James White to Debate Bob Enyart on Open Theism


Well-known member
As the son of God, He raised Himself bodily from the dead to resurrect and ascend to His heavenly throne.

Seems you want to dumb down the depths of Christology, just because you like to keep your theology simple.

Well, let's talk about what it means to "dumb down" the "depths of Christology", shall we? What the Son did, the Father did, and the Spirit did. Isn't that what the Word tells us? So it looks to me like you aren't quite as smart as you think you are. ;)

Gal. 1:1, John 2:19, Romans 8:11


TOL Subscriber
Well, let's talk about what it means to "dumb down" the "depths of Christology", shall we? What the Son did, the Father did, and the Spirit did. Isn't that what the Word tells us? So it looks to me like you aren't quite as smart as you think you are. ;)

Gal. 1:1, John 2:19, Romans 8:11

There is perichoresis between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but when attributing earthly actions, being shared between all three, you fall into the heresy of Modalism.


Well-known member
God died on the cross. Anyone who believes otherwise is not in Christ, not saved, and will go to hell.

Says Pope Sozo...

The Father certainly didn't die. The Spirit didn't die. The Second Person of the Trinity didn't die, which you appear to agree with...

Sozo said:
Dialogos said:
Do you believe that during the three days that Jesus was in the grave, only the Father and the Spirit were alive?
Of course not....

The ellipse is there because the rest of your response was basically worthless tripe.

But what is there just shows that you are capable of contradicting yourself and then pronouncing Anathema on anyone who doesn't embrace your own self contradictions.



TOL Subscriber
I stand corrected then, I thought you believed that Jesus has two natures. Have you told AMR this yet?

Jesus Christ; the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Man was created in His image.

The Christ is God the Son, eternally generated.

Temporal events merely manifest the divine and eternal decrees:

The glory of the kingdom of God, will be shared with redeemed men; chosen by God the Father; redeemed by God the Son; called, regenerated and guaranteed everlasting life by God the Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
There is perichoresis between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but when attributing earthly actions, being shared between all three, you fall into the heresy of Modalism.

You wouldn't know Modalism if it came up and bit you on the behind. Even God's unTruth knows what Modalism is, and you clearly don't. I don't think you even understand what it means that God became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1 John 1:14. He didn't cease being God when He became flesh. You'd better study up on your terminology before you start accusing me of heresy, Miss know it all.


TOL Subscriber
You wouldn't know Modalism if it came up and bit you on the behind. Even God's unTruth knows what Modalism is, and you clearly don't. I don't think you even understand what it means that God became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1 John 1:14. He didn't cease being God when He became flesh. You'd better study up on your terminology before you start accusing me of heresy, Miss know it all.

This is too holy a subject to discuss with you . . .

So I won't go farther and cast such pearls before such swine.



Well-known member
Yes, and never changing . . .

Neither the Triune Godhead, nor the Son of God changed, when He assumed the flesh and blood of His brethren.

That is the crux of the disagreement between S0ZO (all Open Theists), and Reformers.

So, in reality the problem is with the definition of the word "change". For clearly, God had never before become flesh and dwelt among men. He had never before been born of woman. He had never before tasted death.


New member

The Father certainly didn't die. The Spirit didn't die. The Second Person of the Trinity didn't die, which you appear to agree with...
I never agreed that God did not die on the cross. You are a liar, and a complete idiot. Seriously, can you not read? What a moron.

The ellipse is there because the rest of your response was basically worthless tripe.
You worship Satan. That is fact. You deny that God died for our sins. You reject the Gospel.

But what is there just shows that you are capable of contradicting yourself
There was nothing I said that was a contradiction. You're just stupid.


Well-known member
This is too holy a subject to discuss with you . . .

So I won't go farther and cast such pearls before such swine.


You shouldn't really call yourself a pig that way, Nang. You're not an actual pig....you only grunt like one. :)


New member

Do you believe that during the three days that Jesus was in the grave, only the Father and the Spirit were alive?
I quoted this again as evidence that you are a complete moron.

My answer was/is: "Of course not".

I then said that God died on the cross. You called that a "contradiction".

You cannot comprehend my answer, and apparently your own question.

I said that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were alive while the body of Jesus was in the grave.

Again, because of the Satanic cult you follow, you have a non-Christian view of what death is. And because of your pride, you lack the capacity to learn what death is.


New member
So, in reality the problem is with the definition of the word "change". For clearly, God had never before become flesh and dwelt among men. He had never before been born of woman. He had never before tasted death.
The problem with a religious cult, like Calvinism, is that they are unteachable. They can't let go of their demonically inspired doctrines, because it will lead to their house of cards crashing down. They are so scared by the word "change" that to even use that word in the same sentence with God, has them cowering in fear. Being the same and doing the same is not the same. God does not change who He is, but He has changed what He did and what He does. God tasted death and He remembers our sins no more.

Calvinists are not in Christ, and they are as opposed to believing the Gospel as the Pharisees were in believing that Jesus is the Christ.


Well-known member
Was Jesus everywhere in the flesh?

Was God everywhere while in the ark? In the pillar of cloud and fire? Can the flesh of man fully contain God? The ark wasn't everywhere, nor were the pillars of cloud and fire, so you make an interesting point. :idunno:


New member
Accomplishing divine decree, is not a "change."
Just like you clowns have no idea what death is, you have no idea what change is.

Your foundational beliefs trap you into making foolish statements. You have a god who both does and doesn't remember our sins simultaneously, and then you try and justify that impossibility by claiming that His ways are unknown, rather than seeing that there was a change because of His propitiatory sacrifice.