James White to Debate Bob Enyart on Open Theism


The Dark Knight
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If He was fully divine then while He was in the manger He was also somewhere else.

Show this to be the case...

I had this discussion on another forum awhile back


Another poster asked me this (Taken from page 14):

And my answer was this:

Decide for yourself.

You forget that most people don't care about heremeneutics and other legitimate factors relative to scripture translation and application for meaning.:idea:

Most are just looking for validation of shallow pre-conceived concepts that fit their already-entrenched views.:readthis:


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Show this to be the case...

The omnipresence of God is clearly revealed in Scripture. Heaven and earth cannot contain Him, I Kings 8:27; Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:48,49; and at the same time He fills both and is a God at hand, Psalm 139:7-10; Jeremiah 23:23,24; Acts 17:27,28.



The Dark Knight
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The omnipresence of God is clearly revealed in Scripture. Heaven and earth cannot contain Him, I Kings 8:27; Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:48,49; and at the same time He fills both and is a God at hand, Psalm 139:7-10; Jeremiah 23:23,24; Acts 17:27,28.

Stripe's statement was not that God was not also elsewhere while Jesus was in the manger, but that the Son was not also elsewhere.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Stripe's statement was not that God was not also elsewhere while Jesus was in the manger, but that the Son was not also elsewhere.
Yikes! That you would even construct such a thought should give you pause on exactly what you understand the Godhead to be. We do not have three Gods, but one God. Your view heads directly towards tri-theism. Beware.



The Dark Knight
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Yikes! That you would even construct such a thought should give you pause on exactly what you understand the Godhead to be. We do not have three Gods, but one God. Your view heads directly towards tri-theism. Beware.

One God in three distinct persons. Do try to keep up.


TOL Subscriber
Yikes! That you would even construct such a thought should give you pause on exactly what you understand the Godhead to be. We do not have three Gods, but one God. Your view heads directly towards tri-theism. Beware.


See, Bro? THIS is exactly why I harp on the minutiae of Theology Proper, about which so many professing Trinitarians are utterly clueless. They're Triadists. Tritheists because of nebulous concepts from high-context language. It's rampant. Epidemic. And it's a potential issue of salvific faith.


One God in three distinct persons. Do try to keep up.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Yikes! That you would even construct such a thought should give you pause on exactly what you understand the Godhead to be. We do not have three Gods, but one God. Your view heads directly towards tri-theism. Beware.

Why would that make 3 Gods?

Did the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all become flesh?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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See, Bro? THIS is exactly why I harp on the minutiae of Theology Proper, about which so many professing Trinitarians are utterly clueless. They're Triadists. Tritheists because of nebulous concepts from high-context language. It's rampant. Epidemic. And it's a potential issue of salvific faith.
Point taken. At this sad juncture I am willing to take whatever benefit can be gained on the essential fundamentals and sort out the particulars later. Carry on. ;)


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Did the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all become flesh?
What does that have to do with one essence, co-equal, co-eternal, of the Godhead? You simply are not thinking about this very carefully.

Was any member if the Godhead confined to earth with the birth of Jesus Christ? Yes or No?



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
What does that have to do with one essence, co-equal, co-eternal, of the Godhead? You simply are not thinking about this very carefully.

Was any member if the Godhead confined to earth with the birth of Jesus Christ? Yes or No?

Does scripture record Jesus being anywhere besides earth between His nativity and death?


TOL Subscriber
Point taken. At this sad juncture I am willing to take whatever benefit can be gained on the essential fundamentals and sort out the particulars later. Carry on. ;)


Yessir. The Trinity is too often a vague but adamant conception of "three guys on a couch", one of which somehow became flesh without having any remaining heavenly presence while Incarnate; and all having individuated sentient minds and wills, but they're synced like a hive. Borg Trinity.

It's little more than Siamesed God-People with perichoresis being celestial Gorilla Glue. An adhesive away from pure Tritheism.

No specificity of Cappadocian formulaic or Chalcedonian Christology. Just one big guy; a little guy that was there in heaven and then here on earth, but without being in heaven while on earth; and a whispy vapor of a guy that may or may not actually be in heaven while somehow indwelling Believers.

Add duct tape... Voila! And many even pray to "Holy Spirit" (with no definite article), and other diluted fallacies.

Toss in the Ultra-Hegelian Kenoticists of all the hyper-grace "movements" practicing Kundalini, Hermeticism, and Theurgy, and it's a melting pot of nothingness all called the Holy Trinity.

Meanwhile, many of the dead denominationalists are just more subtle with their nebulous concepts, often depicting Sabellianism, Arianism, or Tritheism, etc.

Then add Open Theism absurdity on top of an utter misrepresentation of God, and it's a recipe for an excursion into freelightsville.

Meanwhile.... All I've done is account for the singular omission in Patristic formulation and reduce it to the hermeneutical, apologetic, and exegetical lowest common denominator by omitting the redundancy of multiple hypostases; since St. Basil's definitions didn't quite cover the paradox he unwittingly introduced by standardizing the terms (hypostasis and ousia) to engulf the homoiousian Semi-Sabellians and Semi-Arians.

Scripture only gives us a singular hypostasis for God. So I've accounted for the singular procession of the inherently ontologically divine Logos and Pneuma for there to be a true Trinity with only one hypostasis. Non-modal, and the Father is not the Son is not the Father, are not the Holy Spirit.

No Filioque controversy, either. Co-eternal, con-substantial, con-essential, non-modal, eternal, distinct, and ontologically divine Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and a true Chalcedonian Hypostatic Union.


New member
What does that have to do with one essence, co-equal, co-eternal, of the Godhead? You simply are not thinking about this very carefully.
On the contrary...

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil


New member
Yessir. The Trinity is too often a vague but adamant conception of "three guys on a couch", one of which somehow became flesh without having any remaining heavenly presence while Incarnate; and all having individuated sentient minds and wills, but they're synced like a hive. Borg Trinity.

It's little more than Siamesed God-People with perichoresis being celestial Gorilla Glue. An adhesive away from pure Tritheism.

No specificity of Cappadocian formulaic or Chalcedonian Christology. Just one big guy; a little guy that was there in heaven and then here on earth, but without being in heaven while on earth; and a whispy vapor of a guy that may or may not actually be in heaven while somehow indwelling Believers.

Add duct tape... Voila! And many even pray to "Holy Spirit" (with no definite article), and other diluted fallacies.

Toss in the Ultra-Hegelian Kenoticists of all the hyper-grace "movements" practicing Kundalini, Hermeticism, and Theurgy, and it's a melting pot of nothingness all called the Holy Trinity.

Meanwhile, many of the dead denominationalists are just more subtle with their nebulous concepts, often depicting Sabellianism, Arianism, or Tritheism, etc.

Then add Open Theism absurdity on top of an utter misrepresentation of God, and it's a recipe for an excursion into freelightsville.

Meanwhile.... All I've done is account for the singular omission in Patristic formulation and reduce it to the hermeneutical, apologetic, and exegetical lowest common denominator by omitting the redundancy of multiple hypostases; since St. Basil's definitions didn't quite cover the paradox he unwittingly introduced by standardizing the terms (hypostasis and ousia) to engulf the homoiousian Semi-Sabellians and Semi-Arians.

Scripture only gives us a singular hypostasis for God. So I've accounted for the singular procession of the inherently ontologically divine Logos and Pneuma for there to be a true Trinity with only one hypostasis. Non-modal, and the Father is not the Son is not the Father, are not the Holy Spirit.

No Filioque controversy, either. Co-eternal, con-substantial, con-essential, non-modal, eternal, distinct, and ontologically divine Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and a true Chalcedonian Hypostatic Union.

(see sig)


The Dark Knight
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Was any member if the Godhead confined to earth with the birth of Jesus Christ? Yes or No?

Yessir. The Trinity is too often a vague but adamant conception of "three guys on a couch", one of which somehow became flesh without having any remaining heavenly presence while Incarnate; and all having individuated sentient minds and wills, but they're synced like a hive. Borg Trinity.
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.
-Philippians 2:5-7

Nothing reeks of bloated ignorance and hot air like verbosity.