Well-known member
I don't have a gun yet but I will soon - Then I'll learn all about it and practice. I like revolvers too.
When I was a very young teenager I spent every spare hour wildfowling over salt-marshes.... loaded my own cartridges and also had a muzzle-loading 8bore.
I shot in smallbore competitions and in fullbore at Bisley. I was invited to train up to shoot at the 76' olympics in Montreal but couldn't leave kids and a very ill wife. Pistol shooting bored me silly, but the most exciting and rewarding shooting was paintball competition. If you have never tried that then you should.... the next day you will ache in every single muscle!
As the legislation slowly took a hold I was content to give it all up, but I still take a keen interest in the bow, sling and slingshot. I was once quite good with a sling and could hurl a golf-ball size stone nearly 300 yards.
But today, in the UK, gun crime is as nothing by comparioson to, say, the US. There was a robbery attempt at our local Jewellers last Tuesday, and the robber charged into the shop wielding an axe. The shop staff wrestled the idiot to the floor and disarmed him, and then he jumped up and ran off. The shop staff did not give chase, which sounds a bit feeble but they are trained staff. The Jewellery company's insurance protection for employees ends at a distance of ten feet from outside the exit doors, and the UK is filled with 60 million CCTV systems, so it's impossible to go into any UK town withouit being recorded in HD about twenty times, plus the shop CCTV coverage. And so an idiot with an axe is about the most exciting thing that's happened here this year, I reckon.
US folks chide us about the fact that we are not allowed out with more than a tiny penknife, but there are benefits. Right now at 0530 in the morning I could put on jeans, t-shirt and trainers, pocket a debit card or some cash, and just go out...... anywhere. There was an 'all you need' advert once that showed a pretty lady in a bikini who pushed a credit card into her top and walked out into a town centre to go shopping, returning wearing a smart outfit, shoes, luggage etc.. That's not only legal here, but perfectly possible. So the idea of a person needing to holster up, gun up, ammo up.... every time they wanted to go to, say, the local park to sail a model boat (whatever) is just .... kind of shocking.