Joe Biden says he would force everyone to wear masks in public


Well-known member
Because its stupid (like you) and I won't let a senile hair sniffer order me to wear one. They do no good. Maybe he will order us to wear tin foil hats next. You would like that to wouldn't you dopey
It isn't stupid. Saying that over and over again won't change that. It is smart, works, and has been common practice in Asian countries for many years.
And no- calling me stupid doesn't improve your argument. Nor does labeling a politician as senile. This isn't a political issue. This is a question of your personal responsibility to yourself and everyone around you.


Well-known member
Because its stupid (like you) and I won't let a senile hair sniffer order me to wear one. They do no good. Maybe he will order us to wear tin foil hats next. You would like that to wouldn't you dopey

Don't know where you live, but the covid-19 is spiking fast again in many States. You'd better buy some masks and keep them with you because soon you won't be allowed in to many venues without one.

Only dumbos will be caught out without one, and they could be the ones bringing death back to their families and homes, so it's time to wake up and get some sense in your head... :)


Active member
It’s crazy how every country in the world is wearing masks in solidarity of robbing Americans of their freedoms. Damn you, George Soros!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Don't know where you live, but the covid-19 is spiking fast again in many States. You'd better buy some masks and keep them with you because soon you won't be allowed in to many venues without one.

Only dumbos will be caught out without one, and they could be the ones bringing death back to their families and homes, so it's time to wake up and get some sense in your head... :)

My county is the lowest in the state by rate - number of cases per 100000 population. :)


Active member
My county is the lowest in the state by rate - number of cases per 100000 population. :)

I am proud of us on the northern East Coast. Governor Hogan has handled the crisis in an exemplary manner, and Marylanders responded without drama to face mask requirements at private businesses. While some places have to close their bars back down recently, our states great response has allowed me to get new employment at a reputable bar with a competitive wage. Woo!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Why are you so upset about wearing a mask? It's meant to protect everybody around you. Good Christians, indeed anybody with a conscience, should be running to wear masks, without government intervention.

Does THIS answer your question? Doesn't her life matter?


Well-known member
Does THIS answer your question? Doesn't her life matter?

No, it is a fallacy. Because of one case, or a few cases, you prefer to doom thousands of innocents. Not to mention that he could have worn a mask or motorcycle helmet irrespective of COVID-19. It's about the same as saying "I was forced to stop at a traffic light by some stupid fascist government law, and somebody ran into from behind!- therefore- we shouldn't stop at traffic lights." Ans yes- that happens.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Because of one case, or a few cases, you prefer to doom thousands of innocents.

One, or a few cases? Guess again. This whole overreaction (including the shutdown of our economy) is killing way more than just a few:

- Suicide increases (typically, its the 10th leading cause of death; 2nd cause of death for young adults; see Utah Highway Patrol's 80% increase in quarantine mental health interventions; 1000% surge in contacts with the Federal Emotional Support Hotline)
- Stress, a major factor in increased disease, depression, and directly, death itself (as Kaiser finds "major" increase in stress with 15% reporting worsening mental health over lost income.
- Starvation as recession could horrifically increase the nine million annual deaths worldwide
- Unemployment increases death rate by 50% from disease, accidents, etc. (so 40 million Americans apparently have dramatically increased death rates; NYC 5,293 excess mortality deaths 3/11-5/2 which the CDC understandably sees as CoV-2 caused but perhaps 50% should be attributed to early shutdown deaths)
- Charitable giving sharply declines during a recession
- Forego routine healthcare/early diagnosis (TB to kill a million due to quarantine; 80k Americans to miss cancer diagnoses through June; as the American College of Cardiology warned an Anchorage cadiologist saw six unnecessary deaths in March; NY Times 6/16/20 care "has become unaffordable" for millions)
- Forego known and needed medical treatment for known ailments (Hospitals losing $1.1 billion daily so laying off healthcare workers)
- Forego needed vehicle maintenance increasing crashes
- Forego recreational exertion and work-related physical exercise
- Forego equipment maintenance increasing workplace accidents
- Forego healthier foods to eat less nutritiously deteriorating health
- Extended disappointment can lead to depression, then to death
- Increasing family debt leads to increased stress (which kills, see above)
- Increase in polluted water and air not tolerated by prosperous societies
- Farmers may produce less for various economic reasons
- Manufacturers may cut corners producing less safe and satisfactory products
- Increased crime including because less money is spent on security
- Failed businesses bring enormous stress to owners and employees
- Career employment is replaced by poorly paying jobs
- Marriages fail leading to depression in adults and children
- Raised by a mom alone is the primary indicator of kids ending up on welfare, as criminals, addicts, and early death
- Increased loneliness from fewer family visits leading to death by broken heart
- Increased marijuana and other drug use (drug overdose deaths up 50% in 2020 in Franklin County, Ohio, for ex.)
- Increased alcohol abuse
- Increased abortion
- Government leaders who don't understand godly principles of government introduce additional socialist measures which overtime lead to increased societal dysfunction, depression, and death.

Don't their lives matter?


Well-known member
One, or a few cases? Guess again. This whole overreaction (including the shutdown of our economy) is killing way more than just a few:

- Suicide increases (typically, its the 10th leading cause of death; 2nd cause of death for young adults; see Utah Highway Patrol's 80% increase in quarantine ...
Don't their lives matter?

Of course their lives matter!

The reality is that there's an epidemic. And to minimize the damage to everybody, including the very very real economic damage, everybody needs to wear masks. It will help life get back to near normal, save lives, businesses, families, reduce suicides- all of it. Just wearing a mask can help control the epidemic without ruining so many lives. So why the resistance to wearing a blessed mask?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Avoiding the topic? MASKS.

I follow Fauci's hypocritical example on masks. When the cameras are on, his mask is on. When the cameras are off, his mask is off. I never wear a mask because cameras are never on me.


New member
I follow Fauci's hypocritical example on masks. When the cameras are on, his mask is on. When the cameras are off, his mask is off. I never wear a mask because cameras are never on me.

I am afraid, in vain you can convince people about something that contradicts whatever the powerful rich World's Elites (in America, Russia, China... for a few) claim as being real/true via the international news agencies, organizations and various media channels which they control since many decades ago (costing them billions of dollars every year, if not trillions).

On the other hand, after this huge worldwide propaganda, almost every natural death could be attributed to COVID-19 by a certain medical authority (actually controlled too by the local system) while no one dares or has the means to verify the case.

I also bet that there is no daily list of the names (and addresses) of those who died because of this virus. We are allowed knowing their number only.