds like someone found a way to put pen to paper, and all it will likely accomplish is "the feds" can symbolically wash their hands. "See, we had bias training!".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you win again!
He said, trying to...
dude - you're just awesome! :first:
Thank you. I am, a little. :D Well, comparatively then. :mmph:

now be a good boy and go away
You sure spend a lot of time worrying about what I say and where I should be. :think:

Well, I suppose we talk about what we know about...which makes me wonder how Cruc manages to post at all.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I quote you exactly
You can't even quote me here without getting it wrong. :plain:


Originally Posted by Town Heretic

[See: Town Heretic, I quote you exactly (Eph 4:14).
] Actually, they were yours.
And I didn't say anything about commentary, though I could have. I mentioned you having an essentially locked thread. According to you that's cowardly.

On your embarrassing abuse of scripture or Sod's attaboy. . .

I don't think either of you are anything but wrong headed and hard hearted.

But I mostly think the punishment for that is in being you, so...God willing, one of these days you'll get it.

That's my hope at any rate.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

We (humans) all hold a degree of bias. Doesn't matter what culture, race/ethnicity, nationality, profession, etc.

I work in the Mental/Behavioral Health field, and I see bias near daily. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) sees a fair deal of unfair bias (such as that Borderlines "lie a lot", when really, no, lying/misrepresentation is not a symptom of the diagnosis. While Borderlines do go through periods of devaluation, overt lying is not prone to it's sufferers).

To give a personal example, I turned down an opportunity to be a clinician at ASH (Arizona State Hospital) working with the RSO (Registered Sex Offender) population. My yearly income would have gone up exponentially, but there is no way I could have objectively worked with RSO's. I hold a very strong bias against them.

There is no shame in admitting we hold biases. To be ashamed of such is to be ashamed of being human.

As to the training itself, sounds like someone found a way to put pen to paper, and all it will likely accomplish is "the feds" can symbolically wash their hands. "See, we had bias training!".

my abnormal psych prof last fall, was a practicing clinician, who shared with us that she would not take patients who were child abusers - she recognized that she couldn't be objective in that regard

if you stick around, you'll prolly see an awful lot of strange behaviors here :)

Feral Phoenician

New member
my abnormal psych prof last fall, was a practicing clinician, who shared with us that she would not take patients who were child abusers - she recognized that she couldn't be objective in that regard

if you stick around, you'll prolly see an awful lot of strange behaviors here :)
She's not alone. A huge challenge with working with that population is the prevalence of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder, aka Sociopathy/Psychopathy). Sociopaths (and Psychopaths, there are differences) will sometimes enter treatment for the sole purpose of learning how to better victimize others.

Another challenge is Therapists, Clinicians, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Case Managers like myself have worked with one too many of their (abusers) victims to remain objective. We've seen the unrepentant damage done.

How are you liking Abnormal Psychology?

Haha at your last comment!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Don't you know liars don't go to heaven (Rev. 21:8, 27).
To quote a goof I know, "Proof please." There being not a single lie in any of what you quoted.

Maybe it's your device, but if it monkey's with what you see, on this end you had Town Heretic as the start of a quote box wherein your words and images were mixed in. Most of it wasn't mine. Here it is again:

Originally Posted by Town Heretic

[See: Town Heretic, I quote you exactly (Eph 4:14). :peach:] Actually, they were yours.

Whatever you're seeing, it begins purporting to be a post by me and then most of what follows is your writing, with four words of mine at the end.