Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Bright Raven

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IT matters that he was firstborn of all creatures my friend for God created all things through him.

Jesus is not the son that created or is Father, for that son is a spirit not a man.
I see the logos as that spirit son.
Context, context, context. Get the context right and you will understand the scriptures.


New member
IT matters that he was firstborn of all creatures my friend for God created all things through him.
Yes... Jesus really is the "firstborn of all creation".
But, obviously Jesus pre-existed before creation, and you would agree He is not "born"... So does firstborn, mean He was created? Absolutely not! How could He create Himself, since He created all things. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" Col.1:16

The term firstborn is easy to understand from scripture. Psalm 89 says that God will make David His firstborn. David was not the firstborn in His family, so it's obvious 'firstborn' is a title. We also see this in Jer. 31 that the title can be assigned "Ephraim is My firstborn". (But Ephraim was not the first child).

Jehovah God, Our Creator became flesh and became the image of the invisible God, because by means of him all things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all things and by means of him all things were made to exist.

To believe that Jesus is a created being, is a denial of God's Word...that Jesus was the creator of ALL things.


Well-known member
Yes... Jesus really is the "firstborn of all creation".
But, obviously Jesus pre-existed before creation, and you would agree He is not "born"... So does firstborn, mean He was created? Absolutely not! How could He create Himself, since He created all things. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" Col.1:16

The term firstborn is easy to understand from scripture. Psalm 89 says that God will make David His firstborn. David was not the firstborn in His family, so it's obvious 'firstborn' is a title. We also see this in Jer. 31 that the title can be assigned "Ephraim is My firstborn". (But Ephraim was not the first child).

Jehovah God, Our Creator became flesh and became the image of the invisible God, because by means of him all things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all things and by means of him all things were made to exist.

To believe that Jesus is a created being, is a denial of God's Word...that Jesus was the creator of ALL things.

It was not Jesus at the creation 6 days. Jesus was born as a human so Jesus is a creation, a creature. But the express image son in Heb 1 is not human. It is an exact copy of God himself and the Father was pleased that this spirit son contained his fullness. This is the logos in John 1:1. The logo or spirit son became flesh. And God used this logos To create everything in heaven and earth. That spirit son is a created form of God yet is not God. He is a creature, the first of all creatures. Firstborn of all creatures.

I pray that you understand my thoughts. God sent his Son from heaven to dwell in the body he prepared for him. Heb 10:5. Every image is a creation, no exceptions. The logos is the express image of the Father.

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New member
To create everything in heaven and earth. That spirit son is a created form of God yet is not God. He is a creature, the first of all creatures. Firstborn of all creatures.
So according to you, He created Himself? Or, are you suggesting that the JW paraphrase is correct... and all other translations are wrong? The JW paraphrase suggests all OTHER things were created by Him.


Well-known member
So according to you, He created Himself? Or, are you suggesting that the JW paraphrase is correct... and all other translations are wrong? The JW paraphrase suggests all OTHER things were created by Him.

No, that is not what I said.

The logos, spirit son, was God's first creation for all things were created THROUGH IT. The spirit son was given the fullness of the Father, in other words, IT/he IS A CREATED FORM OF GOD YET NOT GOD. He is the spirit that moved across the face of the waters in Gen. He is the highest of all created beings.

To find truth you will need to keep your mind open to the truths that are now being given to us.

There is no Santa and there is not God the Son.

I care not what any religion says. I read for myself and I have found peace and contentment in my faith.

I am one who thinks that 90% of folks who say they are Christians are not.


New member
keypurr said:
The logos, spirit son, was God's first creation for all things were created THROUGH IT.
You contradict what God's Word tells us. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" Col.1:16

So, you believe it should read ....'almost all things were created through it.'?

Seems rather heretical, don'tcha think?
keypurr said:
The logos, spirit son, was God's first creation for all things were created THROUGH IT.
You contradict what God's Word tells us. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" Col.1:16

So, you believe it should read ....'almost all things were created through it.'?

Seems rather heretical, don'tcha think?


Eclectic Theosophist


I doubt that he will ever go back to the trinity doctrine. He just needs some adjustment in his new beliefs, but he is too stubborn to listen to the scriptures and reason.

The 'Trinity' is but a relational conception of a 'Godhead' defined traditionally by church councils,...formulated and 'assumed' as an orthodox doctrine...according to those DEFINING it. - it is an 'optional' belief or way of 'assuming' some relational unity within a 'godhead'.

Otherwise, the traditional monotheistic Unitarian understanding and belief held by Jesus and his original apostles, were consonant with Jewish Theology, they being native adherents to the Judaism of their times ;)

From a purely spiritualist perspective, we see 'God' as the One Infinite Spirit-Source of all, no matter if you view 'God' as a Singular Being/Personality (with subordinate gods under him within a hierarchy as offspring-extensions of Him/Herself), or as a 'compound unity' of sorts as in a 'trinity' or some other multiplicity.

'God' is still, as the original creative essence, life principle and infinite intelligence.....One Indivisible Essential REALITY. - divide, slice, fragment, differentiate all you like,...the One Universal Consciousness that is 'God' is ever at the center and context of all realities that arise within primal INFINITY. All there is, 'God'....and 'God' is All There IS :)

God's Truth

New member
The 'Trinity' is but a relational conception of a 'Godhead' defined traditionally by church councils,...formulated and 'assumed' as an orthodox doctrine...according to those DEFINING it. - it is an 'optional' belief or way of 'assuming' some relational unity within a 'godhead'.

Otherwise, the traditional monotheistic Unitarian understanding and belief held by Jesus and his original apostles, were consonant with Jewish Theology, they being native adherents to the Judaism of their times ;)

From a purely spiritualist perspective, we see 'God' as the One Infinite Spirit-Source of all, no matter if you view 'God' as a Singular Being/Personality (with subordinate gods under him within a hierarchy as offspring-extensions of Him/Herself), or as a 'compound unity' of sorts as in a 'trinity' or some other multiplicity.

'God' is still, as the original creative essence, life principle and infinite intelligence.....One Indivisible Essential REALITY. - divide, slice, fragment, differentiate all you like,...the One Universal Consciousness that is 'God' is ever at the center and context of all realities that arise within primal INFINITY. All there is, 'God'....and 'God' is All There IS :)

I don't need you to explain God's Truth to me or the trinity doctrine.


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Not really, I just post things that are over your head.

Your held down by traditional hogwash.

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You reject scripture that says that Jesus was the Christ at His birth.

Notice how arrogant you are? Saying you know something that was not revealed in scripture...