LOL @ Arthur "Hitler" Brain
You, brutish, vicious, Nazi leftard fool. You are now on record as having, right here, asininely claimed that everybody wearing a mask these days is doing so because he/she has personally been persuaded that it is good for their, and/or, other people's health and wellbeing to do so. And, you are claiming this despite the fact that numerous people continually speak out that, to the contrary, we are not one iota persuaded that it is so. Sorry, but it takes violence, or a threat of violence, for people to be caused, by the state, to wear masks against their will. How unbelievably ridiculous of you to deny, or to pretend to deny, this elementary, universal truth. Obviously you also think it is ridiculous to consider it "state violence" on the part of your Nazi leftard collectivist comrade, Adolf Hitler, to cause certain people to wear yellow star badges, whom he wished to be marked by yellow star badges.
One sense in which wearing a mask could be helpful to somebody's health and wellbeing is for him/her to wear a mask, against his/her will, in attempts to avoid being threatened, or physically assaulted, by those of your Nazi leftard comrades who specialize and revel in enacting mob violence against individuals who stand out from the Nazi leftard booboisie (your crowd) by being mask-less, as non-conformists against your collectivist Nazi leftardation.
You're so amazingly abjectly stupid and slimy to be able to sit there and pretend to think that the state does not use violence, or the threat of violence, to try to get people to do things against their will.
Yeah, you sniveling, state-worshiping idiot: The state demanding that individuals must wear masks, against the individuals' wills, is the state threatening violence against individuals in order to try to achieve your Nazi leftard objective of getting everybody to wear a mask.