Lockdowns will end the day after the election.Lockdown is a necessary evil, and can't be kept up for long.
Lockdowns will end the day after the election.Lockdown is a necessary evil, and can't be kept up for long.
Lockdowns will end the day after the election.
Lockdowns will end the day after the election.
Originally posted by The Berean View Post
This pandemic has become personal. Tragically, a cousin of mine passed away form COVID-19 last night. My family is completey shocked by his death. He's the first death from this virus in my hometown. I spent the day traveling to my hometown taking supplies to his brother who took him to the hospital. He and his wife have.quarantined themselves.
Indeed, this is personal. I hope all members of his family, his friends and he/she are safe since then.
Fortunately, we don't hear of more personal cases here.
1. it shows that something that happens in any economic downturn will definitely kill people. Would you even care to know how many? And for how much longer than a flu season will this economic downturn continue to kill people since a drop this far doesn't get fixed even in a year? And the US is responsible for a lot of economic activity in 3rd world contries where their lives are much more fragile which will be removed. That kid making Nike shoes in a sweat shop in SE Asia just lost his job - and if you think a person is closer to death when a sweat shop is their best option to live, just wait until they don't have that job and see how much closer to death they get. And most of these people are POC, who I care about, who you apparently don't care about.Interesting, and not surprising. I will point out that:
1. The study cited is about the long-term effects of unemployment, not "death by lockdown", for which there probably aren't any hard numbers.
2. Masks are a means to help end lockdown and go back to almost normal. Complete normal is not possible. Lockdown is a necessary evil, and can't be kept up for long. Masks are a simple way to help get back to a more normal economy.
Source?2. Masks don't help much. The relevant studies on virii propagation show that cloth masks don't stop your virii from getting to other people hardly at all. Paper masks work for about 20 minutes and are marginal at best even when they are used property; remember, just because they reduce the amount of virii in the air 3 fold (while they are "fresh"), the threshold to spread an infectious virus is lower than that and expecting people to use them properly leads to false comfort. And N95 masks with the valve aren't helping protect other people from you at all as they let out your water droplets into the environment unimpeded.
Thus, because masks aren't really doing much, we can expect the lockdowns will cause more harm than good. Especially when COVID won't affect people who aren't among the at-risk population (most workers) even as much as the regular flu.
Why do you want to kill people with lockdowns? At least I'm willing to actually sacrifice to help people instead of pretending to help people with ineffective masks.
What we need to do is do what Sweden did. No lockdown, and they are quickly reaching herd immunity. That should be obvious by now.
Where I live no one wear a mask and the death toll is 3/1,000,000 (three per million). But our local media (national and private and as instructed from abroad) has to remind us daily that we live a worldwide pandemic which, like AIDS, may end the existence of the human species on earth, for good.
That's because you have confirmation bias. The link you have relies on interpretation of recent data which is only allowed if it follows the establishment narrative. There have been a number of them in clinical situations, which don't include cloth masks, like these that Doug McBurney curated:Source?
Everything I've seen says the opposite.
First, why isn't lockdown a viable long term soluion? Because we know that lockdowns lead, ultimately, to death. And it isn't a situation where we reach a certain threshold and people start dying. Deaths might lag in a bad economy, but they will happen no matter what you do. How many people are you willing to sacrifice? Especially when a bad economy makes the next pandemic worse?This thread is about masks, not lockdown! The whole point of masks is to enable a return to more or less normal life without the lockdowns. Why are you mixing up the two? Clearly lockdown is not a viable long-term solution. I am not advocating this. Have I made myself clear? In fact- I don't think anybody thinks it's a viable long term solution.
Everything is as predicted by the Swedish leaders that set the policy. Their economy is hurt, for the most part, only because trading partners locked down - which is a good reason not to lockdown in the US because that saves lives. Secondly, their tracking to reach herd immunity is on the graph where it was predicted to be by this time - about 12% according to establishment scientists who will lose their funding if they make the Swedish policy look good, and higher based on Sweden's own testing, which they will try and make as good looking as they can.Sweden is an interesting case. Not as successful as some would have it. And not "life as usual" as you may think. And it does not look like they've reached "herd immunity" either.
Here, you're admitting that you do not even know that you, yourself, have saved one, single, solitary person's life by wearing your mask.
Everything I've seen says the opposite.
Official Nazi leftard billboard propaganda: "Be somebody's hero and save lives: Wear a mask!" TOL Nazi leftard (programmed, without question, by said propaganda): "I've been saving lives by wearing my really cool mask!" Rationally-thinking person: "Whose life/lives have you, personally, saved by wearing your mask?" TOL Nazi leftard: "I have no idea! I just take the propagandists' word for it that I am saving one or more lives by wearing my really cool mask." Rationally-thinking person: "What number of lives have you, personally, saved by wearing your mask?" TOL Nazi leftard: "I have no idea! I just take the propagandists' word for it that I am saving one or more lives by wearing my really cool mask." |
That's because you have confirmation bias
You've not even been able to give us a count of how many ...
And Trump is supposed to be the one who is the wannabe authoritarian dictator.
And most of us here, regardless of our politics, agree with that, and in any case we will all be complying with that.
Somebody please explain what the COVID conspiracy is.
Who is behind it?
What is the purpose?