A fair playing field.............
A fair playing field.............
You have showed nothing about God and Jesus.
I previously demonstrated the obvious, and that most of the passages you quoted certainly DO show that Jesus spoke of his Father as a different/distinct 'person', and that by the rules of English language and its descriptive meaning. Jesus was speaking as a man, describing his relationship to the Infinite Invisible God (The Father), maintaining such a 'relationship' (2 personalities in communion).
The topic is not whether or not Jesus is God and came as a Man. The issue is whether or not there is one God and that He is the Father, and if Jesus came as God the Father.
That's where the confusion begins, in first 'assuming' Jesus is 'God', then having to by that prefigured logic 'assume' that then Jesus must be the Father. This is illogical and unnecessary, while we still hold of course that there is only One 'God' and 'Father' of all (including Jesus).
The answer is yes.
However, trinitarians say no. Trinitarians say Jesus is not God the Father.
The BIBLE SAYS there is only one God and that He is the Father.
Since there is only one God and He is the Father, and since Jesus Christ is God---then Jesus Christ must be that one God and Father.
It doesn't necessarily follow however that because The Father is 'God', that Jesus MUST be too,...just because you insist he has to be 'God'. - Why insist on such a proposition? Prove that its 'necessary'. There is much support beyond rational/logic that Jesus is the 'Son' of 'God', a 'person' unique and distinct from God his Father.
Since you want to try to correct me, then you are the one who must speak to me according to the written Word of God as in the Holy Bible.
Theologians, philosophers, laymen have for centuries been debating over what the scriptures say and chosen to guard and assume their own 'interpretations' of such. I'm not trying to correct you, but clarifying a rational/logical position of Jesus relationship with 'God', his Father. All the various Christologies, views of Jesus 'humanity' and 'divinity' (mix, match, splice and dice those elements as you wish) ALL used the 'Bible' for their 'proof-texts'. So,..just saying show me 'passages' doesn't do much, because I could just as well spit out many passages.
So then, tell me, do you believe you are saved?
I don't see the term 'saved' as having much meaning to me at this point, as such a term can be variously defined, while the fact of the matter is that 'salvation' is a continual process in one's life, and not just looking at some point in the past when one suddenly got 'saved', for such is still just an intellectual assumption by 'faith' anyways,...when one's condition and state of being NOW is what is real and pertinent. So I don't buy sporting around any 'saved' card. "those who endure to the end,...are saved".
Do you believe you have the Holy Spirit living inside your heart?
Yes. 'God', the omnipresent One indwells the souls of all mortals as well as fills the entirety of the cosmos all at once. God is Spirit.
Just answer yes or no to those questions and then we can proceed to speak deeper.
Again, you're attempting to qualify the parameters or content of our discussion instead of just taking it head on, considering all points in context.
Stop being stuck then and discuss with me.
I see your reflecting my comment back towards me. Tactic noted

On that note, I meant that one can become 'stuck', and being stuck retards one's spiritual progress or intellectual growth. That was all. I try to remain as conscious as possible, ever open and adaptable to learn, expand, revise or correct my views....if better information or revelation appears. Such demands intellectual honesty. I share what views come to the fore, and am open to test them. I admit some things I don't absolutely know, and some things seem more probable, reasonable and sound than others. In this purview,....
all points of view are subject to change.
As for your question on whether or not I have a sense of humor…are you amused by GM and others like him? No? Then stop acting as he does.
I have GM on ignore for good reason,....and my style and approach is quite different than his, which is continual trolling, jest, making fun and ridiculing. If you think I'm acting like him, then you have more going for you than I suspected

From a higher cosmic view, all these discussions mean little (being 'relative'), being but points of view across an endless and infinite sky of unlimited possibility and potential. 'God' is doing just fine without all the little ego's vying for his attention to represent him correctly (making 'images' thereby)....as each peek thru their little kaleidoscopes, to make their forecasts :sherlock: