Jesus is God !


New member
You incorrectly presume that I know little or nothing of Greek grammer.

Let’s see…

You can’t even spell English words correctly…

Your response is rooted in proto-orthodox (Jewish-Christian) Pauline theology and not the teachings of Jesus. The two are not now, nor have they ever been, compatible.

Actually, my response is from basic Greek grammar...for those of us that are familiar with Greek grammar, that is...

Good luck in refuting that...



New member
Ferguson...did your argument hit a brick wall already?

Are you now frantically googling for a recovery plea?



Well-known member
If you can't discredit someone with credible evidence to the contrary, then you discredit them personally?
Both actually. I'm incredulous of your offering AND your credentials.

Have you even bothered to consult and examine any of the extra-biblical documentary evidence which supports what I posted?
See here? You are committed to intellectualism not the Bible as the Word of God or God else it'd be "extra-bib...what?!?"
Listen. No liberal likes this but here it is: if you find 'material' that doesn't agree with your bible, then it should be quickly shuffled. King, that huge pinheaded Harvard College prof doesn't get this either. Nobody. Nobody cares what 'you' think until you show a semblance of 1) deference to the God of the universe and 2) what He purports to have written. The rest is going flat nowhere. We don't want what you are selling tyvm.
Or are you comfortable with posting belittling insults and your apparent "God said it and that settles it" attitude?
Good job. That exactly what it is. You don't seem to have it.
If you don't care what the God of the universe says, why should I care what you say? You are a rather imperfect being not claiming to be God. Who should listen to you?
Because of your derogatory comments toward me personally, you are 1) reported, and 2) hereforward ignored.
I'm sorry, this is going to embarrass you Mr. "MTh."
"Your mind is too little to be left wandering alone."
See, that's an indirect quote. You might have thought "Oh, he means me personally." or "Oh, this is what went through his mind reading my post."
Indirects quotes are done like that so you can make them what you'd like them to be. Surely with an MTh you've had basic English?
Listen to those with bigger brains than your own.
See there? That's an assessment and wasn't derogatory. It was sound advice and lo and behold, it could be repeated right here, right now. Ironic, no?
This 2nd grade fodder gains none of our attention and we see it as the rubbish it is-a construct of your imagination.
Okay, maybe you stole this from somebody with a very suspect MTh. If it didn't actually come from your mind, I apologize. Did you really think anybody was going to think your crud smelled like daisies just because you put it in a vase? You thought it wasn't going to really get a reaction at all like this? Really?
You are novelty in your own mind and none of us cares.
What? You didn't know this was novelty? Seriously? You didn't know most of us do not entertain it? Seriously?
You=wrong. All of the rest of us=correct and better thinkers. Grow up and learn to follow along. MTh? I hardly think so.
I can't fix wrong but you can. As for the MTh, learn to post like a grad and I'll reassess.


Well-known member
Listen up. "Agreeing with you" does not 'smarter make. It simply means she agrees with your independence. Jesus never came down and corrected His church. You and she are trying without a lick of authority from Him to do so. That leaves you as the usurper of His church.

Who church, certainly not God's. You believe in a church made by men. So don't tell me who the usurper is.

Sometimes, for stupid stuff like this, I think you one of the most willfully stubborn, ignorant people on the planet. Your comment has very little to do with ignorance but instead what pleases Keypurr whether God is pleased with it or not. Romans 1 warns you against it, but you won't stop.

My statement is not stupid, its reasonable. You can not have faith in something unless you know what your having faith in. You do what please you Lon, I do my thing. I support God, not mans church.

No..."Was with God and was God..." remember? You are the usurper of His word, not me. And with no authority from Him whatsoever to change what that means.

Who are YOU to say who has authority to preach God's word? Who do you think you are?

Of course you found it interesting and I didn't. :doh: I found it for what it was and you were duped enough to 'entertain' the idea and 'find it interesting.' "The Son of Man has no place to lay His head!" Get a grip. You are no bible scholar and should have stayed in the church where you belonged instead of deciding for yourself, without any authority from God, to ditch. You are a church/school dropout!

You have judge me evil for posting a news item that folks seem to be interested in. You think my motives were to discredit your faith. It is you who has the evil thoughts Lon, that was not my intension.

I am so glad that I left the sunday school for I finally found the REAL God. He is not in your social clubs Lon, and your building are not big enough to hold him.

You are a stuffshirt, one who looks down his nose at less educated people and think they are nothing but ants under your feet. You have soooo much to learn about life and God.

I am so glad that I am me and not you.


Well-known member
  1. You incorrectly presume that I know little or nothing of Greek grammer.
Your's is, to come into a thread where there are 3 who aren't too shabby with Greek who will put that little claim of an MTh to the test. Charlatan's are easy to find. It will all quickly become apparent.
2.Your response is rooted in proto-orthodox (Jewish-Christian) Pauline theology and not the teachings of Jesus. The two are not now, nor have they ever been, compatible.
Nope, that's a useless liberal school education for you. There are a few liberal sites out there. This is not, in fact, one of them where you will have to put up.

P.S. You reported yourself, Mr MTh! :doh:


Well-known member
If you can't discredit someone with credible evidence to the contrary, then you discredit them personally? Have you even bothered to consult and examine any of the extra-biblical documentary evidence which supports what I posted? Or are you comfortable with posting belittling insults and your apparent "God said it and that settles it" attitude?

Because of your derogatory comments toward me personally, you are 1) reported, and 2) hereforward ignored.

He did the same to me also. He hates when folks stand up to him.


Well-known member
I forgive you Lon, for I don't think you understand what honorable is.
I don't? Tell me then, when you looked up those 3 links, what was honorable in your mind? Keypurr, you are going to have to learn something: Just because you don't want something to mean what it does, doesn't mean you can redefine them.

He did the same to me also. He hates when folks stand up to him.
This is honorable? I don't like when lone rangers stand up to the church they don't love or care about. That's a horse of a different color!


Well-known member
Who church, certainly not God's. You believe in a church made by men. So don't tell me who the usurper is.
So tell us all plainly. What church do you belong to right now? What local body do you love? Nothing? Thought so...

My statement is not stupid, its reasonable. You can not have faith in something unless you know what your having faith in. You do what please you Lon, I do my thing. I support God, not mans church.
You are bragging against your own kids and grandkids on this point? I'm sorry for you.

Who are YOU to say who has authority to preach God's word? Who do you think you are?
You probably aren't going to understand this but:
Who are all of YOU to say who has authority to preach God's word? Who do you think you all are?
All you have is yourself all by yourself. You guys even start trying to discipline and instruct one another on here. When is the last time you saw Wiley, Apple, GR, or Beloved (to name only a few) correct me in thread? ...

Who are YOU to say who has authority to preach God's word? Who do you think you are?
... Pay attention then: "We." We have authority. We are the body of Christ, that thing you are neglecting, even to the dishonor of your own kids and family.

You have judge me evil for posting a news item that folks seem to be interested in. You think my motives were to discredit your faith. It is you who has the evil thoughts Lon, that was not my intension.
No, I'm telling you frankly, that somebody who knows his/her bible is not entertained by lies. Nuff said.

I am so glad that I left the sunday school for I finally found the REAL God. He is not in your social clubs Lon, and your building are not big enough to hold him.
I pray your kids and grandkids read this one day. It is here for a very long time. You despise them as part of that body, too? I'm sorry you didn't get your answers. You are getting them now and tossing them out in the garbage.

You are a stuffshirt, one who looks down his nose at less educated people and think they are nothing but ants under your feet. You have soooo much to learn about life and God.
Nope. Just people who come in here arrogantly tossing their controversies and disagreements against the body of Christ. You hate the 'social club' church body and I love His body. I even care about you not to hold back when I think God would say the same to you.
I am so glad that I am me and not you.
Ignorant, stupid, willful and disobedient? You are certainly as stubborn as I am. You are certainly more full of yourself than I have to be because you have to be to believe what you believe. The "Jesus had a wife" controversy was just another in a long line of assessments that tell me you should have stayed in a church somewhere. You are in a wasteland bereft of what you need and I'm sorry for you. I don't want you following me, I want you following God. Before "I am following!" remember you didn't understand Jesus wasn't married. His bride was the church. Your thoughts of Him are tainted by your expectation of Him as a man. He was much more than a man.
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Gill White

New member
That is completely flawed logic, Gill.

Applying your logic, you must also agree with are a human....humans commit murder....thus, you are a murderer.

See...the fatal flaw in your logic, Gill?

I was trying to understand where you were, and how you understood things.

''I am the Father are one'' one in what?

Unity, purpose...


Well-known member
I don't? Tell me then, when you looked up those 3 links, what was honorable in your mind? Keypurr, you are going to have to learn something: Just because you don't want something to mean what it does, doesn't mean you can redefine them.

What three links that I posted are you blown up about?
You redefine verses like everyone else to fit your thoughts Lon. Am I to much like you? God forbid.

This is honorable? I don't like when lone rangers stand up to the church they don't love or care about. That's a horse of a different color!

There you go again, you have no clue how I feel about the churches. I do not hate the churches, I hate the cancer that is in them. They hold on to the distorshions of their founders. They speak only half truths. Rather than be a hipocrite, I left them.

You are not an honorable person Lon, for you think you know folks minds and you don't. But you will tell folks what you see as truth about them no matter how false it is.


Well-known member
So tell us all plainly. What church do you belong to right now? What local body do you love? Nothing? Thought so...

You are bragging against your own kids and grandkids on this point? I'm sorry for you.

You probably aren't going to understand this but:

All you have is yourself all by yourself. You guys even start trying to discipline and instruct one another on here. When is the last time you saw Wiley, Apple, GR, or Beloved (to name only a few) correct me in thread? ...

... Pay attention then: "We." We have authority. We are the body of Christ, that thing you are neglecting, even to the dishonor of your own kids and family.

No, I'm telling you frankly, that somebody who knows his/her bible is not entertained by lies. Nuff said.

I pray your kids and grandkids read this one day. It is here for a very long time. You despise them as part of that body, too? I'm sorry you didn't get your answers. You are getting them now and tossing them out in the garbage.

Nope. Just people who come in here arrogantly tossing their controversies and disagreements against the body of Christ. You hate the 'social club' church body and I love His body. I even care about you not to hold back when I think God would say the same to you.

Ignorant, stupid, willful and disobedient? You are certainly as stubborn as I am. You are certainly more full of yourself than I have to be because you have to be to believe what you believe. The "Jesus had a wife" controversy was just another in a long line of assessments that tell me you should have stayed in a church somewhere. You are in a wasteland bereft of what you need and I'm sorry for you. I don't want you following me, I want you following God. Before "I am following!" remember you didn't understand Jesus wasn't married. His bride was the church. Your thoughts of Him are tainted by your expectation of Him as a man. He was much more than a man.

Thank you for all the kind words Lon. Your reflection of God's love and understanding is in there someplace I guess, but I just don't see it. I will pray that you grow up to see the good in folks who disagree with you. Whatever your problem is I hope you get relief.



Well-known member
What three links that I posted are you blown up about?
You redefine verses like everyone else to fit your thoughts Lon. Am I to much like you? God forbid.
:sigh: Again, check with any trinitarian you like on here for any correction for me. This is a poor assessment on your part. "I" do not define anything but God. His church has been given authority to recognize it. I am correctable by any orthodox church. You can pick and nobody is going to correct a thing. Every last one of them, though we might disagree on some things, will not disagree on the triune view. Every single one of them will have problems with your view. You are the usurper.

There you go again, you have no clue how I feel about the churches.
Keep this in mind with my comment below...

I do not hate the churches, I hate the cancer that is in them. They hold on to the distorshions of their founders. They speak only half truths. Rather than be a hipocrite, I left them.
:think:Abandoning the ship while people are still on it doesn't seem very loving to me...
Regardless, the trinity doctrine isn't your problem. Its an excuse. And, you are taking one church and trying to make it the problem with all. That's called projecting.

You are not an honorable person Lon, for you think you know folks minds and you don't. But you will tell folks what you see as truth about them no matter how false it is.
Mine had a question mark behind it. Your's doesn't. Let's dispose of the "I'm the honorable one" rhetoric, shall we? I asked a question. If you don't want to answer to or for it, let's forget it.


Well-known member
:sigh: Again, check with any trinitarian you like on here for any correction for me. This is a poor assessment on your part. "I" do not define anything but God. His church has been given authority to recognize it.
I guess you failed to find the three links I was to suppose to have posted.

Keep this in mind with my comment below...

:think:Abandoning the ship while people are still on it doesn't seem very loving to me...

I did not wish to encourage my kids, who were already in their thirities, to think I agreed with the church any more. For they did not either.

Regardless, the trinity doctrine isn't your problem. Its an excuse. And, you are taking one church and trying to make it the problem with all. That's called projecting.

Your right, it's YOUR problem

Mine had a question mark behind it. Your's doesn't. Let's dispose of the "I'm the honorable one" rhetoric, shall we? I asked a question. If you don't want to answer to or for it, let's forget it.

I did not need a question mark for we have been down tis road before. You have learned nothing. I wish you well. We agree to disagree.


Well-known member
I guess you failed to find the three links I was to suppose to have posted.
I linked them.

I did not wish to encourage my kids, who were already in their thirities, to think I agreed with the church any more. For they did not either.
I had thought you had said they didn't agree with your arian stance nor with you departing church attendance?

Your right, it's YOUR problem
Quaint. Doesn't address anything. The topic was you thinking your one church like every other church in the world :doh:

I did not need a question mark for we have been down tis road before. You have learned nothing. I wish you well. We agree to disagree.
I was asking how you were being honorable with three links and suggested it was bad timing. Your skin seems a bit thin. You've gone beyond questioning my honorabilty and simply stated I'm not. That's a huge leap from asking a question about your current behavior. However, I didn't cry about it or try and defend that. I know what you believe about me and I'm okay with it. Quit being disruptive and go back to church. There is no reason to post triune threads on a place where you know it continues the same fights you had in leaving your church. You guys just bring it here and expect us to be happy happy? How does that even make sense to you? Are you guys just gluttons for infighting? Some strange strokes/perks from it? Remember the "Jesus married" thread was rebellious too. You knew it was unorthodox before you ever posted it. You love fighting with the body? What is up with you? Why do you do this stuff? I don't come over to JW's websites to fight with them. I just don't understand you guys at all. You do this day in and day out. I leave you guys alone for weeks and months at a time on purpose. You wear me out with your stubborness, angst, and audacity.


Well-known member
I linked them.

I had thought you had said they didn't agree with your arian stance nor with you departing church attendance?

Quaint. Doesn't address anything. The topic was you thinking your one church like every other church in the world :doh:

I was asking how you were being honorable with three links and suggested it was bad timing. Your skin seems a bit thin. You've gone beyond questioning my honorabilty and simply stated I'm not. That's a huge leap from asking a question about your current behavior. However, I didn't cry about it or try and defend that. I know what you believe about me and I'm okay with it. Quit being disruptive and go back to church. There is no reason to post triune threads on a place where you know it continues the same fights you had in leaving your church. You guys just bring it here and expect us to be happy happy? How does that even make sense to you? Are you guys just gluttons for infighting? Some strange strokes/perks from it? Remember the "Jesus married" thread was rebellious too. You knew it was unorthodox before you ever posted it. You love fighting with the body? What is up with you? Why do you do this stuff? I don't come over to JW's websites to fight with them. I just don't understand you guys at all. You do this day in and day out. I leave you guys alone for weeks and months at a time on purpose. You wear me out with your stubborness, angst, and audacity.

Your problem is you do not understand that Christian does not mean Trinity. Christian is a belief in God and the son he sent. It is trying to follow the Lord in the manner you see him. TOL is a Christian site, not a Trinity site. The good folks at the Denver church allow us to share our thoughts without dictation from them. These are my kind of people, folks who care what you may have to say.
You jump to your own conclusions about people Lon, trust me, your conclusions are way off base. You have met more than your match for stubbornness.
You can stick your head in the sand if you wish but the Jesus story was on all the TV networks. People are interested in that stuff if you disagree count the number of posts on my thread. I did not ask them to believe it, I stated that I didn't think it was so, yet implied that I took it as gospel. Why are you here if you are not interested in what others think about God? Are you here to teach and not learn? If so, your in the wrong place for most of us in sharing are trying to learn. You do not need a piece of paper to know God, all you need is a pure heart, an open mind and the ability to see what God MIGHT be telling us in his words.
If my skin seems thin it because of your attitude. Your education has made your head swell. Now you even question the Phd in Theology at Harvard. Talk about arrogance. You do to her what I do to you, I guess your in the same boat I am in. At times we are to sure of ourselves. Share the quilt.

I wish you well. :wave2: