Joe Biden says he would force everyone to wear masks in public


Well-known member
Illuminati/deep state/bilderbergers/clintons/rothschilds

Which of them? Who are they - the only ones you have named are the rothschilds and clintons (?!?)- the rest are "secret organizations that we know nothing about, but run everything behind the scenes".

World domination

Which they achieve by...forcing everybody to wear masks? killing old people? How exactly is anybody achieving "world denomination" here?

In short- I think this whole conspiracy thing is a lot of hogwash.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Which of them? Who are they - the only ones you have named are the rothschilds and clintons (?!?)- the rest are "secret organizations that we know nothing about, but run everything behind the scenes".


Don't forget Bohemian Grove

In short- I think this whole conspiracy thing is a lot of hogwash.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have confirmation bias, and you don't?
I'm talking about in the context of COVID. When we get a controversial issue like this one and time to think about it, I look at both sides. So in this case, I'm weighing my right wing side against the best information the left wing has to offer. And the left wing numbers don't add up. Sweden has very few deaths anymore, and, more importantly, most people there feel they have herd immunity already... and the numbers there look like they have to the citizens even if they haven't. Thus, it seems that lockdown, or no, or masks, or no, or social distancing, or no, or even a vaccine if they had one, would not have made much difference. So better than a vaccine at this point would be to let the virus take its coarse and get the same herd immunity since it will save more lives in the long run. Sweden will have a much lower number of deaths this fall when the season comes back.

And Sweden isn't the only data point. We have good data all over the US where people were lax or strict, and there should be vast differences in outcomes... but there aren't. Except in NY. It appears if anyone is out to kill grandma, it's the leaders of NY.

Now, as a person sensitive to justice like yourself it would be expected that you'd be *way* more up in arms about murder you could trace the direct cause of. But you aren't up in arms about that... you're up in arms about some vague correlation with masks where the numbers don't add up. And since that's the way you act it's a good reason for anyone to question your intentions.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Which of them? Who are they - the only ones you have named are the rothschilds and clintons (?!?)- the rest are "secret organizations that we know nothing about, but run everything behind the scenes".

Which they achieve by...forcing everybody to wear masks? killing old people? How exactly is anybody achieving "world denomination" here?

In short- I think this whole conspiracy thing is a lot of hogwash.
I think you bring up a good point here. I don't think it is a conspiracy, but rather a like mindedness. Why does Bill and Melinda Gates say their vision is to have a lower world population, but then save a lot of people with vaccines so people can reproduce? Somehow I think their vision is more important to them than to go directly against it. So I'm not sure what they are up to, but I don't trust people that speak with a forked tongue. And their vision is so global in scale with the resources to pull it off and with leaders falling all over themselves to give them authority to do whatever it is they are doing that it's important to keep alert.

And on their side isn't just the establishment press, but an army of violent useful idiots. Entirely like minded. And it's not just Bill and Melinda Gates, but other people of means that don't seem to talk with each other, but have the same leftist ideology.

Why do they want to control people? Maybe they feel that will stop all wars. Maybe they feel people starve because there isn't enough food in the world so just less people will make those that live have more comfortable lives. Maybe they don't know why and they just follow the current zeitgeist. Maybe they are actually evil. Maybe it's something I haven't thought of. But in any case, if world domination by a powerful elite were to happen, it would get set up exactly the way things are being set up now. And a Pandemic that can be declared such for little reason is the perfect vehicle.


New member
Please don’t panic. It was found that coronavirus can also survive on human’s hair and move from one head to another thru air :(

Naturally, men and women who are not bald will have to dress soon something like the hijab (of Muslim women) to save humanity :D


New member
Only newcomers into life may think that slavery is a thing of the past.
Only later, when they become mature persons, they will likely realise that, wherever there are rules and rulers, the people is enslaved, in one way or another.
And those who planned the toady's crises in the name of medicine (coronavirus and AIDS for a few) proved clearly that the 'modern slavery' could be made universal anytime.

By the way, before a serious planned war, the rulers usually increase, under a certain pretext, the number of their jobless people (mainly among the young ones) in order to let them be ready to join their war; as national forces or mercenaries.

As planned, this artificial coronavirus crisis will last for not less than a year (till next spring season). And I am curious to know where the coming planned wars (during the 3rd decade) will happen exactly (almost simultaneously and in different regions on the globe).


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The point is very simple: if more people wear masks,

More than what?

It's a statistical matter-

In other words, it's outside the realm of logic, which is palatable to you, as you despise logic.

and most likely- none.

Not a real smooth thing for a Nazi leftard to say in trying to recommend acceptance, by others, of your self-righteous, arrogant demand for useless mask-wearing. How many lives will I save by wearing a mask? "Most likely, none."

Have you not seen the propaganda put out by your Nazi leftard programmers? I see billboards saying things like, "Wear a mask, save lives!" But, what you're saying, instead, is "Wear a mask, most likely save no lives!"


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The point is very simple: if more people wear masks, the spread of the disease will slow down.

By "the spread of the disease will slow down", what do you mean if not merely that those whom you revere as "the experts" will hand out different numbers for you to accept solely on their say-so--different numbers than they'd previously been handing out to you?

But one can look at the overall number of accidents over time with and without brake lights (in different countries, or time periods) and draw some conclusions about them.

Please write out the syllogism(s) you have in mind, here. Lay down your premise(s) and your conclusion(s) for us. Or, maybe, by "one can...draw some conclusions", you mean "[someone other than me] can...draw some conclusions[--but I can't]"? Next, do the same regarding your claim that mask-wearing is somehow beneficial. Let's see your syllogism(s).


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Which they achieve by...forcing everybody to wear masks? killing old people? How exactly is anybody achieving "world denomination [sic]" here?


You don't consider attempts at coercing people to do things/have things done to them against their will to be attempts at dominating them?

What (if anything) would you say it is for someone to dominate someone else?


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Well it's like I've been saying...If today they can get you to wear the mask of the Beast, then tomorrow they can get you to wear the mark of the Beast:

Why, though, have you been saying that? Have you just been begging for attention? Do you mean something by it? If so, what?


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Complete this process for me:

Step 1: Get everyone to wear masks
Step 2: ?
Step 3: World domination

Getting everyone in the world (whether by means of propaganda, for clucks like you, or by means of coercion, for rational people who don't swallow propaganda) to wear masks whenever and wherever you desire them to do so IS world domination.

What (if anything) did you mean by your phrase, "world domination"?


Well-known member
Not a real smooth thing for a Nazi leftard to say in trying to recommend acceptance...Have you not seen the propaganda put out by your Nazi leftard programmers?

I would really appreciate it if you stopped throwing around the term "Nazi Leftard'. This would be a small step away from your nastiness. To make it clear: I'd have a lot more cousins today if it wasn't for the real Nazis. Let's not mix up minor political arguments with actual evil. Can you handle this?

I know you use the term "Nazi Leftard" because you think it will upset the likes of me. Well, it does. I am not a leftist, a retard, or a Nazi. I am a Jew, and the label disturbs me, possibly more than you realize. So, once again, I am asking you to stop using the term. It is really a small thing to ask.


New member
I am afraid that whoever uses following rules rather blindly (this is usually the case in the developed countries), he believes he has no right to disobey them for any reason or even to question them based on logic or else.

Once (about 45 years ago), I was in Nantes (a city by the Atlantic ocean, west of France). It was summer about midnight. I was walking near a crossroad. A bicycle driver was moving fast then he stopped suddenly... his traffic light became red. At that time, it was very clear that no one was on the streets other than him and me (on the sidewalk). I stopped too to see what he would do. Well, after about 90 sec his traffic light became green and he was able to continue his journey. Truth be said, I fully understand if this happened to a dog. A dog has no idea about the reasons for which the various traffic lights are installed on crossroads. But, at that specific time and place, it was very clear to him and me that there was no risk at all in ignoring them... but he couldn't allow himself not to follow the rules blindly as he used doing :)

I mean, no matter what is said and will be said here, no one can change himself concerning to how far it is good for him to obey his system's rules.


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I know you use the term "Nazi Leftard" because you think it will upset the likes of me. Well, it does.

You should probably find a different hobby than TOL, then. Or put me on "Ignore".

I am not a leftist, a retard, or a Nazi. I am a Jew, and the label disturbs me, possibly more than you realize. So, once again, I am asking you to stop using the term. It is really a small thing to ask.

It is really a small thing for you to just put me on "Ignore", if you really can't tolerate what I write, hypocrite.