Jesus is God !


Well-known member

Literally what this site is for....

I'm sorry, were you not aware?

Well, then I will disagree with you and tell you you are wrong. There is a big difference in discussing ideas and disagreeing than arguing. You Clete Right divider and now Idolater are great at calling people names and disparaging them. You don't discuss. You fuss. I've moved on and hope that I will find people here willing to at least look at new perspectives. Have you and you buddies, who seem to flock together on more than my posts even wondered why TOL may have become diminished in members and with people who visit but don't post over the years? I don't mind people saying they don't agree with my ideas and then move on ... but that is not what you and a few of your buddies do.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Well, then I will disagree with you and tell you you are wrong. There is a big difference in discussing ideas and disagreeing than arguing. You Clete Right divider and now Idolater are great at calling people names and disparaging them. You don't discuss. You fuss.
You are a liar.

The only reason I engage anyone in the first place is precisely to discuss and debate. People don't start getting called names until they've proven that they are unwilling to participate and instead insist on ignoring whatever has been said and simply repeating themselves as though I've said nothing at all.

I've moved on and hope that I will find people here willing to at least look at new perspectives.
You are, in fact, a liar. By any standard.

I directly responded to your "new perspectives" and you basically ignored it. The fact is that anyone who doesn't buy into your basically whimsical manner of formulating your doctrine is blown off as someone who "isn't willing to look at new perspectives".

Have you and you buddies, who seem to flock together on more than my posts even wondered why TOL may have become diminished in members and with people who visit but don't post over the years?
Lately, this is the case because people are too quickly banned, IMHO.

I don't mind people saying they don't agree with my ideas and then move on ... but that is not what you and a few of your buddies do.
That is precisely what I do. As I said, you don't get called names until you've earned it. I don't speak for anyone else but from me, you get the respect you earn. I've repeatedly demonstrated that your doctrine is, in fact, unbiblical. You respond by repeating your doctrine as though I haven't said anything and embellish the retelling by talking down to me like I'm some sort of child. That's perfectly acceptable behavior in your eyes but when that behavior produces a response other then "Oh! Now I see! Thank you for your amazing wisdom!" is used as an excuse to "Move on and look for people who are willing to at least look at new perspectives."

You're a fool and you intentionally waste everyone's time. I'm sorry that you're so offended by our being offended by your behavior.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well, then I will disagree with you and tell you you are wrong. There is a big difference in discussing ideas and disagreeing than arguing. You Clete Right divider and now Idolater are great at calling people names and disparaging them. You don't discuss. You fuss. I've moved on and hope that I will find people here willing to at least look at new perspectives. Have you and you buddies, who seem to flock together on more than my posts even wondered why TOL may have become diminished in members and with people who visit but don't post over the years? I don't mind people saying they don't agree with my ideas and then move on ... but that is not what you and a few of your buddies do.
I called you a modalist. It was a diagnosis, not name-calling. And modalism's not Christian. As a Catholic I can say that with authority, since under Catholicism modalism is positively and permanently condemned as heresy, but I provided an argument which doesn't appeal to Catholicism or Apostolic Tradition anyway, which you ignored:

“ Suppose there are many Scriptures which indicate a distinction between the Father and Jesus.

“ Suppose there are many Scriptures which indicate some sort of equality between the Father and Jesus.

“ Only under Trinitarianism are both of these sets of Scriptures unsurprising. ”
Under modalism Scriptures which indicate a distinction between the Father and Jesus are surprising. Engage the argument instead of wrongly accusing me of mud-slinging.


Well-known member
Just saying. I read my KJV Bible ... have for many years ... and I have found some threads that tie things together. I don't go studying all the different man made facets of beliefs where people are labeled this and that. I am a spirit filled Christian and my Lord knows my name and cares for me. If I believe the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to a truth from scripture I would like to share it with others without being given a label from humanity or disparaged by being called a liar and worse. Disagree ... move on. If no one is interested then I'll move on. There is just too much rudeness coming from some people. Well, we are off topic for this thread. Y'all have a nice day.

Right Divider

Body part
Well, then I will disagree with you and tell you you are wrong.
Cute... from the person that is wrong.
There is a big difference in discussing ideas and disagreeing than arguing.
Arguments are part of a valid disagreement. If you don't like that, you do not belong on a DEBATE forum.
You Clete Right divider and now Idolater are great at calling people names and disparaging them.
Prove it.
You don't discuss.
LOL... from the one making many false statements and who gets upset when they are called out on them.
You fuss. I've moved on and hope that I will find people here willing to at least look at new perspectives. Have you and you buddies, who seem to flock together on more than my posts even wondered why TOL may have become diminished in members and with people who visit but don't post over the years?
We will continue to express the truth against your errors (and the errors of others), even if that means some people leave.
I don't mind people saying they don't agree with my ideas and then move on ... but that is not what you and a few of your buddies do.
Too bad.
Last edited:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Just saying. I read my KJV Bible ... have for many years ... and I have found some threads that tie things together. I don't go studying all the different man made facets of beliefs where people are labeled this and that.

I am a spirit filled Christian and my Lord knows my name and cares for me. If I believe the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to a truth from scripture I would like to share it with others without being given a label from humanity or disparaged by being called a liar and worse.
I've called you a modalist, not a liar, nor anything worse.

Disagree ... move on. If no one is interested then I'll move on. There is just too much rudeness coming from some people. Well, we are off topic for this thread. Y'all have a nice day.
I haven't been rude either.

How about engage my argument?
“ Suppose there are many Scriptures which indicate a distinction between the Father and Jesus.

“ Suppose there are many Scriptures which indicate some sort of equality between the Father and Jesus.

“ Only under Trinitarianism are both of these sets of Scriptures unsurprising. ”


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Just saying. I read my KJV Bible ... have for many years ... and I have found some threads that tie things together. I don't go studying all the different man made facets of beliefs where people are labeled this and that.
There isn't any need to study all the facets. It takes less than thirty seconds to look up the term and confirm that what you've said here on this thread and elsewhere is 100% in agreement with that label.

More importantly, you're lying. You did not get your doctrine from reading the bible. It was taught to you and now you think it's your turn to teach it to others.

I am a spirit filled Christian and my Lord knows my name and cares for me.
David Koresh would have made the same claim as do all his surviving followers to this day.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

If I believe the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to a truth from scripture
So did Jim Jones!

I would like to share it with others without being given a label from humanity or disparaged by being called a liar and worse.
The label is accurate as is the accusation of liar. If you don't like who you are then change it.

Disagree ... move on.
Tried that. You ignored it.

If no one is interested then I'll move on.
You are the one who isn't interested in debating your doctrine. You want to present your doctrine and then pretend that anyone who disagrees is some sort of jerk.

There is just too much rudeness coming from some people.
Rude? Do you mean like when someone spends an hour or more making an argument and then the person that argument was directed toward ignores it completely? Is that what you mean by "rude"?

Well, we are off topic for this thread. Y'all have a nice day.
You can get us all back on topic by simply stopping with the whimpering victim act and posting something worth the time it would take to respond to, like addressing the issues that have been brought up about the entirely whimsical manner by which you formulate doctrine. A manner that is nearly identical in form (not in substance) to the Yehweh Ben Yehweh cult, where a single word or phrase is taken to mean something well beyond what the context in which it is found could possibly support. OR, baring that, maybe you could explain why it is that even to this day you continue to refuse to give a straight answer about who Jesus is.

He's me, not holding my breath.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Well, then I will disagree with you

Good for you.

and tell you you are wrong.

Now make an argument to support that claim.

See how that works?

There is a big difference in discussing ideas and disagreeing than arguing.

Argumentation is part of discussion.

There's a huge difference between that, and what you're doing, which is whining that no one wants to agree with your position and complaining that people oppose your views and present arguments against them.

You Clete Right divider and now Idolater are great at calling people names and disparaging them.

So was Jesus.

So was Elijah.

So was Paul.

Go read

You don't discuss. You fuss. I've moved on and hope that I will find people here willing to at least look at new perspectives. Have you and you buddies, who seem to flock together on more than my posts even wondered why TOL may have become diminished in members and with people who visit but don't post over the years? I don't mind people saying they don't agree with my ideas and then move on ... but that is not what you and a few of your buddies do.

This coming from someone who's been here nearly twice as long as me, yet has posted less than a tenth of the number of posts I have...

Face it. You don't like discussion. You like pushing your views and getting people to agree with you. Any time you encounter resistance to your ideas/beliefs, you recoil. You take your ball and go home with it.


Well-known member
Just saying. I read my KJV Bible ... have for many years ... and I have found some threads that tie things together. I don't go studying all the different man made facets of beliefs where people are labeled this and that. I am a spirit filled Christian and my Lord knows my name and cares for me. If I believe the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to a truth from scripture I would like to share it with others without being given a label from humanity or disparaged by being called a liar and worse. Disagree ... move on. If no one is interested then I'll move on. There is just too much rudeness coming from some people. Well, we are off topic for this thread. Y'all have a nice day.


Well-known member
Face it. You don't like discussion. You like pushing your views and getting people to agree with you. Any time you encounter resistance to your ideas/beliefs, you recoil. You take your ball and go home with it.
You are condescending in some ways in your recent post for me. I've been away for a long time doing other things in life. Wanted to come back and discuss. The fact that I don't have your points and your status for having LOTS of post does not negate that I have something worthwhile to discuss. The fact that you brought up your reputation tells me a lot about from where you come.


This space intentionally left blank
This coming from someone who's been here nearly twice as long as me, yet has posted less than a tenth of the number of posts I have...
I used to watch The Simpsons quite a lot. Slightly tweaking the character, Ned Flanders's words from one (though, I forget which) episode, I want to say I, hereby, have propos'd a toast to the host who can boast the most posts.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
You are condescending in some ways in your recent post for me.

Oh really?

And this isn't?

Just saying. I read my KJV Bible ... have for many years ... and I have found some threads that tie things together. I don't go studying all the different man made facets of beliefs where people are labeled this and that. I am a spirit filled Christian and my Lord knows my name and cares for me. If I believe the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to a truth from scripture I would like to share it with others without being given a label from humanity or disparaged by being called a liar and worse. Disagree ... move on. If no one is interested then I'll move on. There is just too much rudeness coming from some people. Well, we are off topic for this thread. Y'all have a nice day.


I've been away for a long time doing other things in life.

No one has a problem with that.

Wanted to come back and discuss.

Then start discussing and stop complaining when people rebut your positions with arguments.

The fact that I don't have your points and your status for having LOTS of post does not negate that I have something worthwhile to discuss.

The point was that you were complaining about something that you yourself are part of the cause of.

Namely this:

Have you and you buddies, who seem to flock together on more than my posts even wondered why TOL may have become diminished in members and with people who visit but don't post over the years?

You seemed to be complaining about the lack of people posting, yet you yourself have hardly posted at all since you became a member in 2006.

Hypocrite much?

The fact that you brought up your reputation tells me a lot about from where you come.

My "reputation" has nothing to do with this.

I was giving you a point of reference for someone who has been active almost daily since becoming a member back in 2015, something to compare to against someone such as yourself who has posted around 1/20th (I was being generous earlier, but I figured I'd actually put the numbers into a calculator for accuracy's sake) the number of posts despite being a member for almost exactly twice as long.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
“ Suppose there are many Scriptures which indicate a distinction between the Father and Jesus.
The entire playbook of the Arians (JWs are modern Arians–literally these are the descendants of ancient Arians–just ask em they'll tell you) are all these Scriptures. They will all happily and triumphantly remind you of all these Scriptures which indicate distinction between the Father and Jesus.

“ Suppose there are many Scriptures which indicate some sort of equality between the Father and Jesus.
Arians: Uh oh.

Meanwhile modalists: Bring it on!

So you remind the modalist about all the Scriptures which indicate a distinction between the Father and Jesus, and they're also like Uh oh.

“ Only under Trinitarianism are both of these sets of Scriptures unsurprising. ”
This isn't an argument. It's a fact.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
12 year anniversary of the thread, interesting.
That's one thing I think TOL does right. They don't just arbitrarily close threads because they've gotten several weeks old as several other similar sites do.

Over 4500 posts on this thread alone. I have no doubt that there are plenty of gems in there that would be worth someone's time to read. I get a kick out of reading some of my own posts from years ago. There's lots of them that I don't even remember writing and that I'm glad still exist.


Well-known member
Oh really?

And this isn't?


No one has a problem with that.

Then start discussing and stop complaining when people rebut your positions with arguments.

The point was that you were complaining about something that you yourself are part of the cause of.

Namely this:

You seemed to be complaining about the lack of people posting, yet you yourself have hardly posted at all since you became a member in 2006.

Hypocrite much?

My "reputation" has nothing to do with this.

I was giving you a point of reference for someone who has been active almost daily since becoming a member back in 2015, something to compare to against someone such as yourself who has posted around 1/20th (I was being generous earlier, but I figured I'd actually put the numbers into a calculator for accuracy's sake) the number of posts despite being a member for almost exactly twice as long.
I'm laughing. My points stand as it. I will not longer look to you, a moderator???, for any fairness.


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So you remind the modalist about all the Scriptures which indicate a distinction between the Father and Jesus, and they're also like Uh oh.
I don't remember if I've seen others do this, but I always point out to modalists that they, like their fellow heretics, the Arians, are unitarians.

Also, the moment they say something like "Jesus is the Father", I point out that what they are doing is simply using two, different names -- "Jesus" and "the Father" -- to refer to just one person, instead of to refer to two persons. It may be they are 1) referring to Jesus both as "Jesus" and as "the Father" (which is asinine); it may be they are 2) referring to the Father both as "Jesus" and as "the Father" (which is asinine); and yet, again, it may be they are 3) referring to some other person (or place, or thing) that is neither Jesus or the Father, both as "Jesus" and as "the Father" (which is asinine). Actually, it also could instead be they are 4) using one or both of those phrases -- "Jesus" and "the Father" -- in a cognitively meaningless way, referentless-ly (which would also be asinine).

No one in his/her right mind would say "The Son is the Father" while both 1) actually referring to the Son (a Person Who is not the Father) by the phrase "the Son", and 2) actually referring to the Father (a Person Who is not the Son) by the phrase "the Father", since, in so doing, he/she would be saying "[A Person Who is not the Father] is the Father"/"The Son is [a Person Who is not the Son]".

(I use those brackets to indicate the referent underlying the phrase used to refer to the referent.)