Its safer to own a gun?

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Well-known member
Americans own guns for self defence. Why don't they shoot when some lunatic goes on a killing rampage? Because owning guns does not keep anyone safe when the element of surprise is there. A gun kept in the closet at home is useless when your ambushed by a crazed murderer.

Is it safer for celebrities to have dedicated armed security staff who carry guns?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Don't exaggerate my position.

I didn't. See below.

And getting a gun license should require evidence of physical and mental health. And no criminal record.

And you think they have to have prove a privilege based on the past, not what could happen to any body at any given time.

The situation in the US, with lax gun control for many years

Once again, you have it backwards. Allow me to demonstrate.


Do you know what happened in 1967? the chart shows the ending of the death penalty, and later the rise of gun ownership and the sharp drop in violent crime.

People who live in dangerous areas.

Except Americans, right? Because according to you, we live in a dangerous area.


Well-known member
Wife and I will be looking at the Glock 43, among others. Small and carries a max stack of 8 with an extended magazine, but the very small size is worth looking at for concealed (neither of us are particularly big).


Wife and I will be looking at the Glock 43, among others. Small and carries a max stack of 8 with an extended magazine, but the very small size is worth looking at for concealed (neither of us are particularly big).
Do you know the reason one would even need a permit to carry concealed? Because carrying concealed (CCW) is what criminals do. Just sayin.' :plain: :rain:

patrick jane

Wife and I will be looking at the Glock 43, among others. Small and carries a max stack of 8 with an extended magazine, but the very small size is worth looking at for concealed (neither of us are particularly big).
I want a smaller pistol as well and I came across the Walther PPKS 380 - I liked the way it looked and the size. I can't seem to find them though, the Walther website says not available, maybe they quit making them. I found out it's the James Bond gun :chuckle:


Well-known member
I want a smaller pistol as well and I came across the Walther PPKS 380 - I liked the way it looked and the size. I can't seem to find them though, the Walther website says not available, maybe they quit making them. I found out it's the James Bond gun :chuckle:

The Ruger LCP 380 is an excellent gun.

I've carried one consistently in my hip pocket for years.
Before that was the Keltec, but the Ruger is better.
Thousands of rounds and not a misfire.

The 380 is like a 9mm with less powder behind the projectile.

Get a Desantis Super Fly holster and it's not much different than carrying a fat billfold.

As they say, "Better a 380 in your pocket than a Glock in your truck".

And, I've got a Glock 23 in my truck which I carry in certain environments, but the 380 is with me all the time.


Well-known member
Maybe this is the situation:
  1. It is safer (at least in the USA) for the individual to own a gun.
  2. It is safer for society as a whole if there are less guns out there.

How does one choose between these? Or balance the two?


Well-known member
Americans own guns for self defence. Why don't they shoot when some lunatic goes on a killing rampage? Because owning guns does not keep anyone safe when the element of surprise is there. A gun kept in the closet at home is useless when your ambushed by a crazed murderer.

But on the other side Jesus did say put away the sword and he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. It seems to me a big lack of faith in God to have a gun. The apostles didn't carry weapons. Paul was bitten by a venomous snake, shook it off in a fire and lived. It probably is heresy here but if you are so fearful you need a gun then your god is too small to protect you. The NRA, right wing news, local news and MSM are constantly stirring up fear and instead of prayer a gun is needed. Which is the stronger of the two?

1 John 4:18


But on the other side Jesus did say put away the sword and he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. It seems to me a big lack of faith in God to have a gun. The apostles didn't carry weapons. Paul was bitten by a venomous snake, shook it off in a fire and lived. It probably is heresy here but if you are so fearful you need a gun then your god is too small to protect you. The NRA, right wing news, local news and MSM are constantly stirring up fear and instead of prayer a gun is needed. Which is the stronger of the two?

1 John 4:18

A gun is clearly stronger than prayer. To think otherwise is simply irrational.

But again, what gun would be Jesus' favorite. What gun would he carry on his hip? Well, probably a good ol' Amurikan made Smith & Wesson, right?


Well-known member
Some preachers say that if the Lord were alive today, He would tote a high-powered semi-automatic assault rife, while others insist He’d sling an old-fashioned cowboy six-shooter as a symbol of justice. But all agree that when the Second Coming rolls around, Jesus will be loaded for bear.

“Jesus, who said ‘Suffer the little children to come unto me,’ was protective of the weak and defenseless, and He would carry the means to keep them safe from harm,” explains the Rev. Houldercraft of Charleston, S.C, a longtime gun-rights supporter.

“Although kind and gentle, He also accepted that violence was sometimes necessary against evildoers, like when He chased the money changers out of the temple. Today the Messiah would use the modern weapons at His disposal. It’s ridiculous for liberals to argue that He’d go after sinners with a handful of rocks and a sling.”

Really brings Jesus down to a weak human being level.


Well-known member
Dylan It's Alright said:
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred.


New member
But on the other side Jesus did say put away the sword and he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. It seems to me a big lack of faith in God to have a gun. The apostles didn't carry weapons. Paul was bitten by a venomous snake, shook it off in a fire and lived. It probably is heresy here but if you are so fearful you need a gun then your god is too small to protect you. The NRA, right wing news, local news and MSM are constantly stirring up fear and instead of prayer a gun is needed. Which is the stronger of the two?

1 John 4:18

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