Jesus CANNOT be Jehovah/YHVH God

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Θεος ην ο λογος means "the god was a word".

You don't know "the Greek" well enough to educate anyone, let alone me.

The phrase

και θεος μν ο λογος

Literally translated, word for word, means

And God was the Word


The word "ho" ("ο") is the definite article "the".

The only definite article "ho" in that phrase is in front of and describing "logos", "word".

"the word"

There is no definite article in front of "theos", because there was already one previously, in the phrase "και ο λογος μν προς τον θεον", "and the word was with the God..."



You don't know "the Greek" well enough to educate anyone, let alone me.

The phrase

και θεος μν ο λογος

Literally translated, word for word, means

And God was the Word

The word "ho" ("ο") is the definite article "the".

The only definite article "ho" in that phrase is in front of and describing "logos", "word".

"the word"

There is no definite article in front of "theos", because there was already one previously, in the phrase "και ο λογος μν προς τον θεον", "and the word was with the God..."
The "ho" is not a definite article otherwise it would be next to proper names more often in Greek. wow, you can copy-paste without understanding from a smart phone.


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The "ho" is not a definite article

Strong's g3588

- Lexical: ὁ
- Transliteration: ho
- Part of Speech: Definite Article
- Phonetic Spelling: ho
- Definition: the, the definite article.
- Origin: Including the feminine he (hay), and the neuter to (to) in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom).
- Usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
- Translated as (count): the (10855), - (5304), of the (1565), to the (436), those (422), that (148), the things (127), of (104), who (103), in the (79), to (78), to those (72), with the (65), on the (56), of those (48), which (46), for the (43), that which (33), He who (31), by the (29), a (26), those who (24), what (18), with (18), things (16), some (14), at the (13), than the (13), in (12), his (10), this (10), from the (9), their (7), they (7), to him (7), by (5), for those (5), from (5), him who (5), of him (5), to the things (5), Him (4), O (4), One (4), our (4), these things (4), to whom (4), you (4), among the (3), for (3), of that (3), others (3), over the (3), such (3), the one (3), they who (3), who were (3), he with (2), in this (2), into the (2), of that which (2), of the things (2), of this (2), of those who (2), on those (2), she (2), than (2), the ones (2), the same things (2), these (2), those that (2), to her (2), to that (2), to those who (2), unto (2), who are (2), who was (2), with those (2), - - (1), about (1), about the (1), according to the (1), against (1), another (1), anything (1), as the (1), at (1), at that (1), before (1), belonging to the (1), between the (1), by the things (1), by those (1), during the (1), for that which (1), from those (1), he that (1), he who is (1), her (1), her who (1), however (1), in one (1), in things (1), it (1), its (1), my (1), of her (1), of them (1), of what (1), of your (1), on (1), on whom (1), she who (1), since (1), than those (1), that of (1), that was (1), the thing (1), the things that (1), the things which (1), their own (1), them (1), thing (1), those of (1), to him who (1), to his (1), to the one (1), to their own (1), to those that (1), toward the (1), under the (1), unto the (1), unto those (1), what is (1), which is (1), who is (1), whole (1), whom (1), whose (1).

You were saying something?

otherwise it would be next to proper names more often in Greek. wow, you can copy-paste without understanding from a smart phone.





Strong's g3588

- Lexical: ὁ
- Transliteration: ho
- Part of Speech: Definite Article
- Phonetic Spelling: ho
- Definition: the, the definite article.
- Origin: Including the feminine he (hay), and the neuter to (to) in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom).
- Usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
- Translated as (count): the (10855), - (5304), of the (1565), to the (436), those (422), that (148), the things (127), of (104), who (103), in the (79), to (78), to those (72), with the (65), on the (56), of those (48), which (46), for the (43), that which (33), He who (31), by the (29), a (26), those who (24), what (18), with (18), things (16), some (14), at the (13), than the (13), in (12), his (10), this (10), from the (9), their (7), they (7), to him (7), by (5), for those (5), from (5), him who (5), of him (5), to the things (5), Him (4), O (4), One (4), our (4), these things (4), to whom (4), you (4), among the (3), for (3), of that (3), others (3), over the (3), such (3), the one (3), they who (3), who were (3), he with (2), in this (2), into the (2), of that which (2), of the things (2), of this (2), of those who (2), on those (2), she (2), than (2), the ones (2), the same things (2), these (2), those that (2), to her (2), to that (2), to those who (2), unto (2), who are (2), who was (2), with those (2), - - (1), about (1), about the (1), according to the (1), against (1), another (1), anything (1), as the (1), at (1), at that (1), before (1), belonging to the (1), between the (1), by the things (1), by those (1), during the (1), for that which (1), from those (1), he that (1), he who is (1), her (1), her who (1), however (1), in one (1), in things (1), it (1), its (1), my (1), of her (1), of them (1), of what (1), of your (1), on (1), on whom (1), she who (1), since (1), than those (1), that of (1), that was (1), the thing (1), the things that (1), the things which (1), their own (1), them (1), thing (1), those of (1), to him who (1), to his (1), to the one (1), to their own (1), to those that (1), toward the (1), under the (1), unto the (1), unto those (1), what is (1), which is (1), who is (1), whole (1), whom (1), whose (1).

You were saying something?


The article is not common before proper names in Greek.


New member
[MENTION=11714]Apple7[/MENTION] shows up more often than that, and is definitely NOT a "Jew-hater."

Yes NO jew hating...gotta love our enemies...LOL

Learn their ways their customs Moses delivered as jews bore false witness when they accused Stephen of teaching Yahushua changed the customs Moses delivered to that means Stephen did NOT teach that Yahushua changed them...

So that means we need to learn and study and apply those customs to our lives...especially when Paul doubles down that there is no jew or goyim IN HIM so we best understand His house rules...being sovereign citizens of Israel and all...just like it was when the church was in the wilderness when it was ONE LAW for jew and goyim...

Paul kept festivals even and instructed we do too with the new unleavened bread of spirit and truth...

Peter kept kosher even...

And dont forget Isaiah concluded ALL will worship from Sabbath to Sabbath...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Jesus CANNOT be Jehovah/YHVH God

Jesus specifically said he was God, so you are wrong. PERIOD!!

In John 8:58 Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I Am", invoking and applying to himself the personal name of God: "I Am" (Ex. 3:14). His audience understood exactly what he was claiming about himself, so they "took up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple" (John 8:59).

In John 20:28, Thomas falls at Jesus’ feet, exclaiming, "My Lord and my God!" (Greek: Ho Kurios mou kai ho Theos mou, literally, "The Lord of me and the God of me!")

Also significant are passages that apply the title "the First and the Last" to Jesus. This is one of the Old Testament titles of Yahweh: "Thus says Yahweh, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, Yahweh of armies: ‘I am the First and I am the Last; besides me there is no god’" (Is. 44:6; cf. 41:4, 48:12). This title is directly applied to Jesus three times in the book of Revelation: "When I saw him [Christ], I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand upon me, saying, ‘Fear not, I am the First and the Last’" (Rev. 1:17). "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The words of the First and the Last, who died and came to life’" (Rev. 2:8). "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay every one for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 22:12–13).

This last quote is especially significant since it applies to Jesus the parallel title "the Alpha and the Omega," which Revelation earlier applied to the Lord God: "‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Rev. 1:8).

Jesus is God, the Second Person of the Trinity. If you do not know that then you do not know Jesus ORE God.


New member
not His about a covenant His Father made with their father...etc

actually kinda yeah...although they killed Him for reminding them they were actually jews who were not jews...teaching but not DOING the Torah...doing some new traditions they came up with...

sure...look at Saul/ fact Rome was called in by one sect of jews because the other sect was killing them...LOL

Jew destroyed the other tribes of Israel too...causing them to go into idolatry first...

You remember Solomon ran up a huge debt so they began to tax fees for worshipping at the temple...other tribes just stayed home and worshipped from there...THAT WAS IDOLATRY and so Yah had babylon destroy it all...people temple land...

Good points...:)


New member
By birth, culture, religion, ethnic identity, nationality...

Scripture makes it abundantly clear that the unbelieving Jews (i.e. the ones NOT knowing their very own scriptures) did NOT share in Jesus' theology.

Scripture shows hundreds of examples of Jews killing their own.

It is far more common for bigoted non-Jews to murder Jews for such reasons.

Jesus said, very clearly, that the unbelieving Jews have SATAN as their father....and that Satan was a murderer from the very beginning - thus making Jews murderers, just like their father.

Putting this off on others is rather contrite of you...


New member
Our book is a record of both our successes and failures. The idol worship was back in the times of the first Temple, but I guess it is convenient to latch onto that if you are looking for reasons to hate Jews.

99% of your scriptures declare how your people screwed-up.

Prophet, after prophet, thousands of years upon thousands of years, 99% of your people went astray and worshiped idols.

In lieu of feeling sorry for self, and pulling the victim card, you need to put your energies into understanding what it is that the 1% of your people did that pleased Yahweh, and allowed them to proceed into the future.

Here's a clue...

The Jews of Jesus' time, the ones that knew their scriptures, became Christian.

Does this help...?


New member
Dartman, Apple shows up every 6 months or so to spew some Jew-hate, then hibernates for a bit- till he pops up and does his thing again. It is worth refuting him a little, but I suggest not wasting too much time on him.

Interesting how anyone with a different worldview, than yours, is a 'hater'.

I actually feel sorry for your people, and most thankful at the same time.

For...if your peeps had not so royally screwed-up, for as long as you did, then us gentiles would not have the Salvation in Yahweh that we now so richly enjoy!

So...thanks! :)


Dartman, Apple shows up every 6 months or so to spew some Jew-hate, then hibernates for a bit- till he pops up and does his thing again. It is worth refuting him a little, but I suggest not wasting too much time on him.

Considering Apple7's stupid comment that lack of punctuation proves Hebrew and Greek doesn't have sentences or sentence structure; you understate the case.
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