Jesus is God !


New member
You have no proof of that all of them were trins.

Go ahead and list them, then...

And I like being the odd man. It shows that I do not get lead around by my nose.


It shows that you are ignorant of the original languages.

Many folks disagree with this so it is not cut and dry.

Show the original languages... :D

I think it was a Praying Mantis or a mesenger from the OT.

You don't sound very confident.

I'm not worried abut it Apple, but you should be.

You are the one who brought it up in the first place!


New member
You have not read the Holy Bible, either.

Few uni's have...

:eek: Just like those who have been proven wrong you supply a red herring to take the focus off your error.

Show me anywhere in scripture that it says a Christian is anything other then a follower of Christ.


New member
:eek: Just like those who have been proven wrong you supply a red herring to take the focus off your error.

Show me anywhere in scripture that it says a Christian is anything other then a follower of Christ.

Read what Paul has to say regarding 'The Way'....Please tell us what this meant...


New member
Another red herring, you said one must believe in the trinity to be a Christian. Now back that statement up or take it back.

Let's help you out...

Acts 24.14

But I confess this to you that according to the Way, which they say is a sect, so I worship the ancestral God believing all things according to that having been written in the Law and the Prophets,

If you know your scriptures (which you don't) then you would be cognizant that followers of Christ were originally called 'The Way' and then later called Christians.

Regardless, why does Paul make the clarifier that he worships God in a different manner than that of unitarian Jews?

Think real hard...


Well-known member
It is not an easy thing for a soul, under the influence of error , to be persuaded of the contrary opinion.

A whole-lotta-souls or just you, between us? That's the real question.
If we applied it to you, you cannot be persuaded. Irenious was right, but I don't depend on me to persuade. You do, all by yourself. That's the problem with arianism: A bunch of lone-rangers in the country.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jesus Christ is one person in two natures, fully human and fully divine. He died in his humanity, not his divinity. However, since Christ is one person it is proper to say that "God died," so long as we understand that the divine nature did not die.

Likewise it is good to call the Virgin Mary "Mother of God" as she gave birth to God in the flesh.

He is the express image of God the Father. How is that possible? Because he has the same nature as God the Father and is therefore himself God.

"The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us..."

I close with one of my favorite Christian hymns:

Only begotten Son and Immortal Word of God, Who for our salvation willed to be incarnate of the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary; Who without change became man, and were crucified, O Christ our God, trampling down death by death; who are one of the Holy Trinity, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit- save us!
You have the right ideas, but the wrong way for explaining those ideas. This does not help my friend Keypurr, who I care for. I wish you world read some of the better explanations here on TOL, and learn how to witness.


"If you deny the deity of Jesus, you deny His resurrection; your rational, the Salvation of Christ was the work of the Father, is your failure to grasp the reality that salvation is though Christ."-- Ktoyou

The afterlife is given through the father, and you don't know the word salvation in Hebrew and Greek means rescuing. Your charge sounds phony to me; and what is the Deity of Christ? Especially when you know the passover was a rescue sacrifice.
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Well-known member
Go ahead and list them, then...


It shows that you are ignorant of the original languages.

Show the original languages... :D

You don't sound very confident.

You are the one who brought it up in the first place!

Oh wise Apple7, enlighten me as to how deity can die.

Jesus Christ died.


Well-known member
Scripture states that His flesh died.

Does it not say that Jesus Christ died?
You say he is the God who died.

In a way, I agree. But I do not see him as THE only true God.
My point being, Jesus has a God, yet he is a god, a lesser god.
A created god who could die.

Hey, that seems to match scripture. John 1, he was with god and he was a god.


New member
Let's help you out...

Acts 24.14

But I confess this to you that according to the Way, which they say is a sect, so I worship the ancestral God believing all things according to that having been written in the Law and the Prophets,

If you know your scriptures (which you don't) then you would be cognizant that followers of Christ were originally called 'The Way' and then later called Christians.

Regardless, why does Paul make the clarifier that he worships God in a different manner than that of unitarian Jews?

Think real hard...

and your just taking that "way' as being trinitarian for granted, you cannot prove the way being spoken of = trinity doctrine. If you have read my posts in the other thread you will see Justin Martyr disagrees with your view on the trinity.

And the way is simply Jesus Christ, so to be a christian is simply to follow Jesus Christ who is the WAY.

The WAY has NOTHING to do with the trinity doctrine it has EVERYTHING to do with following Jesus Christ.

You say I don't know the scriptures, well you just proved to me you lack of understanding of them.

So again what is the WAY?

it is NOT trinitarian the WAY is Jesus Christ.

You need to stop looking for another WAY for there is NO other WAY but that of Christ.


New member
A whole-lotta-souls or just you, between us? That's the real question.
If we applied it to you, you cannot be persuaded. Irenious was right, but I don't depend on me to persuade. You do, all by yourself. That's the problem with arianism: A bunch of lone-rangers in the country.

Well I am not arianian, so your barking up the wrong tree.

And no you don't depend on yourself, you depend on the thoughts of others. Grown ups learn to think for themselves.


New member
Does it not say that Jesus Christ died?

It says that His flesh died.

You say he is the God who died.


In a way, I agree. But I do not see him as THE only true God.

Scripture does.

But...then again...when did you ever trust scripture over your own rogue ideas...?

My point being, Jesus has a God, yet he is a god, a lesser god.
A created god who could die.

Here we go again folks!

Same bat time...same bat channel...

Hey, that seems to match scripture. John 1, he was with god and he was a god.

Not at all, pops...


New member
and your just taking that "way' as being trinitarian for granted, you cannot prove the way being spoken of = trinity doctrine.

Sure can.

If you have read my posts in the other thread you will see Justin Martyr disagrees with your view on the trinity.


And the way is simply Jesus Christ, so to be a christian is simply to follow Jesus Christ who is the WAY.

The WAY has NOTHING to do with the trinity doctrine it has EVERYTHING to do with following Jesus Christ.


Paul clearly differentiates The Way worship from unitarian Jewish worship.

You say I don't know the scriptures, well you just proved to me you lack of understanding of them.

So again what is the WAY?

it is NOT trinitarian the WAY is Jesus Christ.

You need to stop looking for another WAY for there is NO other WAY but that of Christ.

Start rebutting scripture...nobody wants to hear your meritless ranting...


"Now if Jesus by this is not insinuating that He is God, then the alternative is that He was not good, seeing He just said only ONE, not Two, but ONLY ONE is good. "-- Beloved57
Αγαθος is poorly translated as good. It means ideal perfect. "And, behold, coming near, one said to Him, Ideal Teacher, what ideal shall I do that I may have eternal life?"

And the response, "Why does thou call me the ideal, none the ideal is except the one a God." And he wasn't keeping the rest of the commandments evidently which related to community concerns.