Jerusalem capital of israel


New member
Yeah I know.

Christians should believe what is written, the last generation will see the end times as this verse alludes to:

Mathew 24:34

“Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

And in Psalms we read that a generation can last eighty years:

Psalm 90:10

Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

Israel finally became an independent nation again after the Israeli War for Independence that lasted from 15 May 1948 to 20 July 1949. The war lasted nine months which is alluded to in this verse:

Isaiah 66:8

Yet no sooner is Zion in labour than she gives birth to her children.

80 years from 1949 will be 2029, which is also the 6000th year of human history and the 120th Jubilee when Jesus returns:

The tribulation begins in 2022.

Being that I hold to an Acts 9 Dispensationalism (more or less) I see all that differently, nevertheless, its nice to see a fellow Dispy on here, even one of an obviously different persuasion :thumb:

Romans 14:5 towards you; in memory of Romans 5:6-8 - in both our stead.


New member
The cherry has to be the coming temple, I would therefore say the miracle 6 day war of 1967 was the icing , and the winning of the 9 month war of independence 1948-49 was the cake. :crackup:

No miracle that 6 day war was - do the history.

Start with The Outfit (Capone's predecessors) in Chicago, and their connection with the corruption of Nasser against his own.


Well-known member
No miracle that 6 day war was - do the history.

Start with The Outfit (Capone's predecessors) in Chicago, and their connection with the corruption of Nasser against his own.

Or was it! This is how God works. Some say miracle, others say coincidence. The was finished by Saturday. They're day of rest.


The Jews are just one in a long line of peoples who have inhabited Palestine for over 600 000 years - they account for approximately 1600 of the past 4000 years!

Who do you think was living in Palestine after the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersal of the Jews by the Romans in 69-70 AD, and the creation of the Jewish state by the United Nations in 1948?

In 1844, less than 10% of Palestine's population was Jewish, and most of those lived in Jerusalem - do you really think that the rest of the area was sitting empty for 1900 years, just waiting for the Jews to reclaim it?

This is a bunch of false tripe. Israel is actually old Canaanite land which was salted down by the Romans who are of philistine origin. No one lived there until the Jews returned to the 'homeland'.


Well-known member
So your God is behind the murderous Chicago Outfit and its world wide corruption- what're you - a Trump supporter :chuckle:

:chuckle: Only the bits I agree with.

God isn't behind them so much as He is the Anger in the instrument:

Isaiah 10:5
"Woe to the Assyrian, the rod of my anger, in whose hand is the club of my wrath!

Or the Delusion He sends:

2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

God is more complex than most credit Him.


New member
America is alone in deciding to move its embassy to Jerusalem because it serves no useful purpose and only encourages the next generation of Palestinians to join "terrorist" groups!

The American Revolution was fuelled by "terrorist groups" after the British, in their infinite wisdom, refused to acknowledge their legitimate complaints - why should we expect peoples, in others part of the world, to react any differently?
Are you dumb enough to think that objecting to the existence of a nation is a legitimate complaint?

A legitimate complaint of the "Palestinins" is that the Arab nations told them to flee their homes in 1948 so they could invade Israel and refused to allow them to integrate into the Arab nations after the war was lost.


New member
None of those are the responsibility of Palestine. Speaking of which, where's the list of countries recognizing Palestine?
The PLO declared that Palestine was a nation on 15 November 1988
That is the first time in history that Palestine was ever officially declared to be a nation.
The list of countries recognizing Palestine are found here:
International recognition of the State of Palestine
The countries in green recognize Palestine as a nation.


"Palestine" is a name made up by the Romans for the land of Israel after the Bar Kokhba revolt.
It means "land of the Philistines" even though the Philistines had ceased to be a people 8 centuries earlier.

My research research says, the philistines were egypto-greeks. Romans actually come from the philistines oddly enough. I used the LXX to find this out though.