Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Why do you call yourself harikrishna? Is it because you are one? Serious question, I never encountered an HK before.


Why do you call yourself harikrishna? Is it because you are one? Serious question, I never encountered an HK before.

I am Harikrish a Hindu raised in the Vedantic tradition. The name Harikrish was not available so I used Harikrishna instead. I studied theology from a Hindu perspective in India and have only recently started posting on Christian forums. Thank you for asking.


Well-known member
Thank you for replying.

Christ alone died for all the sins that, without Him, will not otherwise be forgiven. Believe that and be saved, now and forever.
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Thank you for replying.

Christ alone died for all the sins that you will not otherwise have forgiven. Trust Him for that and be saved, now and forever.

Even though the concept of sin is not found in Hinduism we are judged by our karma (deeds) and go through a cycle of rebirths (reincarnations/samsara) as a purifying process with the ultimate goal to free ourselves of this cycle samsara through Moksha by attaining enlightenment.
It appears the concept of incarnation is also accepted by Christians where God incarnates as Jesus. That better explains son of god relationship Jesus has with god in the bible


New member
Even though the concept of sin is not found in Hinduism we are judged by our karma (deeds) and go through a cycle of rebirths (reincarnations/samsara) as a purifying process with the ultimate goal to free ourselves of this cycle samsara through Moksha by attaining enlightenment.

Hebrews 9:27
27 And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,​


God's Truth

New member
Even though the concept of sin is not found in Hinduism we are judged by our karma (deeds) and go through a cycle of rebirths (reincarnations/samsara) as a purifying process with the ultimate goal to free ourselves of this cycle samsara through Moksha by attaining enlightenment.
It appears the concept of incarnation is also accepted by Christians where God incarnates as Jesus. That better explains son of god relationship Jesus has with god in the bible

The teaching of karma is an evil doctrine.

You believe in many gods.

Why believe in many gods when you can believe in the One true God?


Since there is no phrase υιος θεος in [the] Greek [aka the NT], one can say the doctrine of God the son is unbiblical with ease.
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New member
Catholics have a different opinion.
Straw Man Fallacy. Here you completely and utterly misrepresent the Catholic position. Try again.

Mary is the Catholic god, she's Ishtar by another name.
Wildly, laughably false. You know exactly nothing about Catholic belief and teaching. :darwinsm:

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member
The teaching of karma is an evil doctrine.

You believe in many gods.


You believe in two or three. Only when you believe in the ONE true God J-H-W-H who IS ONE, then you are on the right track.

And saying "1 + 1 + 1 = 1" doesn't help.

Why believe in many gods when you can believe in the One true God?

Why believe in two or three when you can believe in the ONE true God J-H-W-H who is ONE?


Well-known member
Catholics have a different opinion. Mary is the Catholic god, she's Ishtar by another name.


Catholics pray to Mary, protestants pray to their messiah.

Only the Jews pray to God.

There are thirteen principles of Jewish faith:

Number 5 says: "I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, is the only One to whom we should pray, and it is not proper to pray to any other."

God's Truth

New member

You believe in two or three. Only when you believe in the ONE true God J-H-W-H who IS ONE, then you are on the right track.

And saying "1 + 1 + 1 = 1" doesn't help.

Why believe in two or three when you can believe in the ONE true God J-H-W-H who is ONE?

The Almighty God can do whatever He wants. He came as a Man.

There are three, and the three are One and the same.

God's Truth

New member

Catholics pray to Mary, protestants pray to their messiah.

Only the Jews pray to God.

There are thirteen principles of Jewish faith:

Number 5 says: "I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, is the only One to whom we should pray, and it is not proper to pray to any other."

The Jews have not heard from God since the Prophet Jesus Christ.

God cut off unbelieving Jews.

You must go through Jesus.


Is Jesus god?

Jesus was a Jew and if you accept the theological explanation, he was sent to save the Jews as prophesied. He claimed to be the Christ for which the Jews crucified him. Pontius Pilate wrote king of the Jews on his crucifix to mock him. Note: Jesus preached to the Jews and would have been stoned for blasphemy if he claimed he was god and so would the Romans.
So how did a small sectarian Jewish religion called Christianity followed by the early Jewish Christians but rejected by the majority of the Jewish people spread to Rome the most pagan of all nations. It was Paul a Greek speaking Jew who began as a persecutor of Christian because their teachings were blasphemous to Jews himself converted to Christianity on his way to Antioch.
Without Paul Christianity would have remained a small sectarian Jewish religion at odds with Judaism.
The biggest impetus that Christianity got was from The Roman Emperor Constantine who made Christianity the official religion of Rome (for good political reasons).
So rather than ask why was Jesus sent. The question should be. Why was Paul sent? Because the Christianity taught today is based on Pauline Theology the belief that Jesus was not just sent to fulfill the Jewish prophesies but through his death and resurrection salvation offered.
So why did god not send Jesus to Rome instead? Jesus never preached to the Romans, never entered Rome and yet it was Rome the most pagan nation that made Christianity universal. Does that make Christianity an accident and not by gods design and Paul the real person to credit for its survival?
If Paul is to be credited for the survival of Christianity. What were his credentials? He was not a witness or disciple of Jesus. He persecuted the early Hellenistic Jewish Christians for the same teachings he later embraced in his Pauline Theology ( read the stoning of Stephen).
He wrote most of the books in the New Testament and his writings even predate the synoptic gospels. Paul shaped Christianity more that Jesus or his disciples.
Can we then say Jesus was a misguided Jewish rabbi who believed he was sent as a messiah to the people of Israel. He failed in his mission, the Jews rejected him as their messiah. Even after his resurrection he never appeared to the Jews and was seen only by his disciples.
If Jesus was gods messenger and we have evidence of mission fail. Jesus was crucified along with common criminals. There are many oooops! in gods managing of creation and attempted destruction of the world he created (the great flood for example).
Why is god so erratic and his messengers so powerless? It took a common Jew like Paul to save Christianity just like it took an illiterate Arab to convert 1.4 billion to Islam. Are we missing something?
Is Jesus god? What else could he be after reading how god fumbled his way throughout creation. The comparisons are undeniable, parallel, evidentiary similar and justifiable.