Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Well-known member
I disagree with that, the Father didn't create a jr God out of a local contractor.

Read Heb 1, Col 1. YHWH DID INDEED CREATE HIS EXACT IMAGE. Christ is firstborn of all CREATURES. God created ALL through his spirit son Christ. Not Jesus.


Well-known member
Jesus wasn't created. He is the creator. He is from everlasting and by Him all things were made.

Was Jesus BORN? Then he is a creation. So was the spirit that was IN him.
There is only one who is not created, the Father, the only true God, YHWH.


New member
Was Jesus BORN? Then he is a creation. So was the spirit that was IN him.
There is only one who is not created, the Father, the only true God, YHWH.

No, the Bible explicitly says Jesus is from everlasting. It says ALL things were made by him. Put down your New World Translation and Watchtower magazines and read the actual Bible


Well-known member
No, the Bible explicitly says Jesus is from everlasting. It says ALL things were made by him. Put down your New World Translation and Watchtower magazines and read the actual Bible

My Bibles as he was born in Bethlehem to Mary. Jesus was a man, the flesh son of God. He did not exist until he was born. Your adding to what is written.

I have over thirty translations to compare Daniel, is there any one special to you that you want to use?


Well-known member
Oh, his spirit son. So put down your book of Mormon then and read the actual Bible

Try again Daniel, I am not Mormon.

How about calling me a SDA. You missed them.

I am a lone wolf Daniel. I have no chains of tradition to hold me back from understanding his words in my Bibles.


New member
My Bibles as he was born in Bethlehem to Mary. Jesus was a man, the flesh son of God. He did not exist until he was born. Your adding to what is written.

I have over thirty translations to compare Daniel, is there any one special to you that you want to use?

That's just outright blasphemy. You're saying Christ didn't exist untill about 2000 years ago. Wrong! The Bible says he is from everlasting. It says he is the beginning and ending. He is the first and the last: the Almighty. I really get tired of the threads challenging the deity and eternal existence of Christ because it is laud out bluntly in the Bible. It is intentionally blasphemous to say otherwise.


Well-known member
Daniel do you believe that God is a Spirit?

Jesus says that he is. So what would his express image be that is mentioned in Heb 1:3?


New member
Daniel do you believe that God is a Spirit?

Jesus says that he is. So what would his express image be that is mentioned in Heb 1:3?

God is spirit. And God was manifest in the flesh. 1Timothy 3:16. Jesus Christ IS God Almighty. It's a clear Biblical teaching that I'm not interested in debating. I like discussion with Christians and telling the Gospel to the unsaved who want to be saved. I'm not interested in debating fundamental doctrine with unsaved heretics that refuse to let go of their false doctrine. I'll plead with someone to be saved. But I won't waste hours arguing with blasphemers.


New member
No, it just means you can't think outside of indoctrination.

Just ask anyone here... :chuckle:... Everything I post is outside of indoctrination... Exactly how do you think I remained on Satan's Inc # 2 spot for the past 3 years? :readthis:


Your post betray you!


Well-known member
God is spirit. And God was manifest in the flesh. 1Timothy 3:16. Jesus Christ IS God Almighty. It's a clear Biblical teaching that I'm not interested in debating. I like discussion with Christians and telling the Gospel to the unsaved who want to be saved. I'm not interested in debating fundamental doctrine with unsaved heretics that refuse to let go of their false doctrine. I'll plead with someone to be saved. But I won't waste hours arguing with blasphemers.

Manifest means God was made known, not that he came.

JESUS Christ is Lord, not God Almighty.

If you do not wish to debate, why are you here?

You put you self in peril by judging others Daniel.

A good friendly debate can teach us a lot.

Time to cut the cord of tradition and seek his truth.

You would rather sit in a church circle and pat each other on the back and say how right you are. Your in darkness Daniel.


New member
Manifest means God was made known, not that he came.

JESUS Christ is Lord, not God Almighty.

If you do not wish to debate, why are you here?

You put you self in peril by judging others Daniel.

A good friendly debate can teach us a lot.

Time to cut the cord of tradition and seek his truth.

You would rather sit in a church circle and pat each other on the back and say how right you are. Your in darkness Daniel.

Finish reading 1 Timothy 3:16 and you will see why your explanation is nonsense. "Manifest means made known". Ok. It goes on to say God was received up into glory.

Twist the scripture all you want. It says what it says. Btw, I'm here to discuss things with Christians, not argue with unsaved heretics


Well-known member
Finish reading 1 Timothy 3:16 and you will see why your explanation is nonsense. "Manifest means made known". Ok. It goes on to say God was received up into glory.

Twist the scripture all you want. It says what it says. Btw, I'm here to discuss things with Christians, not argue with unsaved heretics

God was not receive up into glory, his son was.

Then prove your point that God was received up in glory.

What makes you think your saved? The race is not over for you yet.

You really are not equipped to defend your faith.

Is everyone who disagrees with you a heretic?

God's Truth

New member
When Jesus saved me, I knew without doubt that I had Jesus Christ himself living inside me.

Since Jesus himself was living inside me, I had to accept that Jesus was the same as God the Father, because God the Father and Jesus Christ live inside believers, see John 14:23. Since there is only one Spirit, see Ephesians 4:4, and Ephesians 2:18, then they MUST BE THE SAME.


Read Heb 1, Col 1. YHWH DID INDEED CREATE HIS EXACT IMAGE. Christ is firstborn of all CREATURES. God created ALL through his spirit son Christ. Not Jesus.

Correct, when the creator Son was created by the Father [before this world was] he created a divine Son. That Son had mind, personality, will, etc. He had the powers and authority of a loyal creator who in turn created this world.

The Son of God became the child of promise who grew in awareness of his pre-existent identity as a personality reality, his office, his divinity. He lived the life of man according to the will of the Father as all men are required.​

After fulfilling the final requirement of a Creator Son, the incarnation as a man, he now has ALL power as sovereign God of this world.


Just ask anyone here... :chuckle:... Everything I post is outside of indoctrination... Exactly how do you think I remained on Satan's Inc # 2 spot for the past 3 years? :readthis:


Your post betray you!

Then you have the arrogant closed mind of an indoctrinated person. Is it possible that you are indoctrinated by your own ego? We have only had a few exchanges and you went all "Trump" on me.


New member
The Son of God became the child of promise who grew in awareness of his pre-existent identity as a personality reality, his office, his divinity. He lived the life of man according to the will of the Father as all men are required.​
When I read this, I thought of these scriptures. :)
Luke 2:40 But The Boy was growing and being strengthened in spirit and he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him.
41And every year his people were going to Jerusalem at the feast of Passover. 42And when he was twelve years old, they went out to the feast* just as they had been accustomed; 43And when the days were past, they were returning, but The Boy Yeshua had remained in Jerusalem and Yoseph and his mother* did not know it. 44For they were thinking that he was with the children of their friends, and when they had come a journey of one day, they looked for him among their people and among whoever knew them, 45And they did not find him, and they returned again to Jerusalem and they were looking for him. 46After three days, they found him in The Temple as he sat in the midst of the Teachers and he heard from them and he was inquiring of them. 47 And all who were listening to him were astounded at his wisdom and at his discourses. 48And when they saw him, they marveled, and his mother said to him, "My son, why have you done this to us? Look, your father and I were looking for you with great anxiety." 49He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Do you not know that it was fitting for me to be in my Father's house?" 50But they did not understand the statement that he spoke to them. 51And he went down with them and he came to Nazareth, and he was submitted to them; but his mother was keeping all these words in her heart.
52But Yeshua was growing in his stature and in his wisdom and in favor with God and the children of men.


Well-known member
When I read this, I thought of these scriptures. :)
Luke 2:40 But The Boy was growing and being strengthened in spirit and he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him.
41And every year his people were going to Jerusalem at the feast of Passover. 42And when he was twelve years old, they went out to the feast* just as they had been accustomed; 43And when the days were past, they were returning, but The Boy Yeshua had remained in Jerusalem and Yoseph and his mother* did not know it. 44For they were thinking that he was with the children of their friends, and when they had come a journey of one day, they looked for him among their people and among whoever knew them, 45And they did not find him, and they returned again to Jerusalem and they were looking for him. 46After three days, they found him in The Temple as he sat in the midst of the Teachers and he heard from them and he was inquiring of them. 47 And all who were listening to him were astounded at his wisdom and at his discourses. 48And when they saw him, they marveled, and his mother said to him, "My son, why have you done this to us? Look, your father and I were looking for you with great anxiety." 49He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Do you not know that it was fitting for me to be in my Father's house?" 50But they did not understand the statement that he spoke to them. 51And he went down with them and he came to Nazareth, and he was submitted to them; but his mother was keeping all these words in her heart.
52But Yeshua was growing in his stature and in his wisdom and in favor with God and the children of men.

His power came with the Dove, Acts 10:38.

So did the wisdom of the Father.


New member
Then you have the arrogant closed mind of an indoctrinated person. Is it possible that you are indoctrinated by your own ego? We have only had a few exchanges and you went all "Trump" on me.

I AM what I AM! :chuckle:

In fact I went all truth on you! You see... when you have the truth, you don't need ego! You see my total confidence as you want to see it!

I can see how you see my post as being arrogant... how else can truth appear to one who lacks the truth? :readthis:

My confidence in saying that 2+2 = 4 may also sound to some here as being arrogant... Yet... the truth remains the bold truth no matter how much or how many disagree! :think:



Jesus was declared God and man by the conference of Nicea where the bishops of the area were forced into figuring all out so that the diverse views of Jesus could be harmonized and stamped "TRUE" by the Emperor Constantine.

That's history. That's what happened. That's our legacy.

The nonviolent program of healing and eating with strangers became a subset and finally the essence of the violent and unjust Empire of Rome.
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