Jadespring and 's/he-is-all-in-all'

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New member
Freak said:
:thumb: Niv, what is your problem with Jade?

On this thread.

One: I conceptualize God as non-gendered with both male and female aspects and used the pronoun S/he to try to convery that aspect.

Two: I conceptulaize God in a different manner then she does and somehow she's convinced that it's idol worshiping. Which it is not.


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
Nin why do you seem to skirt the question about what is the definition of a Protestant and a Christian ? When, where it came about and how?

I think I've ask it a few times now.

All I've gotten is and loud and clear.

This thread is about your view of God. The only reason Protestant Christianity is brought up is because you insist on labeling yourself as such. If you want to talk about the main tenets of Protestant Christianity, start a new thread.

"NOT YOU! and a then a bunch of name calling."

Are you even reading anything I have been saying to you at all? Why are you insisting on ignoring what God says about Himself against what you are saying about Him?

Give me you're definition and we'll see how one: how universial your criteria is and two: Just how much of the criteria I meet.

Let's stick to the topic. You are free to make a new thread.


New member
Nineveh said:
Start on page 1.
Perhaps you're misreading her. She has clearly stated she believes Jesus is God and He is the ONLY means to attain salvation. Pretty clear!


Merely Christian
Freak said:
Perhaps you're misreading her. She has clearly stated she believes Jesus is God and He is the ONLY means to attain salvation. Pretty clear!

Freak, we are warned away from "false Christs", do you know this Christ?

"What is my theology behind Jesus being God? God is everything. He/She is all."


New member
Nineveh said:
This thread is about your view of God. The only reason Protestant Christianity is brought up is because you insist on labeling yourself as such. If you want to talk about the main tenets of Protestant Christianity, start a new thread.

This thread is not just about my views on God. It's as much about yours because you are trying to prove you're rightness and part of your proof is that my view is pagan and not protestant. Hence what is the definition that you are going by?

Are you even reading anything I have been saying to you at all? Why are you insisting on ignoring what God says about Himself against what you are saying about Him?

Yep I am reading it and I'm disputing you're understanding of what God said or didn't say in terms of how I personally conceptualize his being.
I'm not ignoring anything and neither am I ignoring God. I can't ignore God. God won't let me. :)

Let's stick to the topic. You are free to make a new thread.

Nin. You keep telling me that my concept of God is neither Christian nor Protestant.
How can this not be part of this thread. You keep saying it. You keep using as an argument against this concept. So yeah. If you;re gonna keep using it and saying it. Then tell me what you mean.

And there is already a thread on that topic. I started it a couple of days ago.


New member
Nineveh said:
Tell that to the people who worshiped and sacrificed their children to them, dave.

God told them, God was horrified by it!

Pagan idols have only the power that people give them, they have none on their
own. By saying they are part of the "all in all," you give them substance, you give
them power!

Nin, you're battling yourself here, not Jade. Your wrestling with your own demons
that you give substance to, no one else does it for you.



New member
Nineveh said:
Freak, we are warned away from "false Christs", do you know this Christ?

"What is my theology behind Jesus being God? God is everything. He/She is all."

Different words, slightly different conceptualiztion of what God is and blamo..

Thought police sent in.....with a stick.

"You better use the same words and speak the same way as I do cause I can't understand otherwise. !!!"

So here, stated in simple words....
Jesus is God in the flesh.
Through him we are saved.

You have absolutely no arguement with me using this language.


New member
Nineveh said:
Freak, we are warned away from "false Christs", do you know this Christ?
Are you sick?

The true Jesus is God in the flesh. Jade has confessed this as true.

A false Christ, according to 1 John 4, is one who denies He has come in the flesh.

"What is my theology behind Jesus being God? God is everything. He/She is all."
Perhaps she misspoke about God is everything. God by His very nature a spirit. A spirit is not male nor female, Niv. Were you aware of this?


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
This thread is not just about my views on God.

You may think you have the power to unsay what you say, but please allow me to stick with the title of the thread. Your powers to requote people don't extend to everyone.

It's as much about yours because you are trying to prove you're rightness and part of your proof is that my view is pagan and not protestant. Hence what is the definition that you are going by?

You sound like a pagan. I'm sorry, but it's true :( I truly wish you didn't. I'm more concerned with your use of Christian than "(Other)" or "Protestant". That's why I started this thread.

I have asked you about "s/he-is-all-in-all", I've replied to everything you have quoted. Except the RCC texts you quote. I have tried to explain "s/he-is-all-in-all" really isn't. You want to "spiritualize" and speak "esoterically", but how can you ignore the statements God makes on their face and play like esoterically spiriualizing it can usay it all?

Yep I am reading it and I'm disputing you're understanding of what God said or didn't say in terms of how I personally conceptualize his being.

You are cutting and pasting the same talking points dave would. You have not refuted anything by merely claiming I have to esoterically spiritualize what God says to understand it. You don't have the authority to change God's rules. Not literally, and not literally by saying it's in an esoteric spiritual way.

I'm not ignoring anything and neither am I ignoring God. I can't ignore God. God won't let me.

You are ignoring more than you realize :(

Nin. You keep telling me that my concept of God is neither Christian nor Protestant.
How can this not be part of this thread. You keep saying it. You keep using as an argument against this concept. So yeah. If you;re gonna keep using it and saying it. Then tell me what you mean.

And there is already a thread on that topic. I started it a couple of days ago.

Good :) What's the name of it?

What you say about God, and what He says are two totally different things. And no, you don't sound like any Protestant I have ever heard. I have heard your beliefs from buddhists and folks who have taken fem-homo theology, like dave miller.


Merely Christian
Freak said:
Perhaps she misspoke about God is everything. God by His very nature a spirit. A spirit is not male nor female, Niv. Were you aware of this?

I'm sorry you feel this way Freak :(

Did you read the OP?


Merely Christian
Dave Miller said:
God told them, God was horrified by it!

Pagan idols have only the power that people give them, they have none on their
own. By saying they are part of the "all in all," you give them substance, you give
them power!

Nin, you're battling yourself here, not Jade. Your wrestling with your own demons
that you give substance to, no one else does it for you.


Dave, God is not "s/he-is-all-in-all". For my rebuttles start on page one.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Jadespring said:
On this thread.

One: I conceptualize God as non-gendered with both male and female aspects and used the pronoun S/he to try to convery that aspect.

Two: I conceptulaize God in a different manner then she does and somehow she's convinced that it's idol worshiping. Which it is not.

Freak I believe this is part of what Nineveh took issue with. God is only refered to as a male figure with some possible feminised attributes but male none-the-less. But God is never known in the Bible as S/he..... only as He.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Dave Miller said:
This idea is generally extracted from:

Matt 22:

29Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Do angels have genitals?

Well, I suppose, if the Sons of God mated with the daughters of men before
the flood...
Thanks dude :thumb:
lack of genitals in the afterlife was a big worrying point for me.


New member
What separates males from females...beyond the obvious appendages (or the chromosomes)? If God is Infinite Spirit, what do you think is particularly male about that? Or do you possibly think that the fact that the Bible was written in the context of a patriarchal society has anything to do with the choice of genders used?


Merely Christian
Free-Agent Smith said:
Freak I believe this is part of what Nineveh took issue with. God is only refered to as a male figure with some possible feminised attributes but male none-the-less. But God is never known in the Bible as S/he..... only as He.

What I take issue with is:

Jadespring said:
Christ is Divine, of the Divine, from the Divine and yes I think he is God though I don't think it's in quite the same 'literal' way that you do. post 234

Jadespring said:
What is my theology behind Jesus being God? God is everything. He/She is all.
What do I mean by God? God is everything. Where you find "Spirit" you find God. Where you find Life you find God. God is in us and connects us with each other. God is the Ground of All Being. God is found in the Inbetween and thus Everything is God.
What does it mean to be created in his image? We are made in the image of the 'Spirit' or 'soul' of God. My reflection on Genesis story is a little different. We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same. (But yes. This discussion belongs somewhere else) post 249


Merely Christian
Balder said:
What separates males from females...beyond the obvious appendages (or the chromosomes)? If God is Infinite Spirit, what do you think is particularly male about that? Or do you possibly think that the fact that the Bible was written in the context of a patriarchal society has anything to do with the choice of genders used?

Why try to make Him female then?

The Bible was written as God wanted it to be.


New member
Balder said:
What separates males from females...beyond the obvious appendages (or the chromosomes)? If God is Infinite Spirit, what do you think is particularly male about that? Or do you possibly think that the fact that the Bible was written in the context of a patriarchal society has anything to do with the choice of genders used?

Actually, the Genesis account, taken literally, sounds a whole lot like other primitive
creation accounts.

God breathed the breath of life into the earth and created life. Common pagan heritage
has it that earth is mother / woman, and God is father, creator. Consumation of
Spirit and earth, God's seed and earth's receptive soil, brings life.

So from a literalist perspective, yes, God is male.

Since we are created in God's image, it only makes sense that the means through
which life is created, consumation of male / female interaction, is also the means
through which life was brought forth by God originally.

So theologically, we have a problem. Either God, in God's Infinite Wholeness, has both
male and female attributes, and thus is capable of producing life as we know it through
Divine Will, or we must accept a godess partner to God through which life was
brought forth. To say that God is wholly male and produces life in abundance from
God's male nature alone just doesn't hold water at all.



New member
fool said:
Thanks dude :thumb:
lack of genitals in the afterlife was a big worrying point for me.

I'm not sure which is more frightening, angels with genitals or afterlife with
no genitals... To be honest, I'd rather not think about it.

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