Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Keypurr, took you nearly 80 years to become the "Heretic" that you are!
You say, Christ and Jesus are two separate entities! That's false doctrine
at its best! You should be proud?

Yet YOU are not equipped to disprove it GM.
What does that say about YOU?



Well-known member
Acts 10:38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.


Matthew 28:18

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.I don't know how many chapters are in your Book of Hebrews, but I did find, in Hebrews 10:5:

Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:

Jesus came into the world from His previous place (Heaven) and entered the egg in Mary's womb, when she conceived.Chapter and verse, please.No doubt, but He is also God.The Spirit OF God...

Romans 8:9

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.I listen to The Spirit of The Lord, which is Who showed me that Christ is God, in the first place. When you're following Him and not a stranger, you don't have to think, you just know.

Jesus was BORN in the flesh, he is the prepared body God provided for the Spirit Christ. Christ came with power, the [power given to him by his God. Jesus did not come down from heaven, Christ did.

I question if you hearing the spirit of the Lord.

Why did our Lord need a body prepared for him?
Because he was a spirit.
Mary did not give birth to a spirit.
Jesus had to grow in wisdom, Christ came with the wisdom to create the universe.

Your logic is flawed friend.



Well-known member
No, your understanding is darkened. Jesus has always been. He is Spirit. When He came to earth it was for our understanding that He took on The Form of Flesh. He didn't become less than God, He merely only made use of that which was available to men of flesh: the Adamic, Mosaic, Abrahamic covenants, etc. He created a new and better covenant and then ratified it in the olive garden. His death on the cross was merely the payment of what He had sworn the night before in blood. The blood was a sign of Him resisting the enemy even unto death. His agreement with God is perfect, simply because He IS God. He cannot violate Himself. We have perfect agreement with Him in our spirit, but it is our fallen flesh we wrestle with every day. He ALWAYS did The Will of The Father, because He IS The Father. Your understanding being darkened you cannot even begin to understand Who He is and what He did. You think He was merely a man that was anointed. He IS The Anointing. "Christ," means: The Anointed One and His Anointing. They are inseparable.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus was BORN in the flesh, he is the prepared body God provided for the Spirit Christ. Christ came with power, the [power given to him by his God. Jesus did not come down from heaven, Christ did.

I question if you hearing the spirit of the Lord.

Why did our Lord need a body prepared for him?
Because he was a spirit.
Mary did not give birth to a spirit.
Jesus had to grow in wisdom, Christ came with the wisdom to create the universe.

Your logic is flawed friend.



Lazy afternoon

Jesus Christ is a man born from God and Mary and resurrected from the dead by His Father who is God the creator.

Jesus was anointed by His Father to speak the words and do the works of his Father, but His anointing was one step up on that which men receive to be saved today, but the 120 on the day of Pentecost did.

You too can become as the 120 became, but you would have to be ministered to by the Lord to get there, and suffer the consequences of it.


Lazy afternoon

Just a man could not redeem the human race! If He's not God, then you are running in vain.

God was IN Christ.

The Bible says a righteous man did bring salvation to mankind.

Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
Rom 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Rom 5:19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

1Co 15:21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.



New member
No, your understanding is darkened. Jesus has always been. He is Spirit. When He came to earth it was for our understanding that He took on The Form of Flesh. He didn't become less than God, He merely only made use of that which was available to men of flesh: the Adamic, Mosaic, Abrahamic covenants, etc. He created a new and better covenant and then ratified it in the olive garden. His death on the cross was merely the payment of what He had sworn the night before in blood. The blood was a sign of Him resisting the enemy even unto death. His agreement with God is perfect, simply because He IS God. He cannot violate Himself. We have perfect agreement with Him in our spirit, but it is our fallen flesh we wrestle with every day. He ALWAYS did The Will of The Father, because He IS The Father. Your understanding being darkened you cannot even begin to understand Who He is and what He did. You think He was merely a man that was anointed. He IS The Anointing. "Christ," means: The Anointed One and His Anointing. They are inseparable.

if not for the ELECT sake the whole world be fooled....

Lucifer said I shall exalt my self as the most high..

let them exalt.. let them worship.. grace will save them.

bless there hearts :)


New member
Jesus is not God or Son of God. In fact he is mentioned in the bible as a prophet
"this is jesus the prophet of nazareth of galilee" (matthew 21:11)
and (luke 24:19), (matthew 21:46) (matthew 14:5) also mention Jesus as a prophet. It is also the most logical think to perceive Jesus as a prophet, even Islam and Judaism sees Jesus as a prophet.
Christian people always say that Jesus sacrified himself for our sins, but that is not true, because if you look at history and how Jesus was crufied it indicates that Jesus did not die for people's sins.
the concept that Jesus sacrified himself is like saying that Jesus said "here kill me, i sacrifice myself for you guys". But that is not true because Jesus did not hand over himself to the Romans and to the Jews, The Jews and Romans captured Jesus, and wanted to kill him because they thought that he was a threat to them and they thought that Jesus performed miracles with black magic that is why the jews and romans wanted to kill Jesus not because Jesus wanted him self to be killed. No it was not a "loving" sacrificial death Jesus experienced no it was a BRUTAL death Jesus experienced, the Jews and Romans really BRUTALLY tortued Jesus, Jesus even prayed to God to save him from the situation (matthew 26:39)
even after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a really vigorous earthquake (matthew 27:45) (matthew 27:51), which indicates God's anger upon the Jews and the Romans
so the most logical think is to see Jesus as a prophet of Almighty God


Well-known member
John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas called Jesus "my lord and my god"

God made Moses to be a god!!!! Exodus 7:1 KJV

If I have to choose between God's declaration and Thomas'

I choose God's testimony over Thomas'


Thomas called Jesus "my lord and my god"

God made Moses to be a god!!!! Exodus 7:1 KJV

If I have to choose between God's declaration and Thomas'

I choose God's testimony over Thomas'

I didn't know Moses was a god.

Perhaps the Mormons were right all along


Well-known member
Jesus is not God or Son of God. In fact he is mentioned in the bible as a prophet
"this is jesus the prophet of nazareth of galilee" (matthew 21:11)
and (luke 24:19), (matthew 21:46) (matthew 14:5) also mention Jesus as a prophet. It is also the most logical think to perceive Jesus as a prophet, even Islam and Judaism sees Jesus as a prophet.
Christian people always say that Jesus sacrified himself for our sins, but that is not true, because if you look at history and how Jesus was crufied it indicates that Jesus did not die for people's sins.
the concept that Jesus sacrified himself is like saying that Jesus said "here kill me, i sacrifice myself for you guys". But that is not true because Jesus did not hand over himself to the Romans and to the Jews, The Jews and Romans captured Jesus, and wanted to kill him because they thought that he was a threat to them and they thought that Jesus performed miracles with black magic that is why the jews and romans wanted to kill Jesus not because Jesus wanted him self to be killed. No it was not a "loving" sacrificial death Jesus experienced no it was a BRUTAL death Jesus experienced, the Jews and Romans really BRUTALLY tortued Jesus, Jesus even prayed to God to save him from the situation (matthew 26:39)
even after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a really vigorous earthquake (matthew 27:45) (matthew 27:51), which indicates God's anger upon the Jews and the Romans
so the most logical think is to see Jesus as a prophet of Almighty God
Actually, Jesus was put to death at the request of the High Priest, making Him a legal sacrifice under Mosaic law. He also is God, in The Flesh.