It's All Buddha


New member
Originally posted by BChristianK

Well, there’s another who theological can of worms, but, you acknowledge that David didn’t suffer the levitical penalty for the sin of adultery, correct?
OK, I'm Back. So, he was repentant, and the sin ultimately comes back against God, so can God not forgive sins?

Originally posted by BChristianK
So you must then conclude that Jesus was unjust for letting the woman caught in adultery go unpunished for her sin, which was the same as David’s, and which, like homosexuality, carried the Levitical penalty of death.
God is able to for give it since she was repentant and all sins do come back to God.
Originally posted by BChristianK
Furthermore, we need to be consistent when dealing with sins, so the levitical penalty for working on the Sabbath was death? What penalty that is either death, or equal to death, does God impose on us today in this “dispensation?”
It was for the law. You've got to "rightly divide the word of truth". Murder, Sexual Immorality, are punishable with death they are not sybolic.
Originally posted by BChristianK
BTW, your very astute for a 12 year old, keep up the good work.
Grace and Peace
Thanks :thumb:

Aussie Thinker

Geez the hate fest continues.

If Dread Helm is 12 years Old I AM God !

He is a pathetic bigoted poor excuse for a fundy who thinks it is cool to say he is 12 so he can generate compliments for his lucidity…

Thou shalt not bear false witness Dread…

BTW NO need to apologise for your comments about my Kid.. I just told you he was VOTED (by the other students) to be school captain. He REALLY is 12 Years Old this year and NOT effeminate at all.. he is excellent at school and a good sportsman. If you were really 12 I doubt you would stand a chance against him.. or any bigoted offspring you might produce.

Cyrus.. you fight the good fight.

Not that it helps you (HERE) to get compliments from an atheist like me but your actions far more resemble the sort of thing Jesus promoted than any of the hate filled types you argue with here.


So who is right you or Lion.. that is the trouble with fundies you have a million interpretations of what is supposed to be LITERAL truth.. how are the rest of us supposed to get it.

BTW.. Jack may be a fundy but he certainly is not the hate filled moronic type like these others here.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Cyrus.. you fight the good fight.

Not that it helps you (HERE) to get compliments from an atheist like me but your actions far more resemble the sort of thing Jesus promoted than any of the hate filled types you argue with here.

Thanks! :D

When i discuss with people, i dont care about labels (atheist, christian, or sionist) until a person keeps it in decent level, and doesnt fall into name-calling, blood-lusting, or nonsense talk. Even as atheist, you are human as everyone is, and as long as you aren't homo i don't stone you :crackup: j/k :p

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

So who is right you or Lion.. that is the trouble with fundies you have a million interpretations of what is supposed to be LITERAL truth.. how are the rest of us supposed to get it.

Well, I've done a little research on this issue, and this is what I've come up with so far. According to my NIV Study Bible, the phrase "cut off from his people" can mean removal from the covenant people by direct divine judgement, execution, or banishment, depending on the situation.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Thanks Jack,

BTW Can you point to where in the Bible Lion says Jesus declared homosexuals should be killed ?

Sure -- Levitcus 20:13.

20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

My beliefs? Hard to tell. I'm still learning, still discovering God although i have been saved for 12 years, and had some Christian influences before that.

I'm Baptist minister. But it does not mean that my thinking is 100% baptist. Add to it that it's European baptism, not Southern Baptism of U.S., or kinda :chuckle:
Really? I know all Baptists don't believe alike, but I've been raised attending various different types of Baptists churches and none of them believed the way you do.

Aussie Thinker


Hang on.. Leviticus is OT.. I want the reference JESUS himself (in the Gospels) made to killing homosexuals.

Jesus changed PLENTY of OT stuff.. the most notable was Turn the other cheek compared to an eye for an eye !

So saying Jesus said live by OT laws is not good enough.


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
If Dread Helm is 12 years Old I AM God !
actually I am 12 and you aren't God. NEWSFLASH!

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
He is a pathetic bigoted poor excuse for a fundy who thinks it is cool to say he is 12 so he can generate compliments for his lucidity…

Thou shalt not bear false witness Dread…
So you're saying I'm a lyer. :think: I guess that means I'm a pathetic bigoted poor excuse for a fundy who thinks it is cool to say Aussie Thinker is going to hell.… :chuckle:

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
BTW NO need to apologise for your comments about my Kid.. I just told you he was VOTED (by the other students) to be school captain. He REALLY is 12 Years Old this year and NOT effeminate at all.. he is excellent at school and a good sportsman. If you were really 12 I doubt you would stand a chance against him.. or any bigoted offspring you might produce.

No I really am sorry for saying that. It was a little rash. Please forgive me. :thumb:


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker


Hang on.. Leviticus is OT.. I want the reference JESUS himself (in the Gospels) made to killing homosexuals.

Jesus changed PLENTY of OT stuff.. the most notable was Turn the other cheek compared to an eye for an eye !

So saying Jesus said live by OT laws is not good enough.
Did Jesus Quote from anything BUT the Old Testament? He sure as heck didn't quote the NT! :chuckle: Did God go through Psychoanalasis in the intertestament Period? He is the Same yesterday, today and forever in his character. And no he didn't change the Law, he came to fufil the Law. :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

This is false witness.

It is like a father that beats his son so hard, that his kid limps for a week because he said, shut up.

You say, You shouldn't beat your kid like that.
The father says, "which should I do, beat my child because I love him and want to discipline him, or let him do whatever he wants?"

There is an option C. Discipline them, but within reason.
You can slap the hand of a two year old and make them cry. You don't need to take a rod and beat them half an inch from their life.

So what you set up is a lie - a false witness.

And you keep saying that you love homos, and want them to repent (before arresting them and executing them.)
Hollow words.
No you should be just. Discipline them, but within reason. Homos should be executed. They didn't just "steal a candy bar", or "lie about who broke the vase."


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

What about adulterers? What about those who sex during menstruation period? About those who mock God? What about those who hit their parents?

The Law demands their execution too. I just wonder does Dread Helm demands the same?
I've already dealt with this. Rightly divide the word of Truth. Figure it out.


New member
Okay, I see this thread has gone a long way since I left this morning.

ErinMarie, Lion: Thank you for your concern about our well being. I'm going to talk to Dad, have him read the thread, and he'll tell me whether I may continue. If not, I shall discontinue my posting.

ErinMarie: So far I'm agreeing with Dread and Christine, but as I said, I'm going to have Dad look at the thread and tell me.


New member
Though I would like to add something else.

Christine and Dread are doing a great job at answering people. I encourage them to keep up the good truthsmaking even if I won't be able to!! :thumb:

Aussie Thinker


If you are 12 I look forward to when you grow up and get some real life experience and realise the hatred you are spewing is an absolute abomination to most normal humans.

You are presumably just parroting garbage spewed at you by your parents of minister etc.. I truly feel sorry for (if you are 12) as you obviously have some sort of a brain.

BTW If animals are homosexual (that’s a fact) then isn’t it a natural urge and therefore something God must have caused ?

If God HATES these things so much why doesn’t he just kill them himself.. he had no trouble taking out every man woman and child on the planet at least one occasion ??

And consider this…

What IF you are wrong and there is not God ?

Or your interpretation of what the Christian God wants is wrong ?

Do you THINK about that at all ?


New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

Homos should be executed.
:nono: Dread, apparently you didn't read this portion of Scripture...

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Dread, did Paul command these homosexuals to seek the death penalty? Seems to me Paul was giving us insight to a better way of dealing with homosexuality--the redemption of Christ...

But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Aussie Thinker

You know I tell my friends and family there are 12-16 yo’s Yanks spouting that homosexuals, adulterers and people who sleep with menstrual woman should be executed…

They cannot believe it.. they thought street kids were a problem.

They cannot believe children in a modern society can hold these vile views.

Personally I think your guardians should be arrested and charged with child abuse !


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

You know I tell my friends and family there are 12-16 yo’s Yanks spouting that homosexuals, adulterers and people who sleep with menstrual woman should be executed…
I never said anything about sleeping with women, and I didn't read it from the others.

They cannot believe it.. they thought street kids were a problem.

They cannot believe children in a modern society can hold these vile views.
People, including children, have believed this way for thousands of years.

Personally I think your guardians should be arrested and charged with child abuse !
:kookoo: No one forced us to believe this way. We read the Bible for ourselves, and discovered this to be true. And even if we learned this from our parents, they have a right to teach us whatever they want. It isn't a crime to believe this way, at least not in the states.

Aussie Thinker


I never said anything about sleeping with women, and I didn't read it from the others.

I know you are young but surely you can read ?

Do you know just how MANY times it has been shown and said in this thread alone that sleeping with MENSTRUAL women (as I said) is a crime punishable by DEATH according to the OT.

No one forced us to believe this way. We read the Bible for ourselves, and discovered this to be true. And even if we learned this from our parents, they have a right to teach us whatever they want. It isn't a crime to believe this way, at least not in the states.

Don’t kid yourself now.

NO ONE hold views as vile as that without PLENTY of influence form their elders.

IF you came to these views unassisted then you are in need of psychiatric help and your parents can also be blamed for not getting that for you.

These are EXACTLY the sort of things we HATED Hitler and Stalin for.

Executing people for reasons THEY believe were for the greater good..

You can thank your own God that fringe nutcases like you will NEVER have any power on Earth.. the inquisition was the end of THAT !