This post is primarily directed towards Nimrod and Nang,
I admit to painting some gross pictures of Reformed Theology, and thus, was questioned on whether or not I was actually ever really Reformed in the first place. I've heard that comment before, because it seems to me at least, that if I was "truly" Reformed, I would have never walked away from that view of scripture in the first place. I started off as a “Cage Calvinist” as they are called, beginning w/ Mark Driscoll (loved Him, but eventually not so much), R.C. Sproul, LOTS of John MacArthur, Alistair Begg, Matt Chandler, and a few others. This was “Pre-Confessions” Calvinist Nate (that’s my real name btw.

I still respect Reformed individuals in their zeal for the Theological System that they hold so dear, and fight to the death believing it is the one and only truth of scripture, and that there is no other view than the Doctrines of Grace that bring the most glory to the triune God. I disagree though that it is the only system that brings God the most glory.
Personally, I maintain a very Arminian foundation which is found in the "FACTS" posted on the Society of Evangelical Arminians site, which is briefly laid out in the following
LINK. But also believe the Open and Relational Theology to be true, in which the future is partly settled, and partly open, and that regeneration is synergestic.
My comments about referring to Calvinism as a form of Catholicism though are personal, because that's how it seems to me. It seems the thing they were trying to get away from in the Reformation, ended up being the way things went down, ie: Calvin practically running the government in Geneva, having people who disagreed theologically killed, etc. That rubs me the wrong way, and if that comes off harsh, forgive me. And the Reformed view is the only one I know that has a Catechism and other confessions of faith laying out their beliefs, outside of what Roman Catholics do. I’m not saying it’s entirely bad, because if anything is provides some consistency which I think we could all use in our theological systems.
And to be completely honest, the Reformed individuals I've come into contact with, which has mainly been online, have seemed to only be capable of defending their beliefs by reciting the 3 Forms of Unity, ie: Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt. I myself was a big proponent of the London Baptist Confession of Faith when I was an adherent of Reformed Theology. I admit they are very detailed in laying it all out, and that is quite nice for someone who needs a reference point and I feel anyone who wants to even learn about Reformed Theology should take their confessions, and study them alongside the scriptural proofs they provide, so a better understanding is acquire, and we can avoid the misrepresentations we are all capable of presenting when arguing / debating.
My personal studies though led me away from that view point one day when I was challenged to just read Romans 9 – 11 without the “Reformed lens” as I mentioned in a previous post, and after that I was unable to see it any other way, which drew me out of the Reformed way of interpreting scripture. I did not see individual election, I saw election to service. That God was using Israel as his instrument to bring about the promises of the covenant he made with Abraham, and that Paul was pointing out that just because the Jews were descendant from Abraham, did not mean they were part of the covenant promise which came through Isaac and Jacob, and not Ishmael. I don’t see any form of “election to salvation” doctrines in those texts.
These are just my personal views, and am obviously still learning more and more as God reveals himself to me throughout my daily readings of scripture (10 chapters in 10 different books a day, CRAZY!), prayer, and study of passages much more in depth each day.
I just thought I should respond properly since I am new here, and seemed to be coming out of the gate swinging and very brash initially. So here is a form of apology, and laying out where I stand on things.
I look forward to more dialoguing with everyone here, including the Reformed individuals such as Nang, Lon, Nimrod, and Ask Mr. Religion.