Because of one case, or a few cases, you prefer to doom thousands of innocents.
One, or a few cases? Guess again. This whole overreaction (including the shutdown of our economy) is killing way more than just a few:
- Suicide increases (typically, its the 10th leading cause of death; 2nd cause of death for young adults; see Utah Highway Patrol's 80% increase in quarantine
mental health interventions; 1000%
surge in contacts with the Federal Emotional Support Hotline)
- Stress, a major factor in
increased disease,
depression, and directly,
death itself (as Kaiser finds
"major" increase in stress with 15% reporting worsening mental health over lost income.
- Starvation as recession could horrifically increase the
nine million annual deaths worldwide
- Unemployment increases death rate
by 50% from disease, accidents, etc. (so 40 million Americans apparently have dramatically increased death rates; NYC 5,293
excess mortality deaths 3/11-5/2 which the CDC understandably sees as CoV-2 caused but
perhaps 50% should be attributed to early shutdown deaths)
- Charitable giving sharply
declines during a recession
- Forego routine healthcare/early diagnosis (TB to
kill a million due to quarantine; 80k Americans to
miss cancer diagnoses through June; as the American College of Cardiology
warned an Anchorage
cadiologist saw six unnecessary deaths in March; NY Times 6/16/20 care "has become
unaffordable" for millions)
- Forego known and needed medical treatment for known ailments (Hospitals losing
$1.1 billion daily so laying off healthcare workers)
- Forego needed vehicle maintenance increasing crashes
- Forego recreational exertion and
work-related physical exercise
- Forego equipment maintenance increasing workplace accidents
- Forego healthier foods to eat less nutritiously deteriorating health
- Extended disappointment can lead to depression, then to death
- Increasing family debt leads to increased stress (which kills, see
- Increase in polluted water and air not tolerated by prosperous societies
- Farmers may produce less for various economic reasons
- Manufacturers may cut corners producing less safe and satisfactory products
- Increased crime including because less money is spent on security
- Failed businesses bring enormous stress to owners and employees
- Career employment is replaced by poorly paying jobs
- Marriages fail leading to depression in adults and children
- Raised by a mom alone is the primary indicator of kids ending up on welfare, as criminals, addicts, and early death
- Increased loneliness from fewer family visits leading to death by broken heart
- Increased
marijuana and other drug use (drug overdose deaths up 50% in 2020 in Franklin County, Ohio, for ex.)
- Increased alcohol abuse
- Increased abortion
- Government leaders who don't understand
godly principles of government introduce additional socialist measures which overtime lead to increased societal dysfunction, depression, and death.
Don't their lives matter?