Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Well-known member
The same answer as Jesus IS God keypurr. Yes.

I did not ask you if he was God, I asked you if he has a God.

Can't you just answer the question asked?

No, you just express your baloney.

So if Jesus has a God, and there is only one God, how can he be God? That is not a trick question I am just looking for your answer to enlighten me as to your thinking.


Well-known member
So what? In my church people are baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Just because the Apostles baptized in the Name of Jesus does not mean that they they did not baptized in the Name of the Father and the Holy Spirit. I can't agree with you that the Apostles would flagrantly disobey the command of the great commission.

What he is trying to show you friend is the Apostles never preached a trinity God. Never, never, never.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why do you suppose I responded to "CHR_Iam_IST" the way I did? My response was not to you concerning those statements you have quoted because you did not accuse me of butting in, or as the other poster put it, (which appears to mean something slightly different but I tried to cover all the bases when I responded to it) "Did you come in on the butt end of the conversation"? Funny how I also got accused of being arrogant at the same time by someone else for simply saying "Tisk, tisk" while the name of this poster is "CHR_Iam_IST"! :crackup:

EDIT: I went back and now I see a quote from you in that post which I did not even respond to. Not sure what I did to get that but I will go back and remove it. However, as you can see by the statements made, I was responding to "CHR_Iam_IST" in that portion of the reply. :)


What church, denomination or cult are you affiliated with "Other?"


New member
I did not ask you if he was God, I asked you if he has a God.
Can't you just answer the question asked?
No, you just express your baloney.
So if Jesus has a God, and there is only one God, how can he be God? That is not a trick question I am just looking for your answer to enlighten me as to your thinking.

Don't really care if you don't like my answer keypurr, it is MY answer.
I did answer the question.
Well, your perception of what is and isn't baloney has already been shown to be greatly deficient.
IF there IS only one God and Savior and you admit that Jesus is your savior, then obviously He IS our God and Savior. Your ability to use logic and reason seems to fall drastically short when listening to your OWN words.


Well-known member
Instead of you admitting that you caused the confusion by doing something wrong, you act as if I did something wrong.

Your testimony is intentionally untrue showing the bitterness in your heart. I edited my post to you at the top of that page and was about to go back and change the mistake on the previous page, which mistake I did admit by what I wrote, when you in turn wrote, "I think you are a troubled person." Why do you suppose I then decided to leave it for all to see? For you to judge me whom you do not know, as a "troubled person", only reveals what is in your own heart. If "Yeshua is YHWH" as you profess, and you have Yeshua in you, then you too are God in the machinations of your imagination. Therefore you judge others as if you yourself are God himself.



New member
What he is trying to show you friend is the Apostles never preached a trinity God. Never, never, never.

They didn't have to...Arius did not manifest his false teaching for another 250 years. It was dealt with and dispatched at the First Council in 325. Ever since then, heretics like you and your ilk, continue to try and bring it back to orthodoxy, and it NEVER will be. Sadly after almost 17 centuries, the lies of Satan still persist. So does the determination and perseverance of the TRUE saints. We will NOT be moved from the ROCK of our true salvation in Jesus Christ our GOD and Savior, AND the gates of Hell will not prevail.


New member
Why does it always have to be "you -vs- me" with you and yours? Besides I already answered that question so you will have to search through my previous posts to find the answer.

Answering would have been much quicker but of course your intent is to NOT show your true self isn't it?


Well-known member
Don't really care if you don't like my answer keypurr, it is MY answer.
I did answer the question.
Well, your perception of what is and isn't baloney has already been shown to be greatly deficient.
IF there IS only one God and Savior and you admit that Jesus is your savior, then obviously He IS our God and Savior. Your ability to use logic and reason seems to fall drastically short when listening to your OWN words.

Use your power of reason Stan.

If Jesus has a God then he can not be God for there is only one God.


So if Jesus has a God, and there is only one God, how can he be God?

JESUS CHRIST, THE SON of GOD and THE SON of Man, IS BOTH GOD (Divine) & MAN (Human)!

JESUS IS BOTH MAN (born of a human Mother) and GOD (in addition to having always been "with GOD (John 1:1 KJ2000)", HE IS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of [GOD] THE FATHER);

As GOD, JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD of GOD "made flesh (John 1:14 KJ2000)", (". . . and the Word was God. - John 1:1 KJ2000").


New member
Use your power of reason Stan.
If Jesus has a God then he can not be God for there is only one God.

That just shows how limited you make God and how limited your comprehension level is. If God said He is our only God and Savior, then who is Jesus IF He IS our savior? It's pretty simple for ANYONE with child like faith. Of course for old crotchety guys like you, who think they've discovered something new, it is impossible to grasp apparently.


Well-known member
They didn't have to...Arius did not manifest his false teaching for another 250 years. It was dealt with and dispatched at the First Council in 325. Ever since then, heretics like you and your ilk, continue to try and bring it back to orthodoxy, and it NEVER will be. Sadly after almost 17 centuries, the lies of Satan still persist. So does the determination and perseverance of the TRUE saints. We will NOT be moved from the ROCK of our true salvation in Jesus Christ our GOD and Savior, AND the gates of Hell will not prevail.

Your not paying attention, the point is the Apostles never supported trinity doctrine.


New member
Your not paying attention, the point is the Apostles never supported trinity doctrine.

and you ignore my response as usual. Why would they talk or teach on something that was NOT an issue. They ALL knew the truth. Doers the NT teach EVERYTHING they knew? Hello!


Well-known member
Answering would have been much quicker but of course your intent is to NOT show your true self isn't it?

As just said to your comrade in arms: why does it always come down to "you -vs- me" with you and yours? Is it because you cannot argue the finer points of what you have been taught? My "true self" is shown by the things that I post just as what you post likewise shows the true inner you.


Well-known member
JESUS CHRIST, THE SON of GOD and THE SON of Man, IS BOTH GOD (Divine) & MAN (Human)!

JESUS IS BOTH MAN (born of a human Mother) and GOD (in addition to having always been "with GOD (John 1:1 KJ2000)", HE IS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of [GOD] THE FATHER);

As GOD, JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD of GOD "made flesh (John 1:14 KJ2000)", (". . . and the Word was God. - John 1:1 KJ2000").

I know what you believe but the verses you quote do not prove your point. The word became flesh tells you that the word was not human before it became flesh. Being the son of God does not make him God.

I believe that the word is the express image of God, and was with God at the creation. God created all through this SPIRIT image. This spirit is a created form of God for it was given the fullness of the father. Christ is that spirit. Jesus, the human son, is the body God prepared for his Christ. Heb 10:5.


Well-known member
That just shows how limited you make God and how limited your comprehension level is. If God said He is our only God and Savior, then who is Jesus IF He IS our savior? It's pretty simple for ANYONE with child like faith. Of course for old crotchety guys like you, who think they've discovered something new, it is impossible to grasp apparently.

Crotchety, crotchety, you call me a crotchety person. Ok, no more Mr. NICE Guy with you. You crossed the line that time my friend.

I think you have misinterpreted "God and Saviour" Stan.

God the Father and Jesus Christ the Saviour are two, not one.


Well-known member
and you ignore my response as usual. Why would they talk or teach on something that was NOT an issue. They ALL knew the truth. Doers the NT teach EVERYTHING they knew? Hello!

Your response was off the topic. Corruption sneeked it's way into the church as time past, the only true church was the early church. The Apostles, and they never spoke of a three piece God.
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I know what you believe but the verses you quote do not prove your point. The word became flesh tells you that the word was not human before it became flesh. Being the son of God does not make him God.

I believe that the word is the express image of God, and was with God at the creation. God created all through this SPIRIT image. This spirit is a created form of God for it was given the fullness of the father. Christ is that spirit. Jesus, the human son, is the body God prepared for his Christ. Heb 10:5.

In light of your statements above, and especially the underlined sentence above please explain to me, as only you can, the following passage . . . especially the underlined portion: "And now, O FATHER, glorify ME with YOUR OWN SELF with the glory which I had with YOU before the world was. (John 17:5 KJ2000)"


Well-known member
In light of your statements above, and especially the underlined sentence above please explain to me, as only you can, the following passage . . . especially the underlined portion: "And now, O FATHER, glorify ME with YOUR OWN SELF with the glory which I had with YOU before the world was. (John 17:5 KJ2000)"

Christ is a spiritual being, he was God's first creation for all thing we're created THROUGH him. He had glory with his Father in heaven, he was second in command. But God sent him to become flesh in the body of Jesus. Christ spoke through Jesus.

You need to see that God created his express image, a spiritual son, long before Mary gave birth to Jesus. Christ is a god like spirit that took the form of flesh.


. . . the Apostles never supported trinity doctrine.

Sure they "supported trinity doctrine" (I highlighted, above, what you stated because you have a CONTINUOUS tendency to forget, after a post or two, what you actually stated!)!

The Apostle John: "But THE COMFORTER, WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM THE FATHER will send in MY NAME, HE shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26 KJ2000)"

The Apostle John: "But when THE COMFORTER is come, whom I will send unto you from THE FATHER, even THE SPIRIT of TRUTH, who proceeds from THE FATHER,HE shall testify of ME: (John 15:26 KJ2000)"

The Apostle Paul: "The grace of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the fellowship of THE HOLY SPIRIT, be with you all. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14 KJ2000)"

The Apostle Peter: "Elect according to the foreknowledge of GOD THE FATHER, through sanctification of THE SPIRIT, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of JESUS CHRIST: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. (1 Peter 1:2 KJ2000)"