Jerusalem capital of israel


Well-known member
I could claim part of your yard and house are mine. I could gradually start camping there, have a massive family, start building, invite my friends and say that some guy floated to heaven from your front porch thereby making it my porch too.
Actually you can't. They didn't just start camping there..God purposefully KICKED Isreal out. Now I believe the argument is has God allowed them thier nation back. That's debatable. My thinking is God allowed the nation's to set them up again. Like when Israel wanted a king. So they jumped the we always do

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New member
And your point is? Most of those nations are completely anti-semetic. They hate Jews and want to destroy them off the face of the earth. So, don't the Jews have a right to live and govern themselves? To me it's like, so what, to that list of nations. The Jews enemies will stop at nothing to commit genocide where Jews are concerned. Does that mean the rest of the world should go along with them? That the rest of the world should hate them and want them destroyed too?

The point is that the only nations that will have a problem with Jerusalem being the capital of Israel are the same nations that have a problem with Israel being a nation.
Jerusalem being the capital of Israel will not cause any more unrest than Israel's existence is causing.


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The point is that the only nations that will have a problem with Jerusalem being the capital of Israel are the same nations that have a problem with Israel being a nation.
Jerusalem being the capital of Israel will not cause any more unrest than Israel's existence is causing.


New member
Not true they will say...this has been settled in the bible and to put a cherry on top, in 1948 and another cherry, 1967.

The Scripture would beg to differ.

Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Seems to me that the Trump Administration's fool intervention on this Capital issue has only proven that "the times of the Gentiles" is still very much...marching on.


New member
Actually you can't. They didn't just start camping there..God purposefully KICKED Isreal out. Now I believe the argument is has God allowed them thier nation back. That's debatable. My thinking is God allowed the nation's to set them up again. Like when Israel wanted a king. So they jumped the we always do

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The prophecy was that God would allow a Gentile power to come against Israel for their disobedience, but that He would then come against said Gentiles, and after that, bless Israel.

In contrast, when Rome came against Israel back in the first century, not only did that astoundingly mighty Roman Empire practically wipe them all out, but God allowed it - an allowance which was explained both by Christ and by the Apostle Paul several decades before that took place, as was why the remainder of the prophecy did not play out.

But "Israel" is back there after all these centuries, under their own will, not His.

Tel Aviv is not the homosexual mecca of that depravity for nothing.

Although Tel Aviv’s nightlife is generally regarded as among the best in the world, this is particularly the case when it comes to gay establishments. One reason gay nightlife in Tel Aviv is so exciting is that the Tel Aviv gay scene revolves around weekly parties, rather than specific bars or clubs like most cities around the world.



The point is that the only nations that will have a problem with Jerusalem being the capital of Israel are the same nations that have a problem with Israel being a nation.
Jerusalem being the capital of Israel will not cause any more unrest than Israel's existence is causing.

America is alone in deciding to move its embassy to Jerusalem because it serves no useful purpose and only encourages the next generation of Palestinians to join "terrorist" groups!

The American Revolution was fuelled by "terrorist groups" after the British, in their infinite wisdom, refused to acknowledge their legitimate complaints - why should we expect peoples, in others part of the world, to react any differently?
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Israel is the world's largest recipient of American foreign aid and yet its the tail that wags the dog!
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Who cares about Palestine? They loved 9/11; the invaded Israel, and lie that they had the land first. I would expect someone like you to defend them.

The Jews are just one in a long line of peoples who have inhabited Palestine for over 600 000 years - they account for approximately 1600 of the past 4000 years!

Who do you think was living in Palestine after the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersal of the Jews by the Romans in 69-70 AD, and the creation of the Jewish state by the United Nations in 1948?

In 1844, less than 10% of Palestine's population was Jewish, and most of those lived in Jerusalem - do you really think that the rest of the area was sitting empty for 1900 years, just waiting for the Jews to reclaim it?
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Well-known member
The prophecy was that God would allow a Gentile power to come against Israel for their disobedience, but that He would then come against said Gentiles, and after that, bless Israel.

In contrast, when Rome came against Israel back in the first century, not only did that astoundingly mighty Roman Empire practically wipe them all out, but God allowed it - an allowance which was explained both by Christ and by the Apostle Paul several decades before that took place, as was why the remainder of the prophecy did not play out.

But "Israel" is back there after all these centuries, under their own will, not His.

Tel Aviv is not the homosexual mecca of that depravity for nothing.

I agree with you although even if it seems like it's Israel's (Zionist's) own will, God has still allowed it at the very least and more likely willed it in order to fulfil prophesy.


Well-known member
The Jews are just one in a long line of peoples who have inhabited Palestine for over 600 000 years - they account for approximately 1600 of the past 4000 years!

Who do you think was living in Palestine after the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersal of the Jews by the Romans in 69-70 AD, and the creation of the Jewish state by the United Nations in 1948?

In 1844, less than 10% of Palestine's population was Jewish, and most of those lived in Jerusalem - do you really think that the rest of the area was sitting empty for 1900 years, just waiting for the Jews to reclaim it?

'Palestine' didn't exist before 135 AD.


Well-known member
Not true they will say...this has been settled in the bible and to put a cherry on top, in 1948 and another cherry, 1967.

The cherry has to be the coming temple, I would therefore say the miracle 6 day war of 1967 was the icing , and the winning of the 9 month war of independence 1948-49 was the cake. :crackup:


Well-known member
I don't know Watchman, it's like reading character's lines in play I've read already. Why doesn't anyone else here see this is all so inevitable, especially when they say they've read the same play as well?

Yeah I know.

Christians should believe what is written, the last generation will see the end times as this verse alludes to:

Mathew 24:34

“Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

And in Psalms we read that a generation can last eighty years:

Psalm 90:10

Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

Israel finally became an independent nation again after the Israeli War for Independence that lasted from 15 May 1948 to 20 July 1949. The war lasted nine months which is alluded to in this verse:

Isaiah 66:8

Yet no sooner is Zion in labour than she gives birth to her children.

80 years from 1949 will be 2029, which is also the 6000th year of human history and the 120th Jubilee when Jesus returns:

The tribulation begins in 2022.