By design, a natural disease which can spread rather quickly and easily among
'healthy' people living in a 'healthy' environment, is not a deadly one; otherwise humans wouldn't have the chance to survive that long in all continents; mainly in the far past when being ill was seen as being caused of sinning (God's wrath).
But it is always possible to spread easily and quickly a deadly disease when and where the world's Elite see necessary (mainly in these days, thanks to some very advanced technologies).
Although I know very well what I am talking about (based on personal experiences), I don't expect any ordinary person in the world who lives far from politics and medicine to know or even agree on what I said.
Let us remember always every time we hear a human addressing the multitudes, if not the world, that he is not an immune immortal angel and he risks his life, if not much worse, if he reveals the
'full' truth he knows about any event/situation. After all, a group of people cannot play the master... if its slaves (modern word, followers/believers) know
'all' what their masters know
Wish you all be safe.